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Puma IFV roof armor (AMAP-R) does not offer projection against EFPs


The roof armor of the Puma currently does not provide any protection against shaped charges and EFPs.

It should however provide the same protection as the roof armor used on the Strv 122B.


Ingame as it is:



The ingame model merged the "hedgehog" armor and the underlying AMAP-R armor into one composite block:

rcD8i3.png rcuhNF.png rcDAd0.png rcD4Mv.png



As demonstrated, currently the roof composite only provides 10mm of protection against both EFPs and CE.

However the underlying roof armor is identical to roof armor we already have ingame on the Strv 122 and should provide similar protection.





The roof armor is a combination of Bomblet and EFP protection and was developed by GEKE Schutztechnik. Specifically the EFP protection AMAP-R was devloped by IBD Deisenroth Engineering (now Rheinmetall Protection Systems GmbH)


The Manufacture claims EFP protection:



[...] we have developed and mass-produced roof protection elements for PzH 2000, Leopard 2 MBT, IFV Puma and GTK Boxer [...]

KE, CE and EFP threats for medium and heavy combat vehicles.





Für den Schützenpanzer PUMA fertigen und liefern wir in Serie die Minenschutzplatte, alle Dachschutzelemente gegen die Bombletbedrohung und Beulblechverbundplatten

[...] Dachschutzelemente für die Panzerhaubitze 2000 und den Kampfpanzer LEOPARD 2



Describes how the "Hedgehog" armor can be combined with KE protection on the roof of PzH 2000, Puma and Leopard


Beispielsweise ermöglicht es der Dachschutz „IGEL“ der derzeit bei der PzH 2000 oder auch beim SPz PUMA eingesetzt wird.

Der Dachschutz „Igel“ besteht aus einem sogenannten elastischen Störkörperfell, das speziell zum Schutz des Fahrzeugdaches gegen Streumunition in Form von Bomblets konzipiert wurde

[...] Ein Schutz gegen Artilleriesplitter und KE-Geschosse



The IFV Puma, the Leopard 2 (some variations, e.g. Strv 122B, Leopard 2A7V, Leopard 2 DK, or Leopard 2 Advanced technology demonstrator), and the PzH 2000 all use the same roof protection.



Here more details on the roof protection AMAP-R by the manufacture IBD Deisenroth Engineering (now Rheinmetall Protection Systems)

The protection of the EFP is doing with the underlying block:



In order to protect vehicles reliably against bomblets and
EFPs, the ultralight layer of AMAP-R is completed by a high-
performance EFP-layer (level 2). This double-functional sand-
wich construction has an areal density of approx. 120 kg/m²





Webarchive: AMAP™-R The ultralight Roof Protection Concept


Shows IBD's AMAP-R on the Leopard 2:


"Threat examples: Fragments, bomblets and EFPs"




This source again confirms the same roof armor is used by PzH 2000 and Strv 122B / Leopard 2 DK

The anti EFP armor (AMAP-R) as shown here in combination with a new layer of Hedgehog armor by GEKE Schutztechnik GmbH, is already ingame on the Strv 122B:



Page of "Kampfpanzer heute und morgen" von Rolf Hilmes (Motorbuch-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-613-02793-0)


Here an example of the roof armor array on an actual Puma near the hatch area:


Original: https://www.scalenews.de/wp-content/gallery/spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299/walk-around-detailbilder-spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299-bild-0248.jpg

Source: https://www.scalenews.de/spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299/ Alexander Miller




Original: https://www.scalenews.de/wp-content/gallery/spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299/walk-around-detailbilder-spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299-bild-0198.jpg

Source: https://www.scalenews.de/spz-puma-vs3-walkaround-299/ Alexander Miller


Here highlighted that the components of the roof armor.

The top part (red) protects against Shaped charges, while the bottom (blue) protects against kinetic threats. 


Image originally from ~2014 http://www.panzer-modell.de/referenz/in_detail/pzh2000

(Uses the same roof armor)


Another pic showing the edge of the "hedgehog armor" and the underlying AMAP-R


Original: https://www.panzer-modell.de/referenz/in_detail/puma/024g.jpg




Manufactures doc stating bomblet protection:


The same roof protection can be found on the PzH2000, here they are not embedded in the roof as on the puma, so they are better visible:



panzerhaubitze-2000-a1a2.jpg FT14-PZH-3.jpg


Source: https://www.tankograd.com/cms/website.php ( Serie: In Detail: Fast Track 14,  Titel: Panzerhaubitze 2000 A1/A2)



The manufacturer of this roof armor also worked on a project with RUAG, creating "RoofPro" roof protection.



The BWB also declassified some older concepts of a lighter, reactive version:

Pictures taken from the Archive Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung in Koblenz


The requirement lists being able to stop the bomblet KB 44 with a standoff probe (~180mm RHAe)




You can find additional information in the bug report of the Strv 122A-B roof armor, but sadly the report is no longer accessible to me since the new bug report system was introduced.

Edited by Yoshi_E
added additional sources

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Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.


Your information has been forwarded to the Developers for their consideration.


If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.


Thank you again for your support.


Kind Regards, _David_Bowie_

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