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Bases and airfields in arcade battles, spawn height


Did the last update do something to the bases? They are way tougher now. I'd say 50% tougher than before. It takes my Halifax 2 runs minimum to wipe out a base. 


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  • 7 months later...

you fix did nothing at all to fix anything .. ppl still bomb rush and battles are done in under 10 mins ....simply changing the height ppl spawn at was the most idiotic fix ever .. did you really think this would do anything .. im not trying to be rude but come on .... the only way to fix all this is up the rate of air dom again and put in an opt out of mission type button like every other game of this kind has ... why would i want to play game after game of nothing but ground pound if im trying to play my fighters .. there pointless in those games as 90% of the time you can not stop a bomber unloading before you shoot them down ...please stop looking at irrelavant and idiotic solutions and put the opt out feature in then we can choose what we want to play 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

As for playing over a year and mostly as a bomber in 3 countries I have noticed an change in the past 3 months that bombers don't have a chance. The spawn height is not high enough when their are

planes that are 1 or 2 ranks above you. If there a jets or high later ter 4 against a rank 3 bomber its good as dead by mid point. Spawn height should be based on rank of plane lower the rank higher you spawn  should be is since it's payload and speed are lower compared to a higher rank bomber.


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