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AB Fighter Plane Reviews


I'm currently working with the editors on the warthunder.wikia.com to get it up to date and just generally into a better shape than it was previously. Would it be okay if we put some of your videos up on their respective aircraft pages? :)

Edited by Backfirejr
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Thank you sooo much!

I am not choosing my targets properly and have trouble hitting. I'm using a PS4 w/ mouse and keyboard. I seem to get a lot of people on my 6 with much better aim than me. I've tried diving and getting on their 6 with flaps by doing loops. I end up dead near 100% of the time. I also don't seem to keep my speed up on the level. I use too much energy trying to gain altitude and end up usually only at near 250 kph.

I usually use Immelmanns to re-engage after a pass and end up competing in loops with flaps, dying to spitfires, Bf 109's, and Aerocobras, even biplanes.

I am getting better, but those are the problems that I have been frustrated with and am attempting to remedy.

I'll need to watch the video a few more times to pick up a few more things. I wish there was a function where I could see my latency to determine if that's the problem with my aim. I waste a lot of bullets, time, and energy pursuing targets; then when I did have a decent amount of energy, can't outrun my foes in a dive to safety. Edited by *konate95

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Just based on those few comments, it sounds like you're burning your energy up too much during engagements.  I don't think it's from the climbing; note in the video that tx141 also winds up in the 250ish kph range after initial climb.


Instead, you're probably killing your speed too much while in actual combat.  I'll call attention to your own phrase "...use Immelmanns to re-engage after a pass".  The crucial point here is that you can't "re-engage" unless you first "dis-engage".  If you've just made a pass and are in close proximity to the adversary...you're still engaged.  Use speed to gain separation; dive if you have to.  An Immelman, however, sounds like a perfect way to negate your advantages and play directly to the opponents' strengths.  I'm guilty of the same error.


Notice in the video, both games, tx doesn't make large energy-bleeding maneuvers unless a) he's got a lot of speed already and/or vertical room to quickly regenerate a lot more (plus an open exit avenue to do so), or b) is truly dis-engaged and merely repositioning to re-enter the fray. 

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Good video as always mate. However, there was definitely room for a few more "Ergo's"!  (sarcasm off..lol.)  :good:


Thank you. :)


Aye, I was in "ergo" mode during the course of that review, I will try to switch to "therefore" mode as of the F4U-1d review! :D


I'm currently working with the editors on the warthunder.wikia.com to get it up to date and just generally into a better shape than it was previously. Would it be okay if we put some of your videos up on their respective aircraft pages? :)


Hey Backfireir,


  I would be honoured, feel free to use my work in updating the War Thunder Wiki. :)


Thank you sooo much!

I am not choosing my targets properly and have trouble hitting. I'm using a PS4 w/ mouse and keyboard. I seem to get a lot of people on my 6 with much better aim than me. I've tried diving and getting on their 6 with flaps by doing loops. I end up dead near 100% of the time. I also don't seem to keep my speed up on the level. I use too much energy trying to gain altitude and end up usually only at near 250 kph.

I usually use Immelmanns to re-engage after a pass and end up competing in loops with flaps, dying to spitfires, Bf 109's, and Aerocobras, even biplanes.

I am getting better, but those are the problems that I have been frustrated with and am attempting to remedy.

I'll need to watch the video a few more times to pick up a few more things. I wish there was a function where I could see my latency to determine if that's the problem with my aim. I waste a lot of bullets, time, and energy pursuing targets; then when I did have a decent amount of energy, can't outrun my foes in a dive to safety.


No problem. :)


  From what you have posted, I would advise that you need to re-align your overall strategy from: being focused around what appears to be a series of energetic, vertical dogfights which leave you without energy and hence an easy target, to: considering the long game and how your position can develop over time.


  If you want to go back to the basics and how I first started using the F4U-1a (applies to all three variants), I started by making that high altitude climb at the start of each game, and just gradually wandering off towards the edge of the map to build speed (i.e. 400 km/h+ on the level) and bring my altitude to roughly 4000-6000m. From there, you can always tackle incoming bombers or force them to dive to the ground, and additionally begin to increase your confidence. 


  When you dive on a foe, try to position yourself roughly 1.4-2.0km above them, as that gives you room to climb if they try to "helicopter" up to you, and allows you to gently ease yourself onto the target through a shallow dive. You can gradually develop these dives into ones which are much steeper. Moreover, if you miss, or fail to cripple the target, rather than attempt to "zoom climb" (i.e. nose back up to regain the altitude you have just sacrificed) just level out and fly off, put roughly 1.5km between yourself and your target, and see what they decide to do. If they play ignorant and dive away, you have done your job of controlling higher altitude space, if they chase you, that is where the use of a "Split-S" or a plain dive will allow you to gain more speed and maintain your maneuverability.


  I personally get the feeling you are suffering from the same problem I used to face in my BF 109 F-4 when I first unlocked it: if I could not nail the target in my pass, I would loop and attempt to re-engage, but the enhanced flight models of Arcade meant I could not use my energy to the desired effect. Still, give it time, and some practice, and I am sure you will do well in the Corsairs.


  I hope that helps. :)




Just based on those few comments, it sounds like you're burning your energy up too much during engagements.  I don't think it's from the climbing; note in the video that tx141 also winds up in the 250ish kph range after initial climb.


Instead, you're probably killing your speed too much while in actual combat.  I'll call attention to your own phrase "...use Immelmanns to re-engage after a pass".  The crucial point here is that you can't "re-engage" unless you first "dis-engage".  If you've just made a pass and are in close proximity to the adversary...you're still engaged.  Use speed to gain separation; dive if you have to.  An Immelman, however, sounds like a perfect way to negate your advantages and play directly to the opponents' strengths.  I'm guilty of the same error.


Notice in the video, both games, tx doesn't make large energy-bleeding maneuvers unless a) he's got a lot of speed already and/or vertical room to quickly regenerate a lot more (plus an open exit avenue to do so), or b) is truly dis-engaged and merely repositioning to re-enter the fray. 


You took the words straight out of my mouth: patience and positioning are uncommon virtues but deadly when mixed together.

Edited by tx141
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Thanks; I'll try to be more patient.

That seems to be my problem, along with a fair bit of ignorance.

Practice! : ) Edited by *konate95

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Update 14.08.2014:

  • Continuing our week of Corsair reviews, I have uploaded my review of the F4U-1d (Corsair Mk. IV). You may see the review using either the embedded link below, or the link in the original post. This, to date, has been the hardest ace I have achieved.


  • F4U-1c review will be uploaded tomorrow, concluding our Corsair review week.
  • Tx's Tips Episode 4: Choosing Upgrades will be up by Monday of next week.

Enjoy and thank you all for your continued support. :D

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Started being more patient, letting what be, be. I got , probably, as close to a 1:1 kill ratio as I have ever achieved. I started out killing 1 per game without dying once. I then got 2 kills in a game and then started having trouble with planes passing at a lower altitude (maybe 2 km or so) and to the side. They would come at me from the rear. I would turn and face them in a head on (trying to catch them from their six) and then end up in a deadly head on (which my 1c ended up getting shot up), or in a collision.

But, big improvement; thanks!

Will watch your video shortly... Edited by *konate95

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Wow! Very INTENSE!

I have to say that this is your best video to date; especially for those of us where things "just don't go according to plan".

I love your first dive. Things go awry immediately. This is how things usually go with me. "Didn't plan on THAT". You even get into turning dogfights. Are you always aware of how much energy you have during these moments?

I'm only 10th level and have had a heck of a time trying to advance my 1c and 1d. I even said "Hell with it" and played some level I P39's for awhile. My problem was too many cannons for my taste. I have a feeling I'll end up going back to level II games for the love of it one day. Edited by *konate95

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I notice in these last couple of videos that you've just started researching the F-82E.  Now THAT's an "Ace in a Day" video I'd like to see!


I say that mostly in jest...I wouldn't wish upon you the torture in actually trying to achieve a 5-kill game in a Twin Mustang. 


If I said I plan on bringing an "Ace in a Day" with the Tempest Mk. V Vickers P to the table one day, I get the feeling that getting an "Ace" in the F-82E will be just as horrific. Still, I will add it to the request list. :P


Wow! Very INTENSE!

I have to say that this is your best video to date; especially for those of us where things "just don't go according to plan".

I love your first dive. Things go awry immediately. This is how things usually go with me. "Didn't plan on THAT". You even get into turning dogfights. Are you always aware of how much energy you have during these moments?

I'm only 10th level and have had a heck of a time trying to advance my 1c and 1d. I even said "Hell with it" and played some level I P39's for awhile. My problem was too many cannons for my taste. I have a feeling I'll end up going back to level II games for the love of it one day.


Thank you. :)


In most cases I usually have a feeling as to how much energy I have left just by the overall responsiveness of the plane, although I do try flicker my eyes between the ensuing dogfight and my speed reading whenever I can to keep my energy state in check. It comes with practice, and despite being Rank 54, I still make a lot of mistakes, one key example being that opening dogfight with the Yak-9T in the F4U-1d review where I bled too much of my energy trying to go vertical, if I had taken a more horizontal approach, I could have kept the friendly P-47D alive.


Interestingly, whilst the armament on the P-39s is focused around the 20mm/37mm cannon, those planes are, in my opinion, less maneuverable than the Corsairs, even at high speeds which makes them quite a good reference point, especially if one is to compare the P-400 with the F4U-1a whereby despite the P-400 being faster in its acceleration down low, if it enters a high energy turn fight with the 1a, it will gradually lose ground and, if it tries to run, not be able to break away from the 1a (from my experience).


It is always good to switch to different aircraft every so often in order to appreciate a different play-style, this allows you to pick up on potential weaknesses that your Corsairs may eventually exploit. :D


Could you do one for RB as well? Possibly for SB?


I intend on completing this entire AB series before even venturing near RB/SB reviews. In the meantime, I do usually upload a War Thunder Live episode every week (see here) which involves the "Operations" in RB mode and how I gradually develop my abilities as a notice in RB. That may give you an insight into some aircraft for RB such as the LaGG-3-8 in which I took down two Ki-43s in my most recent episode, along with a He 112 B-0. :)


Update 15.08.2014:

  • My apologies, but the review of the F4U-1c has been postponed until Sunday due to a technical issue with the render (the file came out as 6.31 GB in size due to my usage of a Variable Bit Rate in place of a Constant Bit Rate) and I will not have time until Saturday evening to get the file re-rendered and ready for upload.
  • Additionally, I am taking a couple of days off from doing reviews in order to get some rest, as I rushed through upgrading the Corsairs this week and I do not want to begin to undermine the enjoyment of War Thunder for myself.
  • I have something very special lined up for you fine ladies and gentlemen which should be up at the start of this week, however I do not want to give any secrets away.
  • Review wise, the next reviews will be as follows: P-39N-0, FW 190 D-9 and then the Ki-61 Hei.

I wish you all a pleasant weekend, and thank you, as always, for your support. :)

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Update 15.08.2014:

  • Review wise, the next reviews will be as follows: P-39N-0, FW 190 D-9 and then the Ki-61 Hei.

 Looking forward to that one! (and the D-9 also a bit, I've got the russian premium)


Great stuff, keep it coming! :salute:

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 Looking forward to that one! (and the D-9 also a bit, I've got the russian premium)


Great stuff, keep it coming! :salute:


Thank you, and will do! :)


Update 17.08.2014:

  • To conclude this week's Corsair reviews, my final review of the F4U-1c has been uploaded and you may view it using the embedded link below, or via the link in the original post:


  • Next review: P-39N-0 which will be up by Thursday of next week.
  • Tx's Tips Episode 4 - Choosing Upgrades should be up by Wednesday at the latest.
  • Got something very special going up for tomorrow, not review related, but I think you guys and girls will love it.
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Update 19.08.2014:

  • Sorry for the lack of uploads this week folks, I am having trouble getting my videos to upload to Youtube (they stick at 95% processing). I am trying to rectify the problem, and will keep you posted.
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In the F4U-1c video, what impresses me most in all those head-on engagements is not just the plane (although that too), but your skill in aiming.  I have a much harder time getting the aimpoint placed at exactly the right spot...and usually takes long enough that the opponent has gotten his shots off first.  More generally, I note that you do a great job of smoothly flying the airplane with mouse/keyboard controls....and I know from the Tips video that our setups are almost identical.  Your technique is superb, independent of what particular plane you're flying.

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In the F4U-1c video, what impresses me most in all those head-on engagements is not just the plane (although that too), but your skill in aiming.  I have a much harder time getting the aimpoint placed at exactly the right spot...and usually takes long enough that the opponent has gotten his shots off first.  More generally, I note that you do a great job of smoothly flying the airplane with mouse/keyboard controls....and I know from the Tips video that our setups are almost identical.  Your technique is superb, independent of what particular plane you're flying.


Thank you. :)


Concerning aiming, the one thing I did not mention in my set-up video (simply because I am trying to avoid giving all my tricks away!) is that I use the keyboard for 80% of all maneuvers and adjustments, employing the mouse for the final 20% (i.e. bringing the guns onto target). This may explain how I can keep the plane flying smoothly and also how I can line up my shots rather quickly.


The reason I say this is because I have watched a couple of my friends play (in person), and I have noticed how they tend to use the mouse in tandem with the keyboard to make each maneuver and adjustment. This has led in a number of cases to over-compensating, or the maneuver being executed too slowly, costing the player the advantage in a dogfight or a head-on pass.


I hope that helps, I am just trying to find the fine line between helping, and giving the game away. :P


Update 20.08.2014:

  • After a three day struggle, I have finally got uploads running once again!
  • To celebrate reaching 400 subscribers, and to also thank you all for your lovely support, I decided to film my day at Combined Ops 2014 and upload it in two parts to Youtube. Whilst I cannot embed the videos here as they will digress from the topic at hand, I have created a forum post here in which you may view the videos, or you may just use the following links: Part 1, and Part 2.
  • I have also obtained a Youtube partnership. I would like to point out from the outset that I am not in this for my own personal gain. I will use any money I make to purchase premium planes in order to review them for you guys and girls who are considering buying them in the future. More on this will be covered in a future update video.
  • Review wise: I have had incredible success this week in getting a number of planes lined up for review, in addition to the P-39N-0, the FW 190 D-9 and the Ki-61 Hei, I have also got the I-185 M-82 ready for review, and I am close to finishing off the A6M3!

Bear with me, the reviews should come within the coming days! :D

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I have also obtained a Youtube partnership.

Interesting ... I've been offered several partnerships, all of them having nasty catches in the agreements such as the partner group owning my channel, pressuring me to upload on their schedule and with content that meets their requirements. As youtube vids can only make decent money with Jingles-level subscribers, I just didn't see the point.

Hope you got a better deal than the ones I was offered, I just ignore messages on the subject now. Edited by long5hot
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Interesting ... I've been offered several partnerships, all of them having nasty catches in the agreements such as the partner group owning my channel, pressuring me to upload on their schedule and with content that meets their requirements. As youtube vids can only make decent money with Jingles-level subscribers, I just didn't see the point.

Hope you got a better deal than the ones I was offered, I just ignore messages on the subject now.


I spent a good hour reading through the contract before signing; I do not see this as ever becoming a job, it will always be a pleasant hobby to give back to a brilliant game. :)

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Looking forward to the D-9 review.  Just finished upgrading the G-10, and D-9 is next on my German "To-Do List".


Regarding technique, yeah, I understand what you're saying about using keyboard for most maneuvering, mouse for aiming.  And that's pretty common, I read others say the same.  It makes sense.


In practice, however, there's two issues with which I have a problem.  First, the fact that the WASDQE keys are either max deflection or none, which for me leads to rather coarse movements.  Second, the transition from the "80% maneuver with keyboard" to the "20% fine-tune with mouse"; the aircraft's nose reverts toward the mouse aimpoint as soon as the control key is released...in all my maneuvers there's always some jerky or wobbly segment.  I know it's just a question of practice, of doing a better job of getting the mousepoint and the plane's nose closer together before releasing the key.  I think I'm getting better at it.

Edited by Bramborough
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Sellout!!!  :Os


:Ps  I assume you are being sarcastic?


Looking forward to the D-9 review.  Just finished upgrading the G-10, and D-9 is next on my German "To-Do List".


Regarding technique, yeah, I understand what you're saying about using keyboard for most maneuvering, mouse for aiming.  And that's pretty common, I read others say the same.  It makes sense.


In practice, however, there's two issues with which I have a problem.  First, the fact that the WASDQE keys are either max deflection or none, which for me leads to rather coarse movements.  Second, the transition from the "80% maneuver with keyboard" to the "20% fine-tune with mouse"; the aircraft's nose reverts toward the mouse aimpoint as soon as the control key is released...in all my maneuvers there's always some jerky or wobbly segment.  I know it's just a question of practice, of doing a better job of getting the mousepoint and the plane's nose closer together before releasing the key.  I think I'm getting better at it.


That is interesting, I have yet to start upgrading my G-10...may have to start that in the near future.


Essentially it will become a fluid motion with practice, it took me a while to prevent the plane snapping into position via a jerking motion.

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Thanks for the 1c review. Great aim!

This series has helped improve my 1:6 kill ratio to a 1:1.5 ratio. I don't die much, but need to work on my approach and target selection (and aim), as well as, be more aggressive. Edited by *konate95
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G-10 pretty miserable when stock (like many planes, I guess).  Gets quite beastly with upgrades (again, like many others).   The upgrades, in my opinion, affect G-10 (and all Bf109s) with particular effect.  The plane relies on climb ability, speed/energy, and firepower even more than most...and without the key flight performance mods and nose-mounted 30mm, it just doesn't have those strengths yet...while of course starting off from the beginning with all its shortcomings.


In contrast, I also recently started working up the Yak-9P.  No big gun yet, not even the 23mm.  Yet I found Yak-9P reasonably effective without upgrades.  Obviously it's getting better as the mods improve...but the upgrade process hasn't been nearly as "grindy" as the G-10 was.  Going off on a bit of a tangent, I'll note that Yak-9P starts off with essentially same armament as the Lavochkin series: three nose-mounted 20mm.  Yet in my experience they're more accurate in the Yak-9P.  Frankly, I think the 37mm for this plane is truly an option rather than a "must-have".  One can go with the big gun for bomber-hunting, or choose the 3x20mm or 1x23mm/2x20mm configuration to use the plane in an escort or air-superiority role.  Adds a bit of deception value...folks see the "Yak-9" label and assume you're after bombers (which is normally a good assumption).

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Yeah, "sarcasm" tx mate lol. You do a great job with your vids to help the rest of us aim for a better game playing experience which many of us are too lazy to do. If that earns you a few quid then more power to you! Just hope that, like Long5hot said, you don't end up churning out stuff purely because someone else demands it or changing your style!


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Thanks for the 1c review. Great aim!

This series has helped improve my 1:6 kill ratio to a 1:1.5 ratio. I don't die much, but need to work on my approach and target selection (and aim), as well as, be more aggressive.


No problem and thank you. :)


Glad to hear it! I would advise working mostly on your approach/target selection for now as the aggression will come naturally over time when you start to get a feel for what you can do in a given situation.


G-10 pretty miserable when stock (like many planes, I guess).  Gets quite beastly with upgrades (again, like many others).   The upgrades, in my opinion, affect G-10 (and all Bf109s) with particular effect.  The plane relies on climb ability, speed/energy, and firepower even more than most...and without the key flight performance mods and nose-mounted 30mm, it just doesn't have those strengths yet...while of course starting off from the beginning with all its shortcomings.


In contrast, I also recently started working up the Yak-9P.  No big gun yet, not even the 23mm.  Yet I found Yak-9P reasonably effective without upgrades.  Obviously it's getting better as the mods improve...but the upgrade process hasn't been nearly as "grindy" as the G-10 was.  Going off on a bit of a tangent, I'll note that Yak-9P starts off with essentially same armament as the Lavochkin series: three nose-mounted 20mm.  Yet in my experience they're more accurate in the Yak-9P.  Frankly, I think the 37mm for this plane is truly an option rather than a "must-have".  One can go with the big gun for bomber-hunting, or choose the 3x20mm or 1x23mm/2x20mm configuration to use the plane in an escort or air-superiority role.  Adds a bit of deception value...folks see the "Yak-9" label and assume you're after bombers (which is normally a good assumption).


Every plane (minus a select few) is usually a nightmare when stock at Battle Ratings of 4.0+ from my experience. I have heard that the G-10 is essentially a G-6, but much more maneuverable and a better climber when fully upgraded. The main basis of my review (when I eventually get around to it) will be a by-the-book comparison of the plane with the G-6.


I have almost unlocked the Yak-9P, and from a couple of "stock" test flights, it feels as though I will eventually be flying a higher altitude version of the Yak-3P until I get the armament upgrades and then the plane will merely develop into a heavier platform than the Yak-9U, a plane which I am really looking forward to playing in the near future. The majority of Yak-9P pilots I have encountered seem to use the 37mm/20mm/20mm configuration which I can appreciate due to its overall versatility, although I will test all three armament sets with time.


Your point concerning players assuming what the fighter will be employed as based on its name is very true, I have noticed a lot of Yak-9U pilots try to use their status as a "Yak-9" to suggest to enemy players that they are a "T" or "K" variant, with their actual identity only being revealed by checking the score screen or at close range. It is funny to see how much of a "fear factor" one plane can carry.


Yeah, "sarcasm" tx mate lol. You do a great job with your vids to help the rest of us aim for a better game playing experience which many of us are too lazy to do. If that earns you a few quid then more power to you! Just hope that, like Long5hot said, you don't end up churning out stuff purely because someone else demands it or changing your style!


Thank you, and I can appreciate your sentiment. I promise I will never compromise my position or style for the demands of someone else. You guys are the people I will adhere to, I will listen to, and I will make the changes for where appropriate, and if AT ANY POINT you get the feeling that I am doing this "for the money", I want you all to tell me so that I can rectify my wrong-doing.  :salute:


Update 21.08.2014:

  • P-39N-0 Airacobra review is now up, you may view it using the embedded link below, or via using the link in the first post.



  • I shall release my FW 190 D-9 Review tomorrow, and my review of the Ki-61 Hei the day after.
  • I am now starting to focus my attention on the "request list" in the first post, as I feel I have neglected this list somewhat in the past.

Enjoy!  :)s

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