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AB Fighter Plane Reviews


On 3/27/2017 at 6:48 PM, _SkyForcer_ said:


Congrats...but could you not have made your own thread?


This is largely irrelevant (in my opinion) from what this thread is about.


Update 06.04.2017:


Almost back...new review is in the pipeline.

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I'm back! And here's that re-review of the F8F-1 Bearcat that over 200 of you requested!


F8F-1 Bearcat - The Definition of Performance

Next up will be the A-36 Apache; I am sorry for messing you all around guys - personal life was on a knife edge in the last couple of months and now, it's all behind me. :)

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Time to add another one to the reviewed list: the LaGG-3-11.


LaGG-3-11 - Lagging Behind The Competition

Next up? Well as I am still tight for time (off to an airshow this weekend); I'll be doing the Ki-27. :)

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And another great review. I always like the historical bit. Keep it up.:good:


If you ever get around to it, i think A7M's new FM deserves a review.

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1 hour ago, Mechanikos84 said:

And another great review. I always like the historical bit. Keep it up.:good:


If you ever get around to it, i think A7M's new FM deserves a review.



Thank you and will do.


I have yet to review either of the A7Ms; they are on the list for the near future so stay tuned. :)

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Forgot to post this; but here's last weekend's review of the Ki-27 Otsu. A very nimble little monoplane!


Ki-27 Otsu - Nimble Nate

Next time, the F4F-4 Wildcat. :)

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As promised, the F4F-4 Wildcat!


Going to be honest, I loved making this review; it felt so right!


F4F-4 Wildcat - Substance Over Style

Next time? The Ta 152 C-3 - it will happen this time. Have a nice week everyone! :)

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Do you happen to have XF5F? With .50 cal buff recently it can actually kill, and it's quite an interesting plane. I'd love to see your review of it.

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14 minutes ago, Sarin said:

Do you happen to have XF5F? With .50 cal buff recently it can actually kill, and it's quite an interesting plane. I'd love to see your review of it.

I'd happily join you on this request.

And i take advantage to thank Paul here for another great video, love your channel mate! :) 

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On 16/07/2017 at 7:35 PM, Sarin said:

Do you happen to have XF5F? With .50 cal buff recently it can actually kill, and it's quite an interesting plane. I'd love to see your review of it.


I do not, but I can look into getting my hands on it. I will aim to review it post Ta 152 C-3 review.


Thank you for the suggestion.


On 16/07/2017 at 7:53 PM, WP_Barnstormer said:

I'd happily join you on this request.

And i take advantage to thank Paul here for another great video, love your channel mate! :) 


We'll make it happen!


No problem, glad you're enjoying my work. :)

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On 18. 7. 2017 at 0:10 AM, tx141 said:


I do not, but I can look into getting my hands on it. I will aim to review it post Ta 152 C-3 review.


Thank you for the suggestion.



Damn, I wish there was a way to lend you some of my planes for review. XF5F, Po-2, TB-3, MBR-2, I have even premium P-26 with no idea how I got it....

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14 hours ago, Spielfuehrer said:

Can you please make a guide for the HS129-B3 with 75mm gun? I would love to see that


It will be done (eventually); not on the priority list currently.


10 hours ago, Sarin said:


Damn, I wish there was a way to lend you some of my planes for review. XF5F, Po-2, TB-3, MBR-2, I have even premium P-26 with no idea how I got it....


It's no problem - I am sure I will be able to obtain the aircraft in the future. Still, your kindness is much appreciated. :)


Ta-152 C-3 Review Status Update:


- Literally just obtained the review footage; spading the plane was much easier than I thought

- Looking to go-live with the review tomorrow!

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Time to chalk the Spitfire Mk. IIb off of the list!


Spitfire Mk. IIb - A Firm Favourite

Next time? A special surprise...you'll have to wait and find out...


Until then, have a good one pilots! :)

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Hey guys! Just quickly checking in.


No review last weekend as I am focusing on the Operation S.U.M.M.E.R tokens. As a result, I thought I would put together a Channel Update (flew RB, hence not re-posting in here) to explain how things are going video and life-wise.


I am working on a big project for Ground Forces at the moment, so expect the next review the week after next, sorry for the delay but it will be worth it; I promise. ;)




Oh and before I forget! Anyone notice the spreadsheet in the first post of this thread?


Yup, I've been working behind the scenes with the War Thunder team to find a better way to catalogue my reviews; a big thank you to the team for helping out!


I'll be clearing it up over the next week or so, but hopefully it makes things a little easier for both you and I! :)

Edited by tx141
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So...another update folks


As you may have seen if you follow my Youtube Channel, I decided to take a swipe at RB Ground Forces over the weekend in rather comical fashion.


I am still working on the S.U.M.M.E.R tokens as well and will be looking to get my 9th (I think!) as of tomorrow.


Review wise, I am lining up a couple; I just want to make sure I get all 13 tokens out of the way first.


Additionally, this has coincided very nicely with a rather stressful period at work (going for promotion!) - so it's good I do not have too much time to play currently.


I'll keep you posted; I'll be back on my reviews in the near future I promise. :) 

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On 28/08/2017 at 2:35 AM, TovarischSnoopy said:

Could you do some Italian planes?


They are on the list, albeit it will take some time due to personal events (please see below).


Update 29.08.2017:

Hi All,


Depending on how you want to look at this, you can treat this as good or bad news as a whole.


You will all recall I stated I was working on the Air challenges for Operation S.U.M.M.E.R recently. I am pleased to say I got all 15 done and we now have two new planes to review in the near future.


However, in the process, life has hit me really hard on the working front.


In order to go for promotion, I have had to take on a lot of work. Sadly, the amount of work I had to take on was a lot larger than I was led to believe. As a result, I am having to pull out all the stops for my career right now and put it as my highest priority.


Not going to lie, this is taking a huge toll on my well-being; especially when trying to work on reviews and other Youtube videos as well.


As a result, I am taking the decision to just do reviews where I can (rather than one a week). I appreciate this may upset some of you or left you feeling let-down, and for that I am sorry.


But at the same time, I am not here to have my hair start falling out (which it is) and to have sleep-less nights where I can only think about work.


I will remain strong, and will be back to normal as soon as I can be.


Until then, take care and good luck in the skies!


Paul ;)


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With best of luck. Think not of us but of what you must do. Longer intervals between reviews will ensure the welcome they'll receive will be all the warmer.

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3 hours ago, tx141 said:


In order to go for promotion, I have had to take on a lot of work. Sadly, the amount of work I had to take on was a lot larger than I was led to believe. As a result, I am having to pull out all the stops for my career right now and put it as my highest priority.



When this happens where I work I just don't go for it. I'd rather be home with the family. Bit militant I guess. I've seen a few good people crack and end up taking time off.


However, I do wish you every success, but make sure you know your limits and stay sane and healthy.


Will always enjoy the reviews when they come out.



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