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STuH 42


While i know this may already be in development because of the vid gaijin did



But i thought i might as well talk about this tank.


The STuH 42 was basically a modification of the Stug 3F/G that was fitted with a 105mm leFH18 field howitzer. This would allow this tank in WT to be some what like the Su 122 is right now even if this had 80mm of frontal armor the Su 122 would still have the agility over the STuH 42. I wanted to make this tank as a suggestion as i really wanted to see it in war thunder as it would be a fun derpy tank to play around in. also germany needs some big guns. Even if the gun was  mainly used for killing infantry it still had the capability to to tanks


There is not much on this tank in terms of pure statistics but it would perform like a Stug 3F/G with slightly more weight and less mobility and we already have the stugs in war thunder so i don't see it being a problem. yet again sry for no proper stats...


Here are a few pics of this cool little tank...







Hope u agree that this would be a great tank to add into war thunder  :salute:

Edited by Th3hadyn
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more stugs would be nice, this would be a nice addition

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Suggested multiple times in Assault Gun lines. Together with brummbar and other. I would like to see them in some sort of assault gun line parallel to the td line.

MORE STURMthingys, anyway, this looks a good assault gun for the game!!!!



Sturmpanzer II would be good, not too sure about Sturmpanzer 38t

Edited by Joeythesheep
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The field howitzer used on the STuH




this is the leFH18.


This 105mm gun was a very formidable one most infantry would be annihilated by this in close, medium and long ranges. Tanks like the T34 and Kv 1s were easily killed from all sides with HEAT ammo. This was also a very similar to the 150mm  sIG 33 on the bison 1 in terms of pure power and devastation too both tanks and infantry.

Edited by Th3hadyn
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At least this gun has a decent muzzle velocity on paper (540 m/s).


You can change that by changing the number of charges (up to six), however until someone here manages to find a manual or at least some data that contains muzzle velocities, this and the 15 cm howitzer (Brummbar, StuIG 33B; 240 m/s) are stuck on these settings.

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would be pretty useless in the game because it has no AT gun but a Sturmhaubitze which closer to an artillery gun. it's not made to pen armor but to deliver HE shells into buildings and defensive structures.

and again...it's not a StuG it's a StuH. know the difference

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it has no AT gun but a Sturmhaubitze which closer to an artillery gun. it's not made to pen armor but to deliver HE shells into buildings and defensive structures.


Same as SU-122.

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have you ever seen a german HE shell do damage to a russian tank in this game? no because it's stalinium armor refuses to take damage

HE was mainly used for destroying cover and buildings and AFAIK the leFH18 was able to load HEAT ammo to fight against tanks so it defiantly not be a useless tank as u described earlier. Also ur point about 'Stalinium' armor makes no sense as it is a bug on both German and Russian tanks that they are very hard to kill and or refuse to take damage.

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really? tell that to my Panther and KT their being one shot killed by T44 and 34-57 right through the front armor....

also i said that the StuH is for buildings and defensive structures...maybe...reading will help you? and Su 122 have no problems to use HE against German tanks as well...one shot and the job is done

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really? tell that to my Panther and KT their being one shot killed by T44 and 34-57 right through the front armor....

also i said that the StuH is for buildings and defensive structures...maybe...reading will help you? and Su 122 have no problems to use HE against German tanks as well...one shot and the job is done

Like i said bugs...


The Su 122 was made in a similar way to the StuH 42 (even if the Su 122 could be used as long rage artillery) as in it was generally made to combat infantry but at medium and close ranges even the strongest of tanks at the time could not handle a HE shell of that size so like i said at the start of this thread it would be like the Su 122 in WT. so there should be next to no problems to add it into WT. 


And yes sry for missing what u said about HE. there was no need to be rude about it doe.

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i simply said reading might help you, help you to understand that i know what i'm talking about and remove the need to assume things about me. i wasn't rude. i pointed out your mistake...i know americans don't do stuff like that. they prefer simling

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the StuH 42 carried 105mm AP,HE,HEAT rounds 

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It is already on the release tree




The StuH III Ausf G is the StuH 42 (there were two models, one based on the StuG III Ausf G and another based on the StuG III Ausf F)



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