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record for most kills without a death.

Killed 15 in a tank with a joystick  and rudder pedals once. Only game I ever used a joystick in a tank.


I would be most curious to see everyone's pvp rating. Maybe you guys don't know this but the better your pvp rating, the less of those games you see with 10+ kills.


I-301 indeed used to be a good one for getting 10+ kills a game. They bumped the BR, TWICE, so you don't get as many now. 

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Ten for me, with a P47 and on PC, not PS4. 
I don't think I can do it on PS4, the click and shoot is easier on pc. 

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It was a T34-1942 game Long time ago.


Record in planes is 28 Kills in FockeWulf 190A4.

Edited by WlKlNGER
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  • 2 weeks later...

7 Assist and 16 Kills with the M3 Lee
I was literally Solo farming down the enemy team and my team STILL could not take the Point lol......
these are the moments in this game when i say... ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS ?!

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I got 18 in fw190 A4 and 17 in A7M2 as my records, then 13+ (not quite sure) in bf 109 f4, Mustang Mk2, and think some spitfire, all in AB


But the fun fact is my real record, 22 in a flakpanzer, i know nothing of ground battles, i tried them once and didnt liked them, and i wasnt even good, so i guess that thing must be really really OP

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  • 1 year later...

21 Kills, 1 Airplane, 0 Deaths in an M22. 


Btw, that's a tank that can be damaged by strafing, close arty hits, and those machine-gun tanks for the kids who need training wheels.  And, yes, I've changed my handle since then, but that's me!




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Edited by PzII_is_a_Crutch
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On 14/11/2017 at 01:14, *Bilibutch said:

Ten for me, with a P47 and on PC, not PS4. 
I don't think I can do it on PS4, the click and shoot is easier on pc. 

twelve with my FW 190 A4, and on PS4 this time ... I'm improving!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently got 16 kills in a KV-1S (as top tier) before finally dying. My best game was 18 kills (4 in M24 Chaffee + 14 in M4 Sherman), team still lost :(


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On 09/05/2015 at 18:34, spartakos317 said:

Mine is 11, whats yours? ... on the ps4 with a controller, I don't normally brag about this kind of thing... but it was totally awesome...

I've seen somone else go 16 and 0... anybody see 20, 30, 40 or 50+?

think mines was 18 in a m24 chaffe

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The most that I've gotten so far and didn't get wasted was 10 kills while driving the Panther A. I don't recall how many assists but I think it was 3 or 4. I got 10 kills in the Panther A in another battle but I got wasted shortly before the battle ended. This was in Arcade.


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