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War Thunder Servers = A guide for people about ping rate and their location

I have a suggestion for this forum that may be useful for a lot of people.


I would like to see a thread with similar title and have it pinned somewhere.


I know the further you are from a server, the higher your ping rate will be but there are other things that come into place.


I just think It would be nice to see a guide of how your own ping rate compares to other players in the same city, county or around the world.


Nothing fancy just a pinned thread where players could share info for other players.


A simple thing like




Location =


Ping rate =


Connection type =


Internet provider =


War Thunder server used =





I guess it would be up to the forum mods to create something like that.


Would any of you find that useful ? If not then feel free to delete this topic,






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Oh cool, this is quite a good idea.


Location = Singapore

Ping rate = 220 ms (US server)

                  17 ms (SA server)

                  300 ms (RU / EU server)

Connection type = Fibre Optics

Internet provider = Singnet

War Thunder server used = SA / US

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Hey, great to see someones interested......I will also add my info.


These are the typical daily ping rates for me as they do vary slightly


Location =Perth Australia


Ping rate = RU server = 475


                  EU server = 377


                  US Server = 251

                  SA server = 67


Connection type = ADSL Broadband


Internet provider = Westnet


War Thunder server used = US and SA

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Location: Florida

Ping: US:50-60    All others: 100+

Connection: No Idea, plugged right into router

ISP: Comcast :crying:

Server used: US


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Location = The Netherlands

Ping rate =
- EU: 26
- RU: 67
- US: 127
- SA: 220 to 270 depending on the time of day

Connection type = 120 Mbit cable

Internet provider = Ziggo

War Thunder server used =
- Random battles: EU, RU, US
- Squadron battles: all
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Location = southeastern Germany


Ping rate =


- EU: 60

- US: 120 +


Connection type = LTE (4G wireless service)


Internet provider = Vodafone


War Thunder server used = mostly EU, rarely US

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Location = Brisbane, Australia


Ping rate = RU server = 400


                  EU server = 350


                  US Server = 230

                  SA server = 170


Connection type = ADSL Broadband


Internet provider = Internode


War Thunder server used = US and SA

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I am in Auckland, NZL.
I don't know the speeds for the different servers, but I do know it now typically ranges from between 190ms to 300+ ms.

I also know it is really killing my performance. Six months ago I could get 130-150 ping most of the time and in AB I could reliably get 7-8 kills. Now it's 3-4 kills, and I think its related to the ping more than anything else. Hits don't hit and targets can move a bit erratically. Anyone with 50ms ping should be CREAMING their opponents, even with average skill.

I have fibre optic BB, but I'm too far from the router to plug in directly. I'd love to see the difference it might make.

Packet lose is actually a factor now too, and I never used to get it. I've noticed from in game chat that people are finding PL more of an issue after the latest update.
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Chico California

Ping: US: 15/50
RU: 120
EU: 275
SA: 180

Connection: Cable (probably fiber on the other end of the demarc)

Provider/ISP: Comcast

Preffered Server: US, SA, EU (I won't go to the RU server, I tend to get abused/TKed for having a US flag, or typing in English a lot more there)

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Brisbane Australia


Ping SA - 150-170

        US - 220-250

        EU - 340 +(high as 400)


Connection - DSL

Provider - TPG (gone downhill in last few years and the area i moved to is possibly worse)


Pretty much exclusively play on US servers and have no issue being top of the boards,t1-t3 arcade and sometimes RB on the rare occasion i play(RB result is more hit and miss due to skill/how often i play).

Packet loss is an issue, but ive found rarely its on WTs side in my case. (2 people streaming at once, issues on providers end + my old router).


Noticed a few big lag spikes regularly on US servers lately(even US players in Squad got them), seemed to of stopped as of the last few days though. Those lag spikes are why i wasnt using SA servers(back when i did they were regular) but heard theyve stopped aswell.



Cant remember ping to russia, i wont play there due to the amount of TKing i saw in most the matches, but EU and RU servers i had to adjust considerably to aim with higher ping etc. Again doable, but avoidable playing on US/SA.

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Connection: Cable (probably fiber on the other end of the demarc)

Probably is, here only the last bit from the street cabinet to the houses is actual cable, the rest is all fibre optics. Ziggo got sued by KPN for saying in an ad their network is fibre optics (which it is) and somehow KPN (another huge internet provider) managed to win it so officially it is called cable but over 95% of any cable connection in the Ziggo network is fibre optics. I wouldn't be surprised if it is like that for you as well. Edited by Warlord1981NL
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Location = Sydney, Australia


Ping rate = RUS 380ms / EU 350ms / SA 230ms / US 290ms


Connection type = ADSL Copper / Fixed Line


Internet provider = Optus (SingTel)


War Thunder server used = All 


War Thunder is the only game I've come across in the past few years where the netcode has been decent, I don't feel any negative effects while playing until I push 500ms while in the air, but I can only handle 400ms while in a tank.

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Probably is, here only the last bit from the street cabinet to the houses is actual cable, the rest is all fibre optics


So it's FTTC system... How odd, why doesn't the ISP/State roll out fibre to the home since they already have it to the street? And the fibre distribution to cable is a bottleneck isn't it?

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So it's FTTC system... How odd, why doesn't the ISP/State roll out fibre to the home since they already have it to the street? And the fibre distribution to cable is a bottleneck isn't it?

It is because the customers will have to receive new hardware, I suppose. Just too costly to do it all at once, I think. I am sure at some point in the future they'll switch it over. Doesn't really matter, my internet is plenty fast and cheap too :)
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Location :  Goombungee, Queensland Australia

Ping :         US = 275

                  EU = 400+

                  RU = 500+

                  SA = Irrelevant - never get a game on it 

Connection : 3g via Optus

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  • 4 months later...
Location: Harbin, China SA: ping 250-300ms, Packet Loss: <20 but rarely gets a game. All other servers have ping > 400ms and packet loss 30-70% so can't play game. Anybody from china might advise me what to do ???

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand.

Ping: 200-240 on U.S. Servers, only servers I use so don't know the other ones off hand and I'm not on my pc.

Connection: VDSL

ISP: Spark/Telecom

Pretty sure i could get sub 200 on air battles a few patches back, but 20-30 extra ms doesn't make much difference for me.
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Location = Hamburg, North Germany


Ping rate = US: 100

                  RU: 70
                  EU: 15
                  SA: 150


Connection type = 25mbit Kabel Broadband


Internet provider = Kabel Germany


War Thunder server used = ALL

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Location = East USA

Ping rate = 30-60 ms (US server)

                  90-120 ms (EU server)

                  148-160 ms (RU server)

                   268-280 ms (SA server)

Connection type = Ethernet I guess

Internet provider = Comcast

War Thunder server used = US / EU

Edited by Al_Capwned
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Location: Adelaide, Australia

Ping: US 220--250; EU and RU are higher so I don;t use them; queue times on SA are not acceptable (I give up after 5+mins in AB)

Connection type: ADSL Broadband

ISP: iiNet

I only use the US server because I can have high pings with minimal packet loss; EU and RU are slower and I also get packet loss.

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