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Having issues with purchases through steam overlay.

I am new to forums so i am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this but recently i have been having issues purchasing through the steam overlay and i saw another player mention it on the website reddit so i would just like to inform the correct people that there are issues spending money on your game right now if you try to buy through steam overlay! 

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Why would you use steam overlay anyways?


GE's are costlier than when you buy from gaijin store because steam wants a cut from every item sold there. This means that Gaijin raises the prices of GE in steam to account for that cut, which leads to costlier GE than when you buy from the WT storefront.


Even the WT packs are costlier somewhat, and generally not worth it anyways. The summer "sales" WT through steam is, to put it nicely - lacklustre, and unless you intend on dropping over $60 at once and get a crap ton of stuff (some of which you may already have!) its always meh. Buy from gaijin storefront always. Its cheaper.



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On 14.7.2016 at 6:43 PM, Strange_berry said:

I am new to forums so i am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this but recently i have been having issues purchasing through the steam overlay and i saw another player mention it on the website reddit so i would just like to inform the correct people that there are issues spending money on your game right now if you try to buy through steam overlay! 


could you maybe describe what exactly the issue is ? what is happening (or not happening) ?

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On 7/15/2016 at 6:57 AM, crixy2312 said:


Even the WT packs are costlier somewhat, and generally not worth it anyways. The summer "sales" WT through steam is, to put it nicely - lacklustre, and unless you intend on dropping over $60 at once and get a crap ton of stuff (some of which you may already have!) its always meh. Buy from gaijin storefront always. Its cheaper.



Packs threw steam now if you have vehicles already will be deducted in price  of said packs 

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