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Best prop planes at BR


2.3 - Yak1

2.7 - 109 E3

3.0 - 109 F1, maybe soviet hurricane?

3.3 - J2M2  : way better than the field, should be 4.3

3.7 - 109 F4 : this plane should probably be 4.7

4.0 -  La7 : lot of decent planes here, small edge

4.3 -  not sure, probably something Japanese

4.7 -  M71 : don't sleep

5.0 -  109 G2 Trop

5.3 -  No clue, but it's probably worse than the F4

5.7 -  Spitfire Mk 22? La-9?

6.0 -  Spitfire Mk 24, even with 150 octane, not much better than 22

6.3 -  Bearcat I guess?


What do you think guys? Are these the dirty planes I shouldn't be flying exclusively to pad my stats?

Edited by danblaze
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2.0 - He 112 A-0 (yes, I know this BR has MC 202 etc, but this has a center mounted 20mm cannon, 150 ammo and 100% HEF ammo belt with 950m/s muzzle velocity, with good FM)

3.0 - P-47

3.7 - Typhoon mk Ib (premium is 1.0 BR below regular, only slightly weaker engine, should be 4.3)

4.3 - Ki-43-III otsu

Edited by tizianenel
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3.0: I prefer the E4 over the F1 because of the F1's low ammo count 

2.0 (or is it 2.3? I forget): The ki-44 ii is an amazing plane--the guns are iffy, but the plane performs far past its br bracket

5.0: the la7 b20 and yak 9p are better imo

4.0: I prefer the la5fn to the la7 because it compresses less at high speeds

5.3: Yup. Lots of decent planes, but there really isn't a standout. 

5.7: Definitely not the mk22--horrible stock syndrome, unstable rudder. La9 is amazing. 


I more or less agree with your list. I'd fly whatever I felt confident in :D

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2.3 Hurricane IV

3.7 Typhoon premium is definitely under-tiered.

3.7 Spitfire Mk IIb. Can't believe no one else has mentioned this one. Hate that thing. 

4.0 La-7

4.0 Halifax

5.3 Yak 3P - not great guns or speed for the BR but the only plane in which I feel I can go after absolutely anything. 


(I can only speak for British and USSR trees)


Edited by edenstyle
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I've only unlocked a few Japanese planes, so -


I don't play a whole lot below Rank 3, so this is what I've learned for my play style:

4.0 - It's hard to argue against a 61c and how versatile it can be, but my favorite 4.0 plane is probably the Yak 9U. (UK Mustang a close runner-up)

4.3 - I love mk IX and 51-d30...not sure why, but I do. The best "fighter" at 4.3 is probably the a-4, though

5.0 - Most folks will say 9p, (haven't flown it) but for me it's a toss up between 190 A-8, and D9...Wasn't thrilled with the d9 until I flew about 80 or missions with it. Now I'm addicted to how fast it can be pushed.

5.3 - I'd have to give it to the Yak 3p, it does everything really well, and it's red.

5.7 - The American LF Mk IX is pretty dang good. Slightly better than the UK version, for me anyways.

6.0 - A spaded mk 24 is heaven...




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2.7 - P-47D(german or soviet)

3.0 - XP-38G(definitively not the soviet Hurricane)

3.3 - I-16 type 27/28
3.7 - Bf109 F-4(maybe the best till 5.3)
4.0 - P-51 or Mustang(I don't have enough time on soviet 4.0s, P-61C also a great 4.0)
4.3 - Fw190 A-4 or Ta-154(Spitfire Mk.IX also great)
4.7 - He-219 A-7
5.0 - Yak-9P(although I really like Bf109 G2 and La-7B-20)
5.3 - Bf109 G-6 or Yak-3P
5.7 - Spitfire LF Mk.IX or La-9(never the Spitfire F Mk.22 with it's completely broken FM)
6.0 - Spitfire F Mk.24
6.3 - F8F-1B

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Yak 3p needs a BR drop. Yak 3 as well. They're like low altitude furball specialists as they can't climb or go that fast. I think Spitfire Vc does this role better.

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5 minutes ago, danblaze said:

Yak 3p needs a BR drop. Yak 3 as well. They're like low altitude furball specialists as they can't climb or go that fast. I think Spitfire Vc does this role better.

Yak-3P doesn't need a BR drop, it's a great plane at 5.3. My Yak-3P climbs and flies fast. ;)

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48 minutes ago, *sardinha08 said:

Yak-3P doesn't need a BR drop, it's a great plane at 5.3. My Yak-3P climbs and flies fast. ;)



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1 minute ago, *sardinha08 said:

Try to dogfight one.

the 3p imo should be around 4.7, but it performs fine at 5.3. It can't compete with a lot of 5.3s in terms of raw power, but it is very stable and has a great rudder. The guns are also very consistent and fairly powerful. 

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27 minutes ago, PennyWort said:

the 3p imo should be around 4.7, but it performs fine at 5.3. It can't compete with a lot of 5.3s in terms of raw power, but it is very stable and has a great rudder. The guns are also very consistent and fairly powerful. 


Yea this sounds about right. And Yak 3 to 3.7 I guess. At 3.3 it might be too good when Gaijin comes to it's senses and moves J2M2 to 4.

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13 minutes ago, danblaze said:

Yak3 (Vk107), is this thing a beast, or no?

I have it and I rarely use it, a 6.0 with just 2x20mm can't face the bomber spam at that BR, I think there's better planes with lower BR in soviet tree. And now that I have the soviet Spitfire at 5.7 I'd rather use it instead. I've always heard it was a UFO, I might have to learn how to fly it.

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2.7 German p-47

3.0 51A sure your 4 50 cals arnt stellar but supposing you play it right your rather exceptional performance for that br aids you 

4.3 Ta-154 not even a challenge unless someone has already climbed to space and you fail to notice you mine as well be unstoppable just really good at its br

4.7 dont play but id imagine the 219 is still good their 

6.3? 262 a1/u4, more often then not i find the enemy doesnt have any P-80s so i can attack props as i please and zoom off after

(I also totally am not flying planes that club at its br) 


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7 hours ago, danblaze said:

Yak3 (Vk107), is this thing a beast, or no?


You would think it would have to be, with those guns at that BR. Somehow I doubt it though. I would love to have that thing in the main tree at about 4.7.

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6 hours ago, Pat_McGroin said:


Hurricane Mk IV

Hurricane Mk IIB/trop

Spitfire Mk Ia

For me, agile though it is, the hurricanes have it over the Spitfire for firepower.

That 12 gun Hurricane is a killer. I also find it to be quite agile.  Not as good as the Spit Ia but not bad at all. 

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In the Russian tree it has to be the P47-27 at BR 2.7

As it can also carry bombs it's even powerful than the German variant.

It's arguable the most under battle rated plane in the entire game.

The Yak1 and Mig3 are also very capable planes for their BR of 2.7

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13 minutes ago, Venatores said:

Surprised no one has mentioned the ki-100 which is, in my view, the best at its br

I already saw great videos about it, I have the premium one and I believe it can be a great plane, I just probably haven't figured it out to use it, but I doubt that it's better than Bf109 F-4 at 3.7BR.

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1 hour ago, *sardinha08 said:

I already saw great videos about it, I have the premium one and I believe it can be a great plane, I just probably haven't figured it out to use it, but I doubt that it's better than Bf109 F-4 at 3.7BR.


Agreed.  I like the 104F at 3.7 better.  The Ki-100 was at 3.0 when introduced.  Now then it was the best plane at its BR.


And did everyone forget @ 6.7 we have the F7F?  I'll say the -3 is slightly better than the -1.  Still, either one is with out question the best prop fighter at its BR.  

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5 minutes ago, Cpt_Sum_TingWong said:

Still, either one is with out question the best prop fighter at its BR.  

De-fault.  My 2 favorite words in the English language.


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