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Best prop planes at BR


Sure, the ki-100 was monstrous at 3.0 but even at its br now it can outturn pretty much everything and its cannon fite is better then the bf109. Im not disputing the might of the bf109 but for me personally the ki-100 feels better. 


Also the premium ki-100 does not come close to matching the regular one. I was so disappointed when i bought the premium one to only find out it was worse then regular one. 

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10 hours ago, IdioTina said:

In the Russian tree it has to be the P47-27 at BR 2.7

As it can also carry bombs it's even powerful than the German variant.


Not sure if you mean that because it can carry bombs it's more powerful or that it has a different flight model.

All of the D model P-47's have the same flight model. I don't think I would be worried about any P-47 that has bombs on it.


10 hours ago, IdioTina said:

It's arguable the most under battle rated plane in the entire game.


That is a true statement. It is a 3.7 plane all day. As long as people continue to ground pound with them, the BR probably wont get raised.

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22 hours ago, danblaze said:

Yak 3p needs a BR drop. Yak 3 as well.


I retract my comment about the classic Yak 3. 4.0 seems fine as I have officially mastered it, and am expecting my certification from the Soviets soon.


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9 hours ago, Cpt_Sum_TingWong said:


Agreed.  I like the 104F at 3.7 better.  The Ki-100 was at 3.0 when introduced.  Now then it was the best plane at its BR.


And did everyone forget @ 6.7 we have the F7F?  I'll say the -3 is slightly better than the -1.  Still, either one is with out question the best prop fighter at its BR.  

The ki-100 turns better and has better armament, but has a worse climbrate and perhaps a little less energy retention. I'd rate the f-4 and ki-100 about equal in terms of pure ability--both are immense clubbers at 3.7 and retain crazy amounts of energy. Both are joys to fly, although I would have preferred if gaijin fixed the ki-100 so its performance matched real-life statistics and bumped it up to 5.0 or something--it's just unsettling to see ki-61s at 4.3 and 4.7, considering that they were ki-100 precursors. (And yes, the ki-61 lates should be moved down to around 3.7 imo)

Also, the tigercat may be a beast in a straight line, but it's too one-dimensional for my taste. Can't turn, roll rate isn't particularly noteworthy. Once caught in a disadvantageous position, it's almost impossible to deal with single-engined super props at its br. 

Edited by PennyWort
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59 minutes ago, PennyWort said:

(And yes, the ki-61 lates should be moved down to around 3.7 imo)

I strongly disagree with this.  The Ki-61's are among the planes I've had the most success with in War Thunder.  In fact I have more kills in the Ki-61-I hei (with the MG-151's) than in any other fighter.  The Ki-100 should absolutely have a similar BR, as it has similar performance.  I prefer it to the other japanese cannon equipped Ki-61's, and keep it in my 5.0 lineup, where it does just fine.


1 hour ago, PennyWort said:

Also, the tigercat may be a beast in a straight line, but it's too one-dimensional for my taste. Can't turn, roll rate isn't particularly noteworthy. Once caught in a disadvantageous position, it's almost impossible to deal with single-engined super props at its br. 

He's making a joke... there are no other 6.7 prop fighters, therefore it's the best at that BR by default.


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1 hour ago, sidchicken said:

I strongly disagree with this.  The Ki-61's are among the planes I've had the most success with in War Thunder.  In fact I have more kills in the Ki-61-I hei (with the MG-151's) than in any other fighter.  The Ki-100 should absolutely have a similar BR, as it has similar performance.  I prefer it to the other japanese cannon equipped Ki-61's, and keep it in my 5.0 lineup, where it does just fine.


He's making a joke... there are no other 6.7 prop fighters, therefore it's the best at that BR by default.

ah. My bad. 

The ki61s are really good, but still very underpowered. 

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6 hours ago, PennyWort said:

The ki61s are really good, but still very underpowered.

It appears that you've hardly flown them, except the hei, which means you've not gotten to judge them in spaded condition.  Their climb rate is not superb, but they're reasonably fast, reasonably maneuverable, and pack decent firepower.  I think if they were downtiered to 3.7 as you suggest, they would club nearly as hard as the Ki-100 clubs now.  They're fine where they are, maybe shave off 0.3 BR for the tei, which is the worst of the bunch.  Reducing any of them by 1.0 to 1.3 is way too much.


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12 hours ago, sidchicken said:

It appears that you've hardly flown them, except the hei, which means you've not gotten to judge them in spaded condition.  Their climb rate is not superb, but they're reasonably fast, reasonably maneuverable, and pack decent firepower.  I think if they were downtiered to 3.7 as you suggest, they would club nearly as hard as the Ki-100 clubs now.  They're fine where they are, maybe shave off 0.3 BR for the tei, which is the worst of the bunch.  Reducing any of them by 1.0 to 1.3 is way too much.

I can't explain my reasoning, but the ki61 is overtiered in the same way the yak 3p is. I love their flight models and do fairly well in them, but I still feel that they are undeserving of their brs. The ki 61 does well at 4.7 the same way that a 109 e4 will do well at 4.0. It's that gaijin is incredibly inconsistent with its br ratings and it really makes no sense to put certain planes where they are. This is my opinion; please don't assume I don't know my way around a ki-61. It's confusing to see this plane at 4.7/4.3, while their mg variants are 2 brs lower and still have the same exact performance. It's even more confusing to have the ki100 a full br lower than them while it completely outclasses them in every single way. It's like you're uptiering the plane whenever you fly it out--it's fun, but I feel like it shouldn't be able to face la9s and tempests. If you were to make "reasonable" brs for everything, the 109 e4 would be at 4.3 and the f4 at 5.0. 

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Additionally, the F4 is a hair better than the G2 trop if they're both pod less. G6,14, and 10 seem like utter crap, with the only upside being the 30 mil for bomber hunting. All those planes could be 5.0

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1.0 - I-15 M-22 Russian bias for newbies

1.3 - Thach's Buffalo

1.7 - Zhukovsky's I-153 M62 There is a reason why the researchable M62 is at 2.7... and there is none for the premium being rated 3 br steps lower

2.0 - Ki-44-II hei (2.0 guns, 4.0 FM)

2.3 - Bf 110 C-4(this should probably rather go to some russian ShVAK cannon plane, but considering this has been one of the first planes I've grown really fond of back when I've started playing WT, I'm too biased for fair judgement ;)

2.7 - Mig-3-34 insane armament for its BR paired up with a good flightperformance

3.0 - P-47D phenomenal flightperformance for its BR - especially at high altitude. It's kind of a shame I tend to use it as a ground attacker almost exclusively

3.3 - J2M2 not quite the Ki-100 experience, but the BR of this plane is still utterly misplaced

3.7 - 109 F4

4.0 -  La7

4.3 -  Ki 43-III otsu 

4.7 -  Do 217 E-2 A bomber makes it to the list, as I don't really like any fighters I've spaded so far at this BR... the Ki-84 or the He 219 would probably be the best fighter candidates, however I've flown neither of them thoroughly yet. I usually ignore Gaijins PvE-minigame, but in case one cares about winning ground pound missions all Do 217s are an excellent choice.

5.0 -   Bf 109-G2 (Romanian)

5.3 -  This used to be the Spit LF mk 9, but now that its BR got bumped up, this is a tough choice. Perhaps the Bf 109 G-6 or the Yak-3P. Neither of these planes is better than some 5.0 planes though.

5.7 -  La-9

6.0 -  Ki-83 excellent climb rate, top speed, energy retention and armament - also fairly agile. In my opinion this is the best heavy fighter in the game. Perhaps I'm not fair to the Spit Mk 24 here. I'm probably biased because I've expected the usual meh-ish heavy-fighter-experience when I've started to gind it, just to realize I've have stumbled upon one of Japanese jewels.

6.3 - So far I like the F8F-1B the most at this BR. I haven't spaded the Me 262 A-2a yet though, which might be a serious competitor. However the playstyles of these two are very different, so a direct comparison is fairly hard to begin with.

6.7 - F-84B-26 The flight-performance of this thing is just ludicrous - closer to the average 8.0 than the average 7.3 jet, and yet it's rated 6.7. In this thing one doesn't need to Boom & Zoom for a conservative playstyle, as Zoom & Zoom is absolutely sufficient. The insane speed put aside It also climbs and turns better than the other early Jets. The only problem this plane has got is that browning aren't as reliable killers as cannons at 6.7 - not even 6 nose-mounted ones.


My list ends here, as I'm not really into jets (too much of a grind, poor match making). Considering the topics title, I've exceeded the limits already anyway though. ;)

See you in the skies!:flight:

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4 hours ago, Wundsalz said:

I haven't spaded the Me 262 A-2a yet though, which might be a serious competitor.

The 262 is a serious competitor for best PROP?  What did I miss?


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11 hours ago, PennyWort said:

It's even more confusing to have the ki100 a full br lower than them while it completely outclasses them in every single way.

Except top speed, but yes, I agree.  The placement of the Ki-100, both its BR and its spot in the research tree are utterly baffling.  I'm still not understanding how you can say a plane performs fine at a BR but doesn't deserve to be there, especially when you say that the 109 E-4 performs fine when uptiered to 4.0 and then say that it should be a 4.3 plane.  This seems contradictory.


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2 hours ago, sidchicken said:

The 262 is a serious competitor for best PROP?  What did I miss?


6 hours ago, Wundsalz said:

Considering the topics title, I've exceeded the limits already anyway though. ;)

I've been so bold to reinterpret the topic as best plane in prop plane BR. Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif

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12 hours ago, sidchicken said:

Except top speed, but yes, I agree.  The placement of the Ki-100, both its BR and its spot in the research tree are utterly baffling.  I'm still not understanding how you can say a plane performs fine at a BR but doesn't deserve to be there, especially when you say that the 109 E-4 performs fine when uptiered to 4.0 and then say that it should be a 4.3 plane.  This seems contradictory.

I'm saying that it IS baffling. There is no consistency in a lot of BR ratings; that's why the E-4 is such a clubber at 3.0 despite being such an early war plane. I was being sarcastic when I said it belonged at 4.3--it really doesn't, although its performance is, as you might say of the ki61 at 4.7, "reasonable" at that br. Maybe I'm being overbearing--perhaps I do want the ki61 to be a clubber.

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Many BR ratings are odd. There's a good chance it has as much to do with other planes of a similar BR in each nation as it does the individual plane performance. Hence the confusion. Are the British fireflies really 3.7 & 4.0? I don't think so. But what else is there to put in there for a 3.7-4.0 line-up? Oh yeah..Beaufighter....

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11 hours ago, Pat_McGroin said:

Many BR ratings are odd. There's a good chance it has as much to do with other planes of a similar BR in each nation as it does the individual plane performance. Hence the confusion. Are the British fireflies really 3.7 & 4.0? I don't think so. But what else is there to put in there for a 3.7-4.0 line-up? Oh yeah..Beaufighter....

Spitfire Mk.IIb, Spitfire Mk.Vb/trop, premium Typhoon Mk.Ib, and before the recent BR update the premium Mustang. You also have the cannon Sea Hurricane at 4.0 if I'm not mistaken or Spitfire Mk.IX at 4.3 that can be downtiered to 4.0. It seems a pretty good lineup and maybe the best in game at 3.7-4.0.


You can have also a good german lineup at 4.0 with both Bf109 F-4s(3.7), Fw190 A-1(3.7), Fw190 A-4(4.3) or Ta-154(4.3 now).

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On 3/9/2017 at 5:29 AM, Pat_McGroin said:

Many BR ratings are odd. There's a good chance it has as much to do with other planes of a similar BR in each nation as it does the individual plane performance. Hence the confusion. Are the British fireflies really 3.7 & 4.0? I don't think so. But what else is there to put in there for a 3.7-4.0 line-up? Oh yeah..Beaufighter....

Not to put words into his mouth, but maybe what he means is that the Fireflies are just BR filler. It's like the Wellingtons or the Sparviero bombers: each one is .3 higher than the last, and they bridge the gap between the aircraft below and above them on the the research tree.  Do they really get incrementally better? Not really. They just need to span the gap in the tree. The Wellies used to have way higher BR until the UK got the Halifax and other better bombers. Maybe when something else gets added -- more effective 3.7/4.0 BR aircraft -- the Fireflies will get downtiered.






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Got a personal list

1.3 Ki27; I love that little plane it just dances round the sky and goes exactly where you want

1.7 F2 a-1; Another low tier favorite of mine fast for its rating with some nice firepower for its rating

2.0 Toss up between the mc202 or the Ki44-II; Speed lots and lots of speed and climb too! shame about the guns though

2.3 Hurricane mkII/trop; Admitedly not used this one since it became the trop and im not sure how the .303s are working at the moment but this thing was a real bruiser and as long as you can get a good long burst in

2.7 A36 apache (am i allowed this? its kind of an attacker); Flies like an Alison Mustang because it basically is one and those .50s are pretty good at getting the job done. (if i had to pick a fighter mig 3-34 read the comment about the 2.0 planes minus the bit about the guns)

3.0 either of the P47s; Fantastic plane for its rating flies fast dives fast and hits like a truck im more than happy to use these in my american lineup all the way to 4.3

3.3 j2m2; Absolutely awesome machine the j2s are up there with my any of my favorites fast all round and once you get the lead on the Japanese cannons its a really dangerous opponent. 

3.7 Either the Bf109-f4 or the spitfire mkIIb Great all rounders nothing to complain about apart from WHY ARE WE ONLY ALLOWED 15mm CANNON PODS!!

4.0 any p51 really; Used to really hate the d series p51s but now they fly really nice and the Alison one just works and keeps working wherever you take it (still not a fan of it though...)

4.3 I really want to say the Fw190 a-4 i do but I'm loving the a6m3s too much for me to say anything other than them; as for comments they're zeroes they turn they shoot things down then they turn some more in other words great fun!

4.7 P47M-RE; I already love p47s then they go and make an insanely fast one that shoots around like nothing can catch it and climbs like an idontknowwhat.

5.0 all about the bf109g2 with a mention to the fw190d9; the g2s do everything well theres really nothing to dislike about them.

5.3 fw190a8; i hear some prefer the 190a5 but meh i loved the a8 before i loved the a5 and still love the a8 more and dat firepower........

5.7 really enjoying the N1K2-J it turns its fast and it has cannons and i always get the feeling a lot of players just dont really know how to fight it

6.0 its another 109 I love the k4; im always running it with no pods and the nose 30mm (like all my late 109s actually) get in close and fast make planes go boom leave before anything else catches you mmmmmm

6.3 Not played a lot up here but i have been enjoying the Ta152 H1; similar tactics to the bf109k4 and i find it just works


Now Im probably going to remember something else that needs a mention like the (typhoon 1b and the a7s) but that is my list and what i like about them dont think i missed any ratings..... 

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5 hours ago, jutland_ace said:

Not to put words into his mouth, but maybe what he means is that the Fireflies are just BR filler. It's like the Wellingtons or the Sparviero bombers: each one is .3 higher than the last, and they bridge the gap between the aircraft below and above them on the the research tree.  Do they really get incrementally better? Not really. They just need to span the gap in the tree. The Wellies used to have way higher BR until the UK got the Halifax and other better bombers. Maybe when something else gets added -- more effective 3.7/4.0 BR aircraft -- the Fireflies will get downtiered.

But then you have the opposite in US and german tree, where there are no fighters between 5.0 and 6.3 except the premium ones(where there's a lot of 5.3 and now a 5.7, US Spitfire LF Mk.IXc) in US or just a few fighters between 3.7 and 5.0(the Fw190 A-4 at 4.3 was the only one and now you have the premium Ta154 at 4.3 and He-219 at 4.7) in german. Maybe to force us to use other types of planes like bombers or attackers.

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17 hours ago, jutland_ace said:

Not to put words into his mouth, but maybe what he means is that the Fireflies are just BR filler. It's like the Wellingtons or the Sparviero bombers: each one is .3 higher than the last, and they bridge the gap between the aircraft below and above them on the the research tree.  Do they really get incrementally better? Not really. They just need to span the gap in the tree. The Wellies used to have way higher BR until the UK got the Halifax and other better bombers. Maybe when something else gets added -- more effective 3.7/4.0 BR aircraft -- the Fireflies will get downtiered.

Pretty much this ^


It goes to my point that BR's change as much for the planes around them in the tree as they do for their own performance..sometimes at least.

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