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Best prop planes at BR


On 3/5/2017 at 0:47 PM, danblaze said:

What do you think guys? Are these the dirty planes I shouldn't be flying exclusively to pad my stats?

A historical military doctrine would say you should always play the planes that are listed as best at a tier. There is no such thing as a fair game in real combat only living and dead. Games are not about having fun, they are about finding weaknesses at your opponent's expense.


Sheep almost always lose to wolves. Be a wolf if you want to have fun.


This is what I had to learn after I waited about a year to play Star Wars the Old Republic and just jumped in on the wrong server and wrong class with a bad build and zero experience in online games.


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I'd have to put in a word for the He-100D at 1.7


Yes, I'll grant that it's guns are not the best, but you can rack up kills if you're patient/really good (something I admittedly am not), plus it has a monster climb-rate and is additionally incredibly fast at it's BR. I'm a crap player, but I can stay alive an entire AB game if I sorta try with little issue in that plane. Crap armament though it has, it's certainly a favorite of mine.

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11 hours ago, OC_Raven said:

I'd have to put in a word for the He-100D at 1.7


Yes, I'll grant that it's guns are not the best, but you can rack up kills if you're patient/really good (something I admittedly am not), plus it has a monster climb-rate and is additionally incredibly fast at it's BR. I'm a crap player, but I can stay alive an entire AB game if I sorta try with little issue in that plane. Crap armament though it has, it's certainly a favorite of mine.


You're right, it boom and zooms like a yo yo, in a different league to anything else at the BR. It should be untouchable if you're disciplined. The only problem as you say is the guns. It can take several passes to actually kill something. 

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5 hours ago, TheFederalist said:

Wow, did no one mention the La-9? Insane vertical handling. Insane firepower. Can kill B-29 in one burst. 


Very well could be the best 5.7, although I am given to wonder why the hell it's only 5.7.


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On 06/01/2019 at 18:09, sidchicken said:


Very well could be the best 5.7, although I am given to wonder why the hell it's only 5.7.

True that.


It's easily one of the best planes between 5.3 and 6.3. I'd take La-9 over 109 K-4 any day.

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In general, from BR 4.0 to 6+ German planes are superior to any other nation (despite that historically this is inaccurate...) . Bfs f-4, f4 trop, g2 trop, g2 Romania, k4 are the best fighter planes of the game. Do -217 are the best bombers too.  Of course there are some excellent planes in other nations too at the same BRs but the game clearly advantages the German planes. The proof for all these im saying is that firstly most of the players prefer Germany for squadron battles (that air superiority is vital) and secondly most excellent players also choose German planes to dogfight or just spawn-camp and get some easy kills for their stats  (unfortunately...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20/01/2019 at 17:51, TROOPER7 said:

In general, from BR 4.0 to 6+ German planes are superior to any other nation (despite that historically this is inaccurate...) . Bfs f-4, f4 trop, g2 trop, g2 Romania, k4 are the best fighter planes of the game. Do -217 are the best bombers too.  Of course there are some excellent planes in other nations too at the same BRs but the game clearly advantages the German planes. The proof for all these im saying is that firstly most of the players prefer Germany for squadron battles (that air superiority is vital) and secondly most excellent players also choose German planes to dogfight or just spawn-camp and get some easy kills for their stats  (unfortunately...)

No Question!!!

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  • 3 years later...

Lets see


F4U1-A should be the best one.


P-38G and P-38E





And P-36G, P-40E, P-40F and P-400 can hold their ground too.


F4U is strongly undertired, P-38 have been downtired from BR 3.7 or so, because people are not able to use them.


Biggest problem for new players might be the M2.

The early M2 Ammo (F2A, P-40) is the worst HMG ammo in Warthunder for air combat. Best of the belts there is stealth followed by default. That doesn't mean those belts are good, they are just less ****.

The 2nd worse HMG ammo against air targets is the mid war ammo of the M2. The one A-36 or F4U got.

It got the API the early belts are missing and the best belt would be Universal

For late M2 belts like the P-47 the best belt would be the tracer belt with pure API-T btw.

It is still the 3rd worse ammo for HMGs against airtargets in WT.


Why the M2 Ammo holds the first 3 places of being bad?
Because the HMGs of all other nations got HE rounds these days. When they hit, they go BOOM, damage stuff around with a shockwave and frags and in general behave like small cannons.

It doesn't matter if the ammo type is called HE, HEI, HEF or IAI (watch it, IAI for small MGs is NOT explosive), they all very strong.

While the M2 ammo has to hit a good place it can either dmg or set on fire.


At last most of the time you got plenty of guns and big ammo loads to rip an enemy into pieces with the US planes.

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On 06/03/2017 at 23:46, VaperTrail said:

 I-16 type 27/28  brilliant plane owns at 3.3 Ive beaten 5.0 BR plans in this.

I can hold my own in biplanes vs jets dosen't mean they're good. 


oh wait this is a zombie thread back from the dead 

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16 hours ago, FailBoatCaptain said:

oh wait this is a zombie thread back from the dead 

That's why i only answered to the guy who wanted to start the "US planes are bad" discussion, where everyone says yes.


Just like it when this comes up over and over again for the most undertired nation of WT Air AB.



But I have to correct myself.

The 2nd worse HMG Ammo is the one for the early finnisch (swedish) 12,7mm guns, the LKk/42. Forgot that one because it got like 3 planes using it, with only one being in the techtree.

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