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Most agile aircraft


2 hours ago, Axesome said:

Chaika. The only plane that can out-turn it is another Chaika.


Agile is not just turning its also roll rate and acceleration the Chaika is a great turner but it roll rate is slow and it locks up bad, there are few very agile planes in the game like the Zeros but all in all I like the i16-28, 27  ishak the best its as nimble as a deer even after they nerfed its flight model and dropped it to 3.3 BR, they should have left it at 3.7 and not nerfed it.

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Ki-10 is capable of defying laws of physics. However the only thing worse than its top speed is its armament.


Ki-43 series are extremely agile, but also slow for their BR. Ki-43-III is, however decently armed.


Spitfires maintain a good balance of maneuverability, speed and firepower, with emphasis on agility and since Mk. IX, climb rate. Their biggest weakness is dive.


Yak-3 and Yak-9 series have terrific low altitude performance, very good maneuverablility and incredible energy retention, so they can sustain energy heavy dogfight for long time at low altitudes.


Bf 109 F-4 might not be best turner, but has terrific energy fighting capabilities and vertical maneuverability.


A6M series are excellent at low speed, but tend to lock up and generally perform very badly at high speeds, and their top speed is very slow for their BR.


I-16 series are similar-slow but incredibly agile.


Hurricanes, Fireflies and Firebrand deserve special mention...they don't seem that agile or fast, but they can pull off incredibly tight turning circle using flaps and rudder.


And finally....agility is not the end of all attribute. It feels good flying agile plane, and can rip unskilled players to shreds, but if it comes at expense of speed and climb rate, experienced player can use speed and climb to dictate terms of engagement and take you out easily. For that reason, I'd take for example 109 F-4, P-38G or P-47 over A6M2 any day.

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3 hours ago, Axesome said:

Chaika. The only plane that can out-turn it is another Chaika.


Ki-27 actually has a better turn radius than the Chaika when it deploys flaps. Chaika cannot into deploy flaps.

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For pure tightness of turn it's the I153P 'Im going to disclude Tier I planes'

For roll rate and ability to change direction then the I-16-27 and 28 are hard to beat. Unfortunately these have been treated to a nasty nerfing and are nothing like they used to be.

However these two are low speed fighters. I153 locks up way before most other planes do. And the I16 has to be flown at full throttle continuously to take advantage of its FM.

Keeping your speed up in an I16 'its max speed isnt great' is no easy task. Both have good acceleration but terrible energy retention.

I153 can perform quite happily as low speeds... the I-16 can not. 

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14 hours ago, Optical_Ilyushin said:


Ki-27 actually has a better turn radius than the Chaika when it deploys flaps. Chaika cannot into deploy flaps.

No sure if thats true.

Maybe if the Ki-27 has flaps deployed and is using rudder properly whilst the Chaika player is not.
Would also depend on the speed. Ki-27 would out turn a Chaika that was over doing its speed 'performing a boom'

However in general Id give the advantages to the Chaika.

In a prolonged turning engagement the Chaika would drain all the speed from the Ki-27 and eventually get guns on it.

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If the OP posts the sort of attributes he or she would like to see in a plane, we can give better opinions.  The discussions about the Chaikas and I-16s are sort of moot at BRs of 4+.




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1 hour ago, *Johnnyoldskool said:

Ki 10 helicopter mode was awesome back in the day :DD


AFAIK it still is helicopter. I've manged to briefly bring it into standstill (0 IAS) in AB not long ago. 

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On 2017-5-1 at 6:13 PM, blastedryan said:

What if the Ki 27 had its landing gear ripped off?

What if the Chaika was carrying rockets? lol

Lots of variables you could take into account.

But really it comes down to player skill and who has the advantage at the start of the engagement.

Its pretty rare for two plane to engage each other on a completely equal footing.


Being able to prop hang can be an advantage... as long as the other plane can't and you can lure it into doing so.

Decent recovery from a prop hang is also necessary though.

The Ki-27 would be fighting an opponent that is faster 'in practical terms of turn fighting' , has more engine power, more fire power, and can pretty much match or better it's FM. 

Edited by IdioTina

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  • 4 years later...
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Oh wow, this is a throwback.


On 01/05/2017 at 05:48, IdiotInA said:

No sure if thats true.

Maybe if the Ki-27 has flaps deployed and is using rudder properly whilst the Chaika player is not.
Would also depend on the speed. Ki-27 would out turn a Chaika that was over doing its speed 'performing a boom'

However in general Id give the advantages to the Chaika.

In a prolonged turning engagement the Chaika would drain all the speed from the Ki-27 and eventually get guns on it.


Perhaps a late response but the Ki-27 has a lower wing loading than the Chaika, and at the time of this conversation back in 2017, beat the Chaika in a sustained turn. If I remember correctly, a standard sustained turnfight around 1-2km provided the Ki-27 with a 1 second turn advantage over the Chaika, while also having a tighter turning radius.

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On 01/05/2017 at 12:28, Tigerspook said:

If the OP posts the sort of attributes he or she would like to see in a plane, we can give better opinions.  The discussions about the Chaikas and I-16s are sort of moot at BRs of 4+.



I've killed my fair share of jets in my Chaikas and Ishaks

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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