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Steam api dll driving me crazy.


Hi Folks.

I have a issue with the steam api dll.

I dont want that.

I have 3 versions of War Thunder on my PC ... O.K. now its 2. because i deleted the Steam based Version.

The reason, its steam api dll, spams itself in any folder that is somewhat WT related.

Even though i deleted War Thunder on steam.

Since it tends to make the game slower over time (Yes it does!) and makes the game more and more unstable until it freezes and crashes every couple of minutes. I have to delete it every time i start the game.

I don't even use Steam for this game. Only when i want to support you by purchasing Golden Eagles. I don't want steam to dump his feces in my WT Folder!

I know, there once was a way, to save our Game Copies from this pirating act.

Somebody please help!


Br3nor (Posted )

Moved to the Steam issues area. o7

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8 hours ago, Bernfried1 said:

 I don't want steam to dump his feces in my WT Folder!


umm... well... it isn't Steam that is installing the Steam_api.dll and Steam_api64.dll but the WT launcher.

those dlls are just part of the game install and thus they are getting reinstalled by the launcher when they

aren't being found in the game directories (even on systems without Steam ^^)


you can find the files in the ..\War Thunder\win32\tools.zip (and ..\War Thunder\win64\tools64.zip) and i

dont think that there is a way to prevent the launcher from reinstalling those files when it gets started.


if the Steam API is being used (at all) when the game is not being started from Steam i dont know...

medal medal medal

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