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migrating to steam?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this thread under, but I kinda want to migrate this game to steam.


I've been playing this game for quite a while now, but I had downloaded the game separately from steam and always started it up with the WarThunder launcher. I don't play on my steam account, since I have my own warthunder account. For OCD sake, I was wondering if it was possible to just combine the two and play on steam without losing all the progress I have already made. If it is, could someone help me maybe? 

I play on windows 10.



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Hello, MangoEatingCow.


You can import your already existing War Thunder installation into Steam https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/articles/200070271-How-to-import-War-Thunder-into-Steam and start the game through Steam.

Neither it isn't required then to play with a Steam Account nor you have to use the Steam Login button in the log in screen. You can also still use your normal War Thunder account as usual.

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I followed everything that was there, but when I clicked the play button it was showing a 16 GB installation. It's already downloaded 1.3 GB, more than what it should be installing, and it's still going, and it still says that I have 4 hours more.


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1 hour ago, MangoEatingCow said:

I followed everything that was there, but when I clicked the play button it was showing a 16 GB installation. It's already downloaded 1.3 GB, more than what it should be installing, and it's still going, and it still says that I have 4 hours more.


Sadly, I migrated to Steam since a while and I had to reinstall the whole game but into the "Steam" folder, so ... I don't think you can just say to Steam "hey my game folders are here, so just pick them and put them into your folder" :/

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Strange, for me it has worked at the beginning of this year.


5 hours ago, MangoEatingCow said:

I followed everything that was there, but when I clicked the play button it was showing a 16 GB installation. It's already downloaded 1.3 GB, more than what it should be installing, and it's still going, and it still says that I have 4 hours more.

If you have not already done the whole download now, you can try to start the download and then abort it. It is possible, that now the War Thunder folder was created while the short download process and Steam detected it. Now move the content of the nonWar Thunder installation in the SteamWar Thunder installation folder.

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On 7/21/2017 at 1:25 PM, FredericusRer said:

Strange, for me it has worked at the beginning of this year.


If you have not already done the whole download now, you can try to start the download and then abort it. It is possible, that now the War Thunder folder was created while the short download process and Steam detected it. Now move the content of the nonWar Thunder installation in the SteamWar Thunder installation folder.

So if I say completely redownloaded the game in my steam folder, can I still play on this account I have?

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