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Minimap Symbols


Hi there,


can someone explain the minimap symbols in realism to me please?


- From what I have figured out a circle with an exclamation mark (!) shows an enemy being hit. Correct? So I should mark enemies with my MGs so my allies see them on the minimap, yes?

- A tanksymbol on the minimap means that kind of tank destroyed. So should an enemy light tank die one sees a red bar flashing.

- Is there no symbol for enemy spotted?

- Is there nothing for enemy fired and hit an ally?



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  • 1 year later...

Lol, no one answered it. 


I have a different question though. I know what all symbols mean, but sometimes they are flashing, sometimes they are faded. I assume faded are recently killed? And flashing ones? I think killed guy is flashing first, and then fading and disapprearing soon after, but that;s just my guess.


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On 23/08/2019 at 04:11, AquilaSPQR said:

Lol, no one answered it. 


I have a different question though. I know what all symbols mean, but sometimes they are flashing, sometimes they are faded. I assume faded are recently killed? And flashing ones? I think killed guy is flashing first, and then fading and disapprearing soon after, but that;s just my guess.


Hi, simply:

Faded = recently killed

Flashing = recently hit with mgs / cannon

Staying highlighted = spotted by a light tank


Also you can see friendly arty on the map indicated by a not so visible incomplete cross. 
Exclamation mark in a circle is either manually marked position of an enemy or some garbage hit with MG (not so sure about that last one) 



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