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Ive been banned for a day


I have been banned for teamkilling in sim battles that was pure accident I was in tank sim and I shot 2 friendlys after pushing to around the middle of the map I did not know they were friendlys could there be a addition to sim that gives you a little warning (like a small symbol on the screen) that shows up where you are pointing your gun at a friendly please. I don't want to get banned for teamkills and I'm sure lots of other people have the same happen to them like this also the people I killed may have had 500% boosters on for example so that wouldn't be good for then either.. Could I also be unbanned since this was pure accident. many thanks fisherfighter


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If you've been banned for a day. It shouldn't be too much of a problem, (though, you could still ask for an unban if you want to play right now). You can play tomorrow again. And Sim is supposed to be realistic you need to identify your target before killing it. If you did that, you would've noticed those were friendlies. 

Edited by *blackoutmegatron
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  • Senior Forum Moderator

Hi @fisherfighter,


You'll have to wait for the ban to run it's course. 1 day isn't too bad.

That said, if you have questions or concerns with moderation, you should be taking this up with the Game Masters. You can send a private message to anyone from the list below about this, as discussions of moderation isn't allowed on the public forums.


Game Masters:
(Contact them via PM if you have problem with: Game Ban/Game Moderation Issues, see also languages the GM's can be contacted in)


Senior Game Masters:
(Contact them ONLY if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)


I wish you the best in getting this resolved.

Cheers :salute:

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I've always found it funny when games allow friendly fire and teamkilling but ban you when it happens. Sure, I can understand banning someone griefing by teamkilling all of their teammates, that should be something that's easy to spot in the match results, but a ban for accidental friendly fire or teamkill? Nu uh. If the ban is automated then the settings should be looked into and probably  toned down, if the ban was given by a person then that person is an idiot.


I also find the dismissal of the ban to be amusing: "Oh, it's only a day. You can go without playing, it's no problem." like it's not an issue.

Edited by Guest

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56 minutes ago, YoshiKa_Miyafuji said:

If the ban is automated


it is


57 minutes ago, YoshiKa_Miyafuji said:

but a ban for accidental friendly fire or teamkill?


well... if you know how to code a software that can determine whether a kill was intentional or accidental

(human brain interface ?!) you'd be a rich man in no time ^^


on a more serious note: it's simulator mode... on this mode (internally named hardcore mode btw) it's your

sole responsibility to identify your target correctly. see, i assume in real life you wouldn't get away with just

saying 'oops, sorry... this was an accident' either.


if you want to be cut some slack you should maybe consider playing realistic or even arcade mode instead.

also you might want to consider being more careful in the future because the more TKs you gather the 

longer the bans get... this time it was only 24hours, next time it may be longer...


6 hours ago, fisherfighter said:

the people I killed may have had 500% boosters on for example


and i'm sure you want to reimburse those players for their losses (RP, silver lions, K/D ratio etc etc)...

also, did you even think about what those players would feel like seeing you getting your punishment lifted ?

or even how they felt the second they realized they got killed by a friendly instead of an enemy ? you ruined

their battle (most likely) and now you act like you are being the victim here ?!


c'mon - take it like a man ^o^

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  • Senior Forum Moderator
8 hours ago, TheElite96 said:

Hi @fisherfighter,


You'll have to wait for the ban to run it's course. 1 day isn't too bad.

That said, if you have questions or concerns with moderation, you should be taking this up with the Game Masters. You can send a private message to anyone from the list below about this, as discussions of moderation isn't allowed on the public forums.

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I wish you the best in getting this resolved.

Cheers :salute:

@fisherfighter  ^^THIS^^


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