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Hints for Assault Game Mode


Please find below my experience on how assault mode is played best.

Assault mode shortly:

In assault mission, the whole team is defending one own base from several waves of enemy. Mission is lost if base gets destroyed. Enemy attacks with bombers at height of 3500 m, lighter airplanes at 1500 m and howitzers.
One must always play for win. This is so because there is little to lose but lot to win. Winning provides big amount of research points (maybe 10 times vs. of losing) and some silver lions. Every day your first assault session will give you a booster (300 % for win). Crew experience increases as well.
If your lose your aircraft in game, you can respawn (default key J) and every spawn has a small cost. So you can play same plane through the whole session. The planes doesn't need repair after the game, so there is no repair cost, except for in game spawns.

When to play assault:

Primarily assault mode should be used for collecting boosters and research points and secondary for crew experience, the cost is silver lions used for respawns. Assault is not suitable for SL picking, basically you change some SLs to RP and booster by playing assault.


What planes should be used?

- Assault game levels are at the moment at AB battle ratings 2.3, 3.7, 5.0 and 6.3+. Highest active BR in your line up defines in which level you get in. Usually you should select plane near to upper limit, so not with BR 2.7 plane but rather BR 3.7 - these both will play against same enemy.
- First of all, the plane should have armament suitable for destroying bombers.
- Secondly, speed is important - the earlier you can attack incoming planes, the more you will kill before they reach your base.
- Climb rate has some role, but much less than those above.


How to win?

- Before game, furnish your guns with suitable ammo belts - air belts and universal belts usually work best. Do not carry bombs or rockets, they have little use and only slow you down.
- You must pay attention what team mates are doing to act most effectively. Don't rush after every enemy wave if there are enough team mates heading to them in front of you. Instead, prepare for next wave so that  get early attack on it.
-  Except the last wave, the whole team shouldn't attack single wave, as they would then be badly positioned for next.
- If you are not attacking, head closer to area where you guess next wave comes in.
- Remember to reload you guns whenever there is time for that.
- Most important targets are the bombers, they come at about 3500 m height, which is the same where you are launched at respawn.
- Enemy Howitzer are effective, they should be destroyed quite soon. 2 or at most 3 planes attacking them is enough - others must concentrate to air forces. I tend to attack Howitzers if I'm closest to them, too low to attack incoming bombers or when my plane has e.g. oil leak. After killing howitzers you are very low, I tend to reject the plane unless there is good chance for attack next wave.
- Enemy fighters are usually quite easy targets. Even two effective players can destroy one wave, but rather 4...5 players should attack them.
- Never land on AF for repair. It is completely lost time to repair and climb; every player is needed to fight. Enter assault only when you have enough SLs for respawns.
- When you respawn, usually many team mates are attacking somewhere. You should evaluate whether you are needed there or not. If there are bomber wave close, that is the most important target. If nothing else, take height keeping speed and be ready to dive towards next wave appearing.
- When attacking, I use to take head on first and then turn and shoot enemy from back flying about the same course than enemy.
- Occasionally you will be killed by friendly fire. Stop shooting immediately if team mate crosses you fire track. Avoid cross flying inside enemy swarm, as doing so you easily run in friendly fire.

- The idea is to protect own base, not to kill planes that allready have dropped bombs to it - these can't do any harm after releasing. The enemy markers in radar turn red after they have dropped bombs, it doesn't contribute to win attacking such planes. One should concentrate to intercept attacking troops, and leave others alone.
- Last waves of enemy are large in number. When you get that long in the session, win is near and you should do all you can. If you are in weak position, low or far on other side, do not hesitate to jump out rejecting the plane and getting respawn high.

Edited by suohaukka
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