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Waiting for battle


Hi have played for a long time but still havent found out if when waiiting to get in a battle air or grund is a hig number of players good for waiting time or does it take longer to get in. I am now waiting to get in a game with 5 players waiting and it takes 4 ever.

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Ok it is also harder with higher Br must be becaus less players have them or play them. I have a 8.0 plane and find it hard to get in a game with it sometimes.


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Matchmaking for battles is not so easy *). Player waiting in the queue sees a number of players waiting at server. This number seems to be the number of player at the same tier as you and is updated about 15 sec intervals. If one is connected to several servers, it shows the highest one. However, if you vehicle's BR is at ranks low or high end, your session may get players from lower/higher tier; looking server specific numbers will give idea of how fast you'll be matched.

*) In matchmaking it is not best way just to assign match when there are enough players within some 1.0 BR range, because that way the spread of waiting times becomes large. The server probably also looks for waiting times of single players and tries to make sessions so that no one needs to wait exceptionally long. The situation lives all the time, because new players join waiting, some are assigned to game, and some jump out from the queue.  

Above my understanding - I don't know factually.

Edit: Sometimes, usually after release of new vehicles or before some specific event, there might be lot of players of a specific nation. Naturally these players have to wait long, as there are no enough opponents for them. In this situation, selecting a nation opposing the majority usually gets a rapid spawn.

Edited by suohaukka
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