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Simulator air tutorial???


Is there a reason no matter what I do I cannot get the supplied aircraft in the simulator air tutorial (take off and landing) To leave the ground no matter how fast I get the aircrafts speed up to?

I just keep running out of runway and crashing. Kind of urgent as my controls are now all set for sim which I cant access without completing the damn tutorial ,

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This tutoral is a xxxxx as your control switch when the tutorial starts.

start in 3d view and look how the control faces move to your input. You have some second to watch.

And set yaw multiplyer to 2 in sim and 0 for AB and RB.

That is all you have to change to get of the ground.

Good luck.

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I dont remember if it have flaps. As I cant take the tutorial again.

If you kan steer with rudder and go strait on airstrip and the elevator go the right way to take off, at take off try  to trottle down to 90% to not be rolled by propeller tork.

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