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PIng during game play


I was wondering how to tell what your ping rate is during a game from the US server...Can anyone share that info with me...My planes and reaction times seem to be slower at night than during the day...

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If I'm understanding the question, you can see in the match.


In the hanger you will see FPS(Frames per Second) in the lower left corner.

In a match you will see Ping and Packet loss% beside it in that same corner as well

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Thank you..But I have checked in the hangar as well as in game and I have no information showing up in the lower left corner at all  ...


Edited by SGCustom327
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The built in FPS counter is displayed in the very bottom left of the screen in the hangar. When you are in battle, it's in the same spot, but there's also a Packet Loss counter next to it as well. As far as I know there is NO option to enable/disable this information, it's always on.


If you are using a third party program like Steam however, a second FPS counter may be visible elsewhere (You have to enable this option in Steam itself) but I'm not sure why you would need it. Or if you were recording footage with a capture program, another separate FPS counter for that program may also be visible.(Again, you would have to toggle this)

shot 2018.05.24 17.00.jpg

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