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Game creating files in the wrong disk/directory




I got a little problem with war thunder's files not going in the right disk and directories (Screenshot 1)

It is the "common" , "lastlogin" , "global" , "machine" , "machine.id" and "storage" files in the "Saves" folder.

It also create a tree of folders, in a user, but it is absolutely not my OS disk.

I got 3 disks, one with my operating system (C:), one with my game (X:) and one for datas (E:).

My game is located in the (X:) disk, and these little config files are located in the (E:) files

When I delete it, they'll reappear when I start war thunder again.

Can I know how to tell my game not to create these files in this directory, but in another one instead?

Where may I ask this question in a more appropriate place too?


Note : My game is downloaded through steam.


Thank you for any answers.

Sans titre.png

Edited by Nicoooxd
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On 27/06/2018 at 22:20, Nicoooxd said:

Also, I do have these files in my game folder, the same.


really ? now that is definitely weird (to me at least since this is the first time in over 5 years of reading about technical issues that i read that ^^)


anyway... those configuration files are by default being saved in the windows user profile folder and afaik there is no way to change this.

usually the user profile folder is located on the system drive Windows is installed on (so it shoud be C: actually) though you can move the

user profile folder to other drives (even network drives though this often causes issues...)


you could ofc move the user profile folder back to c: but his would not only move those few files to C: but ALL of your windows user profiles

with all the data / files in them (and those folders may be rather big ! also you cannot just move or copy paste those folders but have to use

certain procedures (so be sure to read up on this topic before you even consider trying)... but i guess you already know this as it looks as if

you've done this in the past already (user profiles moved from C: -> E:)


i dont know if a folder redirection or symbolic link will work... never tried this myself or even digged into it as this topic is to delicate to me ^^

(*never touch a running system* you know XD). if i got some spare time (and if nobody else is coming up with a viable solution) i might delve

into the game configuration files to see if there is some kind of variable to change the account profile path.

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What is really strange is that everywhere my C: is considered as the system disk.... I even checked using the disk part command with cmd and everything is fine. Well i guess i'll live with that thank you

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