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Airplane with WEP shakes after reset of all settings

Dear reader,


I had to reinstall my windows completely yesterday because it would not boot.
The worst part of this is that all my War Thunder settings are wiped out.
I've managed to get everthing back to how it was except for one thing.
When i hold throttle to use WEP in a plane it shakes, it's not aggresively shaking, more like vibrating.
Anyway it's really annoying to look at and i hope someone knows a fix for this. 
To be extra clear 100% throttle looks fine, as soon as it reaches WEP it starts visually vibrating which it did not use to do before.
If anyone could help me with this i would greatly appreciate it! 

ill include a screengrab of my graphics settings.



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The option I believe you are searching for is Camera Shake, found under the in game options menu; Main Parameters, Common Battle Settings, Camera Shake. I'm not sure what the default is, but mine is set to 50% (It's a 0-100% slider) and it's very minor. Out of curiosity I turned it down to 0% and took a test flight, and it completely removed the WEP shake.

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