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[SOLVED] [27/10/2018] Steam Overlay not hooking (or starting)


I merely forgot to update my drivers;
In the case anybody ever needs it for some reason

I recently had to reinstall my version of the game through steam, and have been having issues with the Steam Overlay after the reinstall.
As you can see in this screenshot, gameoverlayui.exe is not in the process list, despite me having the game running via steam.

I have enabled the overlay in Steam's "War Thunder - Properties" tab, and in general settings.
I have also placed hooks:b=yes in my config.blk; it is attached at the bottom of this post.

As you can also see, "Verify Integrity of Game Files" is greyed out in the properties window.
I feel as though THIS has something to do with the issue.



2018_10_27_16_21_51__3988.clog (I accidentally crashed out the game in this one, it should show most of the same, however)

Edited by Lunacae
Added .clogs
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