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The one thing I did that dramatically improved my accuracy - Aim above the target


Yeah, if you're in a plane, aim above the thing you want to shoot at by the height of your plane's tail. This might be obvious to old timers, but tooks me 2 years to figure out. I mostly play in third person view, and the camera is usually at the height of the plane's tail, and so the guns are below the camera by that amount. So ground striking with with the German Hs129B3, you have to aim 2 meters above a tank's turret to hit it. Same goes for gunner's view on planes, as well as tanks and helicopters, but not ships because they have a range finding mechanic.


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Another thing you can do is switch to the cockpit when you get closer to the target. Helps quite alot especially with targets less than 200m away.

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  • Senior Technical Moderator

And check check (that's a double check) if vertical targeting is on and what is your convergence.


They both have an effect, in 3rd person view mostly, but in cockpit view too.

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