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How to NOT use Vehicle Presets


My game mode keeps changing due to "my current vehicle presets."

I have not set up any vehicle presets and I don't want to.

I just want the game mode to stay the same until I change it. 
Will someone please tell me how to put an end to this nonsense?

Thanks in advance. 


Edited by Erich_Von_Kraut
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  • Game Master

If you are referring to the game selecting AB or RB (or sim) when you Queue for games, then yes. Whatever line up you last selected for which-ever game mode (AB or RB) the game remembers that and will select that mode based on your previous Queue. For example: I Queue my 3.7 lineup for AB. Play a handful of match's. Then I decide to play RB and queue my 5.7 lineup and play a few match's. It will remember "Tank Arcade" for my 3.7 lineup and "Tank Realistic" for my 5.7 line up, because that's the last mode i Queued for in those lineups. Keeping in mind i have a 3.7 preset made and a 5.7 preset made as well. I'm not entirely sure if this clears anything up for you, or if i have understood your question correctly. Are you moving different vehicles in and out of the default preset?


Here is a copy of the most recent "Change Log". you can view it Here

Edited by crimfobic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not trying to be mean but this is a completely useless function, I don't know if the guy who came up with it even plays the game. Presets has almost nothing to do with game mode and the same preset can be used for different game modes, I can have a Russian 5.3 lineup for tanks RB and have a la7 in it, next time I feel like playing Air RB I can use the same preset and just pick the la7, or if I feel like playing arcade I can just join with the same preset. Now you give us this function and guess what, the game remembers that I played ground RB last time, so it automatically switches to ground rb with a tiny notification that's very hard to spot. Then I join the wrong mode, get pissed off and forced to play the wrong vehicles in a mode that I don't feel like playing. And if I quit then all the damn crews get locked for the next 10min or so.


Just please, presets has nothing to do with game mode, leave it alone or at least give us an option to turn this thing off. I've joined half a dozen games with wrong vehicle setup in the last couple days purely due to this nonsense.

Edited by Ghost_033
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  • Game Master

One solution is to select the game mode before you hit the "To Battle" button. It's clear that you are very well aware of this "mode selection", enough that you have taken the time to express your dissatisfaction with it. As for me, I find the auto selection to be very convenient. When I'm squad-ed up with friends and we are on a roll, the last thing i want to do is take the time to select which mode i want to choose. I just keep hitting the "To Battle" selection. It also allows for efficiency, where as, no one has to keep changing their lineup based on changing the game mode. 

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I understand it could be "very convenient" for some, but at the same time it could also be super annoying for others including the host of this post, me, and many of my friends and clan mates. Just make an off button so everyone gets their own cookie, how hard could it be?

Edited by Ghost_033
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