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Rptd: AMX-10RC Performance issues

Issue - Driving forward at speeds below 5mph and trying to 'turn' causes the vehicle to stutter in turning. However when reversing at the same speed -5mph and turning in reverse this issue is not present.


Replicate - explained above pretty much


Video showing issue, notice how turning right when going forward the wheels still 'turn' and 'stop' then 'turn again' this is what causes the stutter at low speed turning. but notice how in reverse the 'wheels on the inside turning circle' lock up allowing for a cleaner turning circle. 




Files - random clog still relates to the vehicle (just not the bug its self)


Fix - looks like when going forward the side that you are turning (wheels) will still attempt to 'role forward' and not stop like they do in reverse which causes this stutter because its 'trying to go forward and reverse at the same time' Till regenerative steering is in, this is the only possible fix because again turning at low speeds is just impossible, would be more efficient to stop and turn. 


No documents needed, just a bug in how the wheels are turning or (not locking up based on which side is turning) again regenerative steering doesnt do this but because that is not a feature the one side lock up is the only method to fix the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everybody,

I need to report the fact that the AMX 10 RC engine torque power, the acceleration, the cross country capabilities and the negative gun depression in game isn't correct or properly modelled.


The AMX 10 RC is a heavy armed recon/scout vehicle with great engine power, especially knowned for his acceleration and his engine torque power for crossing quickly obstacles when needed, the AMX 10 RC can run with ease all kinds of hard terrains.


In game the engine is set too weak especially when trying to climb less than 60° angled roads, mounts etc, the AMX-10 RC in game is also much less agile when driving on sand, mud, or when turning on himself, the AMX 10 RC is turning like tanks easely on all harsh grounds, even very deep sand by blocking one side of the wheels, which had for consequences to change often those tires in operations.


The AMX 10 RC were created to be fast on all conditions and mainly used for desert warfare like his little brother the EBR 90 (Sagaie), this vehicle currently in game is struggling very much on all types of terrains and is for him extremely difficulty to climb elevated grounds, even little ones, things who aren't accurate regarding the real unit from the French army, this machine could climb pretty quickly 60° in real life. ( check the 70s test video)

The first gear of the AMX-10 RC is in reality brutal and very clunchy, torquy, not soft or without any torque power like represented in War Thunder.


Take a look at this Youtube video (i saw them in live but isn't really helping here, im also aware youtube videos aren't take in count, but still...you have the official notice in pdf attached to this bug report) how the AMX 10 RC is very comfortable on all terrains.

Its a small fix, the rest of the model seems legit, except maybe the HEAT shells bouncing frontally on the Italian Centauro ;) no HEAT shells can behave that way on paper armored units.

Some Official Army brochure in Pdf are attached to this bug report, please check the "mobilité, franchissement .pdf" at page 94 for the AMX10 rc datas.

Thanks guys.


1st Video: Acceleration when stopped of the AMX 10 RC, check 0.29s

2nd Video: Cross country and climbing capability of the AMX 10 RC, check 0.42s

3rd Video: Cross country and speed ability of the AMX 10 RC"R" (Renovated with extra armor), which is heavier than what we have in game.


Some factual datas Power/ratio per tons:


The French AMX-10RC vehicles use the Moteurs Baudouin 6 F11 SRX supercharged diesel engine. This powerplant was selected in 1985 to equip the last production AMX-10RC vehicles as a production cut-in as well as for eventual retrofit to all AMX-10RC vehicles of the French Army. This engine is rated at 208.88 kilowatts (280 horsepower) at 50 revolutions per second (3,000 revolutions per minute). The power-toweight ratio for the AMX-10RC with this engine is 13.15 kilowatts per tonne (16 horsepower per ton). No matter which engine is fitted, a 24-volt electrical system with six 12-volt/100-ampere-hour batteries is standard. Two waterjets, mounted on each side of the hull at the rear, are used for water propulsion. Gearbox. The AMX-10RC vehicles use an unspecified semi-automatic gearbox with four forward and four reverse gear ratios. The clutch is electromagnetically operated. A power take-off unit operates the two waterjets. The AMX-10RC is skid steered.


More infos here page 3: https://www.forecastinternational.com/archive/disp_old_pdf.cfm?ARC_ID=1111


The AMX 10 RC in R.B. games, its just a little exemple of how wrongly this unit is set currently in game, im open at max from the start until the end on this video clip, and i have of course all modules upgraded.


This isn't my video above, but it is real in game. (please don't mind the ironic text of the video maker)


This video up is from 70's ;)  yep, not quite what we have regarding its mobility...please fix that model in game, thanks you all.








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  • Senior Technical Moderator


   I will need to cross-reference this.  But this look very much like the issues No_Camping and others have already reported..


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  • Senior Technical Moderator

Reports merged.

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  • Senior Technical Moderator

  Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.  


Your information has been forwarded to the Developers for their consideration.  

If there is anything further regarding this report a Technical Moderator will contact you.


Thank you again for your support.


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