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Limiting Clans in Rank 5-6


 The population in the Jet class for now is growing, that's good. This VPO clan, that's all they play. It's their prerogative, I get that. But to us new to the Jet scene...is there anyway to limit their clanning in the game or to any clan for that matter. Since the teams are usually still small in numbers, it's discouraging for newer single players entering the fray. Can it be disallowed to clan at least for now, given that it's still new and growing.

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4 hours ago, Oldtimer1955 said:

This VPO clan, that's all they play.


Perhaps that is because with jets, you have servers merged? I have seen them elsewhere I think.


The problem is, they don't have to form a squad for that matter. Given the number of jet games, they are automatically on the same side, if they cue at the same time.

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Limiting Squadrons or Squad play in general, is limiting playing together. You want to support playing together in a Team based game, not the opposite. This is not a solo game. Find players to play with and get in touch with Squadrons. Your overall experience will be better after finding these people.

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1 hour ago, Arium said:

Limiting Squadrons or Squad play in general, is limiting playing together. You want to support playing together in a Team based game, not the opposite. This is not a solo game. Find players to play with and get in touch with Squadrons. Your overall experience will be better after finding these people.


I can understand both your points. In normal games, one squad forms at most 25% of all players on one side. In jet games, it easily can be over 50%.



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Just saw my first Clan in battle...dont recall the name, but OUR team had about 5 or more planes from same clan...

Planes AB...BR4 or so....


IT considerably tilted the match...i am not so sure if it was the coordination, or the simple fact we had a much more capable set of players (the clan seemed to have the more experienced players in the match...and they all went to our side)...


It was a rout...one of the few times i saw a side completely destroyed in planes...


I actually believe this should be fun (playing as clan)...only thing i can think of is Matchmaking SHOULD try to balance things...

...match a clan to each side (should be possible if they appear in 50% of the matches, no?)

...match the teams by shifting talented free-lancers a bit to the side WITHOUT the clan (also possible, just necessary to do some math)


Side note...it was airfield domination...and also first time i managed to land, as the sky was almost clear over the airfield...got a reward for landing a critically damaged plane...never done that before ;)

And plane repaired and rearmed while my "teamates" kept the sky almost clear...

Edited by *GhostSoph

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The first problem is that clan mates can't oppose each other. So even if they don't squad, they enter the same side. This is a problem with jets, as there are so few battles going on.

So the balancing is not working as intended.

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28 minutes ago, Dodo_Dud said:

The first problem is that clan mates can't oppose each other. So even if they don't squad, they enter the same side. This is a problem with jets, as there are so few battles going on.

So the balancing is not working as intended.

SO...what about my suggestion #2 above...assuming no other clan is on at the same time to match...

Game would put clan and potatos on one side...and the guys that can fly jets on the other...adjust a bit depending on actual clan numbers and players quality...and match!


Is this done? Could it be?


I dont see the issue so i am not sure...just curious...was kind of fun seeing the clan coordinating...they used chat comms also...

Not sure if for some members without comms or to direct us common mortals...

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I was in a squad of 8 for a few matches the other day. We had 2 different squadrons, split into 2 different squads, hit enter game at same time. 8 players prioritizing targets/threats. The other team didn't stand a chance nor did the bottom 8 players on my team as we took the top 8 spots

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Literally no one but VPO plays jet ab these days. Queue times are long enough. I would personally recommend that you try jet RB. Queue times are shorter, and rewards are higher. And you're fast, so it's actually quite fast paced. 

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Hi guys. I'm a VPO member. For now gajiin is randomly put us max 4 in the same game. I say randomly because if you team up the queue time is longer. About new players getting killed... Well, just learn and grow faster. That's what I did. I can't ask gajiin to ban flip from arcade air just because he massacred me, or ban the 4444,qvp,god,novas teams. Just fight them back. There's plenty good players around in arcade air, the problem maybe is how gajiin make the teams. We do play plenty of mods, from tanks to ships, arcade  and real, but air arcade is for now the first choice. Have a good day and see you on the battlefield. 

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On 01/02/2019 at 15:10, Dodo_Dud said:

The first problem is that clan mates can't oppose each other. So even if they don't squad, they enter the same side. This is a problem with jets, as there are so few battles going on.

So the balancing is not working as intended.

I think this is an excellent idea! IF there was an option to fight against team mates in game options that could I switch on or off I would use it.. what the hell it's only arcade.. perhaps Dev could put something in? But then maybe you'd get clans working both sides of the game? which happens anyway I'm sure, when 2 clans have an agreement.. maybe they could implement a forfeiture of rp and rewards if you choose to turn it on?.. then that way, it's just about getting a game and not being too concerned about rewards.. ..


or just make clan sizes smaller for arcade.. and allow larger clans for the other stuff..?


Edited by Raijin_Thunder
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Based on experiences from other similar games, they have good reason for not allowing squadmates to oppose each other. If you can flood a particular matchmaking tier with your own clan, you can take control of and rig matches for credits, RP, tasks, or whatever you want. It's maybe not so huge of a concern in this game as in the other game, but I can understand GJ's position.


 The flip side is stacked MM, but that's why I followed this advice:

On 01/02/2019 at 01:39, DocProfit said:

Why not join a squad yourself and kick their ****?



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12 hours ago, VeryPissedOff said:

Hi guys. I'm a VPO member. For now gajiin is randomly put us max 4 in the same game. I say randomly because if you team up the queue time is longer. About new players getting killed... Well, just learn and grow faster. That's what I did. I can't ask gajiin to ban flip from arcade air just because he massacred me, or ban the 4444,qvp,god,novas teams. Just fight them back. There's plenty good players around in arcade air, the problem maybe is how gajiin make the teams. We do play plenty of mods, from tanks to ships, arcade  and real, but air arcade is for now the first choice. Have a good day and see you on the battlefield. 


That was my point. I have no problem with you being present. My problem is, that the game will put you guys on the same side of the match and has nothing to balance it. So it might be 4 of you (not even squadded) plus two decoration players against a team of 6 randoms. Imho this should not happen.


My take would be, that a single squad or clan should not take more than say 25-33% of the seats. Two of you in a six player match is already quite a challenge.



8 hours ago, VeryPissedOff said:

Good idea raj. I would use it. It's nice and challenging to fight other clan mates. 


They should just make this neutral for clan stats.


T5 games allow no wagers, so there is not so much to abuse by being present on both sides.

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2 hours ago, Raijin_Thunder said:

Perhaps If there was 2 arcade modes? one where I was in a clan and one where I wasn't? like, split the arcade mode into 2 types of battles, one where you're treated as an individual and the other where you belong to a clan.. 


No thanks.


I've waited over 20 mins recently to get an AB game whilst in a 4 man group.


It's not uncommon to wait 6-8 mins.

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