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Guest Milking_Grandpa

Guest Milking_Grandpa

Hello all!


From guide videos I figured it is better to have smaller number of tank/crew "Slots" so you don't waste experience,

But on PhlyDaily and others I see they have like, infinite slots. (as many as they can fit on screen)


For AB games I guess 4-5 slots is enough, but for "main" lineups, you want to have option to play with as much same BR tanks as you have, but for RB if you take few tanks, you take SPAA and what about if you want to fly some planes? Only SPAA and Fighter+Bomber is like 3 slots, how do you play this game, you need like 15 slots?!


I came to BR 6 in German tree, I don't fly planes (for now)... the question would be, what are the most optimal slots to put what tanks in? How do I into Lineup?

I have unlocked Ferdinand and Tiger2H and soon will be ready to play 6.7 / 7.0 lineup, this is one idea of how to set it up:




If I put Ferdinand in First slot for RB6.3, I can not use JagdPanther in the same game, but am stuck with Panther that is lower BR..

If I put Bfw.Jagdpanther in slot 2, for AB6.3 it is good 2x Jagdpanthers + Tiger2(P), but if I play AB6.7 Tiger2 (H and Sla) I can not play any Jagdpanther in the same game.


Is there any use to put one good tank like Ru251 or Tiger2 Sla in more slots than 1? Is that even possible? Do you loose experience on crew?

Is there any way to skip 5.7Waffel and get JPz4-5, that whole line is.... not very enjoyable for me (at least for now)


What if I want to get a Attacker Plane for RB, where do I put him, get one more slot? Or more than one?

How do you make Lineups, you can have only few of them and there are like 50 Lineups I could play while I am only up to BR6


I am still a newbie, so any advice is very welcome!


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On 10/04/2019 at 19:33, Guest Milking_Grandpa said:

I can not play any Jagdpanther in the same game.

I mean what is stopping you taking the Jagdpanther? there is very few trees in game that can boast a full line up at the same BR.


On 10/04/2019 at 19:33, Guest Milking_Grandpa said:

Is there any use to put one good tank like Ru251 or Tiger2 Sla in more slots than 1? Is that even possible?

Nope, 1 crew per tank.

On 10/04/2019 at 19:33, Guest Milking_Grandpa said:

Is there any way to skip 5.7Waffel

Again nope, youll need the tanks before it.


On 10/04/2019 at 19:33, Guest Milking_Grandpa said:

How do you make Lineups,

The most obvious way is that you pick a tank(s) that you want to play then build a line up around that with other tanks within the same BR range or slightly below.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont really get how you are a newbie at 6.3...


Theoretically you can train ALL CREWS on ALL TANKS and then have all the possibilities...obviously this would require a massive amount of SL so most players wont do it...

Rule of thumb is placing the newest vehicle (and higher BR) on the crew slot with the lowest BR vehicle...so your lineup is always higher level...


When i had a lineup with 3,7 and 3,0 vehicles i would place my new 4,0 vehicles on the 3,0 crew, so i would end up with a 4,0 and 3,7 lineup...then i would put the 4,3s on the 3,7 slots...and so on...


THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS...and personal preferences...but this is the overall idea...some exceptions I USE, not necessarily relevant:

- Always have one SPAA, even if several BRs lower

- Avoid having only SPGs...some maps "require" tanks...unless you a SPG fan

- On SOME cases i find it useful to train the same vehicle on two crews so it can be used on two different lineups...mostly with ships/planes, but also SPAAs

- In RB you have the need for planes and it adds some complexity...but i mostly don't use planes in RB

- Some will have all variants on same slot so they only have one PzIV and can play with more variety...others will make sure all similar tanks are on different slots so they can play only their favourite tanks...for instance PzIVF2, G, J and H (valid for other examples)


So...on your example above i would have putted the 6.3 Ferdinand over the Panther A...and the Tiger IIs over the other Panthers...so the lineup remains "stable"


OR...i may be misunderstanding something on the question...

Edited by *GhostSoph

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