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Help with using User-Models on Mac?

Help with installing user models on macOS. Some User-Missions (with user-made planes) require that you put both a "content" file and a "usermissions" file in the main War Thunder directory. (p1000 ratte) (XF-85 Goblin) Most tutorials show the War Thunder main folder on Windows but I can't find the equivalent in MacOS. Is there a way to get these to work? P. S. I'm not using steam, I'm using the regular gaijin.net version. Here is a forum post that's supposed to help but it doesn't: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/365146-macos-how-to-install-custom-model/ This link doesn't work. No user mission is available in the menu. The only way to get a user-mission to appear is to put the "usermissions" folder, but it crashes instantly. upon opening. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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Tal vez no lo estés colocando en la carpeta apropiada. Intenta los pasos que te indico en caso de que salgas.

if it doesn't show you the UserMissions folder create one..Dime si funciona para ti.



Edited by xGhostyx
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