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Free look/turret lock


This may be unnecessary for alot of you WT vets, but I'm a 7 year WoT convert. I've accepted that there's no turret lock. Though I don't see why. Turrets stay in the position they're put in. Anyway, I've seen alot of players say use free look, and that's fine, I'm flexible. But when I release free look to allow my turret to point towards my new focus, my camera swings wildly to reorient itself...in the wrong direction. Granted, this all happens in a fraction of a second. But this is Tanks. A fraction is usually the difference between success and failure. I've watched some talented streamers seem to pull this off smoothly. WTH am I doing wrong with my camera settings? Please help. Ty

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You can use your binoculars instead of free looking. Binoculars zoom more, and you can use them to make your tank aim where you look. I'm not sure if binoculars are bound by default, but they can be found here:




To call your turret to where you're looking with your binoculars, simply click. The turret will aim exactly where you're pointing the binoculars. 

Edited by Guest

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