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How do you make voice chat work in this game


How do I make voice chat work in this game and how do I join a squadron if I want. Last time I asked someone how voice chat work they told me to click alter F4 what a xxxx. You think somebody would actually want to work with someone is trying to get good with this game can someone explain to me why I bought his microphone.

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4 hours ago, Southtown00 said:

How do I make voice chat work in this game

For the most part, Voice Chat only works when you squad with friends (not the same as Squadrons).  As far as communicating with random teammates in random battles, you'll have to rely on text, radio messages, and/or map pings since there's no voice chat for teammates.


4 hours ago, Southtown00 said:

how do I join a squadron if I want

To join a Squadron (Clan), there's a Community tab at the top left of the hangar/garage which reveals a drop-down menu that'll include a Squadron section.  After you find a suitable squadron, you can click "Apply for Membership" on the bottom left of that window.  You can also find recruiters in the game's chat to chat with about their squadrons as well as the squadron section on the forums here.





*Moved to F.A.Q. section*

Edited by JackRob
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I joined the Squadron and then when I tried to play Arcade it would only put me in spectator mode what's up with that? if you're part of a squadron are you only allowed to partake in Squadron events? I don't know what Discord is but I'm going to download it and try and figure it out TeamSpeak to probably

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Discord (DC) is a program for voice transfer similar to a Teamspeak (TS)  some squads preffer using DC before TS. Using DC is similar to TS but you dont join to server by IP address but with "Invitation". When you instal it, you create your own profile and then you join into a server by "invitation" that invitation have form like "https://www.discord.gg/*******." When * is random symbol of numbers and letters every server have its own. You can find this invitation in squadron info. Every squadron using DC have their own server and they have their own rules there. When you trying to join to squad try to comunicate with officers or higher ranked players about it. If you fullfil their requirements they will help you for sure. 

Edited by eragon96
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