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Minor update launcher crashing?

The launcher keeps hanging and crashing. Once it got past the "Checking Files, please wait..." and actually started downloading update files. But froze and crashed. Since then it won't get past "Checking Files, please wait..."

I have way moe trouble with the updating process than I ever have had with the game itself, which runs great, once it updates...

medal medal

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delete the warthunder.yup (and if present the warthunder.yup.update and warthunder.yup.resume) then start the launcher again.

you should be able to find those files in the warthunder application (sorry, i dont own a Mac and i find the directory structure quite

weird tbh ^^ but it should look something like this)





if you got the game installed on Steam the location will be a different one... if you cannot find the warthunder.yup use the

finder to locate it.

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