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Apple OS cannot check War Thunder for any malicious software

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System preference/ Security and confidence/ General .

At the down on this page, you see the application in wait. Unlock your padlock, tap your code. And click to accept the running of this application without apple certification. 


I think it's okay for you now, I just post the solution for the next. 

Good Game. 


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I recently downloaded War Thunder onto my Macbook and notcied that when trying to launch the WT launcher, an error message popped up saying that Apple could not check the application for malicious software and could not run the application. It also said that the software needed to be updated and to contact the developers about any problems. What can I do to fix this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have exactly the same message on my Mac, it is running the latest Catalina and I attempted to download from the WT website. I would dearly love to continue playing so any help would be really much appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...


System preference/ Security and confidence/ General .

At the down on this page, you see the application in wait. Unlock your padlock, tap your code. And click to accept the running of this application without apple certification. 


I think it's okay for you now, I just post the solution for the next. 

Good Game. 


medal medal

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