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1.97 Rumor Round-Up and Discussion


2 hours ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

Why does everyone want T90? That tank if worse than T80U and chance of getting T90M with relikt is lower than getting Mirage for France. I would rather see T72B3, which does have better thermal sights than T80U or minimally BM42M ammo for T80U.

Watch your language. We don't say the M-word around here.

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4 hours ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

Why does everyone want T90? That tank if worse than T80U and chance of getting T90M with relikt is lower than getting Mirage for France. I would rather see T72B3, which does have better thermal sights than T80U or minimally BM42M ammo for T80U.

As AntiAir said, we're talking about T-90A, though personally I wouldn't object to T-90M. 

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6 hours ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

  Why does everyone want T90? That tank if worse than T80U and chance of getting T90M with relikt is lower than getting Mirage for France. I would rather see T72B3 .....


First of all we are long past the T-90 point , even T-90A would be too little too late at this point ..... LIKE 4 PATCHES LATE !!!!


Secondly which T-72B3 ? There are 3 variants T-72B3 Obr.2013 , T-72B3 Obr.2016  and the latest variant called T-72B3M/B4 .


T-72B3 Obr.2013 can already be eliminated because of the old 840hp engine which will give it horrendous mobility for top tier .

T-72B3 Obr.2016 is more suitable for it has a better 1130hp engine but it uses Relikt on the side skirts so that makes your argument on T-90M irrelevant .

T-72B3M/B4 adds on top of that  panoramic sight for the commander and totally replaces K5 on the UFP with Relikt so same issue here .


All T-72B3 models have rather mediocre ERA coverage especially on the front of the turret which will make them a dead breach meme for any WT player , so their only selling point would be 3BM59/60 at which point you are simply adding more to the power-creep rather than helping balance .


On the other hand T-90M  has much better ERA coverage ( yes it uses Relikt but knowing how Gaijin has butchered K5 peoples shouldn't get excited too much about Relikt )  and somewhat  better survivability ( something that Soviet tanks are criminally in need in WT ) so it doesn't need rounds like 3BM59 to make up for the rest !  You can limit T-90M to some outdated ammo , heck even 3BM42 will do and you would still have a much more balanced top tier than with any other tank in the Russian arsenal that you can imagine !



Edited by Raldi92
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Why it is an iconic tank is part of the story. It is ridiculous to have an M1A2 and not have the T-90 in the game. It may not be more armored than the T-80U, nor will it have better mobility. But can he get better ammunition maybe? A thermal view with better resolution to compete with leopard 2A5? Small differences would help, this tank is late but it needs to be in the game ...

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2 hours ago, BARIONIX said:

Why it is an iconic tank is part of the story. It is ridiculous to have an M1A2 and not have the T-90 in the game. It may not be more armored than the T-80U, nor will it have better mobility. But can he get better ammunition maybe? A thermal view with better resolution to compete with leopard 2A5? Small differences would help, this tank is late but it needs to be in the game ...

Trying to minimize off topic but here if you care:


I support both arguments i that we are long due a T-90 such that just a T-90 won't cut it. I would speculate that a T-90A at the very least has been due since the 2A5 came in. On the other hand I can totally see why Gaijin would hold back the introduction of the iconic T-90 to coincide with perhaps the introduction of APS.


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7 hours ago, Raldi92 said:

First of all we are long past the T-90 point , even T-90A would be too little too late at this point ..... LIKE 4 PATCHES LATE !!!!


Same as the M-word, but 3 patches late


But this is not the topic for wishlist 

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12 hours ago, Raldi92 said:


First of all we are long past the T-90 point , even T-90A would be too little too late at this point ..... LIKE 4 PATCHES LATE !!!!


Secondly which T-72B3 ? There are 3 variants T-72B3 Obr.2013 , T-72B3 Obr.2016  and the latest variant called T-72B3M/B4 .


T-72B3 Obr.2013 can already be eliminated because of the old 840hp engine which will give it horrendous mobility for top tier .

T-72B3 Obr.2016 is more suitable for it has a better 1130hp engine but it uses Relikt on the side skirts so that makes your argument on T-90M irrelevant .

T-72B3M/B4 adds on top of that  panoramic sight for the commander and totally replaces K5 on the UFP with Relikt so same issue here .


All T-72B3 models have rather mediocre ERA coverage especially on the front of the turret which will make them a dead breach meme for any WT player , so their only selling point would be 3BM59/60 at which point you are simply adding more to the power-creep rather than helping balance .


On the other hand T-90M  has much better ERA coverage ( yes it uses Relikt but knowing how Gaijin has butchered K5 peoples shouldn't get excited too much about Relikt )  and somewhat  better survivability ( something that Soviet tanks are criminally in need in WT ) so it doesn't need rounds like 3BM59 to make up for the rest !  You can limit T-90M to some outdated ammo , heck even 3BM42 will do and you would still have a much more balanced top tier than with any other tank in the Russian arsenal that you can imagine !



Kontact 7 is nerfed in WT, thats true, but even if it was like  IRL, it would still leave classic soviet weakpoints, lower glacis and turret ring. Adding T90M with outdated ammo is a waste of development time, add it with better ammo than T80U or dont add it at all.

Either of both, T80U will be still better in terms of mobility, which is current top tier meta 

Edited by BlazeFlame24
Better paragraphs, Removing not really true information
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1 hour ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

Adding T90M with outdated ammo is a waste of development time, add it with better ammo than T80U or dont add it at all.


That makes no sense to me , why would it be waste of development time ? As explained previously T-90M with outdated rounds would be the most balanced MBT we can get in regards to Leo 2A5 and M1A2 so how is this waste of development time ?


1 hour ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

Either of both, T80U will be still better in terms of mobility, which is current top tier meta 


Mobility is for sure one of the most important criteria for current meta but certainly not the only one , otherwise both T-80s would dominate which is far from being the case quite the opposite in fact !  Besides T-90M is what comes the closest to T-80 mobility !


5 hours ago, MERTRAL said:

But this is not the topic for wishlist 


Nobody is wish-listing , we are discussing about  variants of an MBT that has very high chances to get added to the game this patch so please .........

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2 hours ago, Raldi92 said:

Nobody is wish-listing , we are discussing about  variants of an MBT that has very high chances to get added to the game this patch so please .........

So this is wishlist, not rumors


like the m-word

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2 hours ago, Stavroforos said:

I mean T-90 was announced as coming, the question is which variant. A T-90M would definitely work, considering all top tier tanks currently have limited ammo options in relation to real life. 


This !


10 minutes ago, MERTRAL said:

So this is wishlist, not rumors


So you clearly have reading comprehention issues .... anyways not going to bother responding to you anymore .

Edited by Raldi92
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There is a chance that this Friday a dev blog might come out. Hope it is something good, like a new Mbt or tier 6 jet or maybe a map, Havent got any ground and air maps since 1.93 or 1.91. Or maybe some new mechanic or the updated carrier models. Tbh, i would be happy that we receive anything beside a premium dev blog or a navy devblog.

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We don’t have devs (like devblogs or q&a) confirmations or leaks, the only apparition of the t90 was in an April fools in 2017


for the Apache yes because it was on the files of the last update, for the t90... no


Or if somebody bring something back :dntknw:


but if no, no proofs that it will comes this update


the t90 is maybe in work in progress (I don’t know really I’m not a fan of those tanks), but there is no proofs that it will comes this update, it’s a wishlist, not a rumor topic that you need


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23 minutes ago, BlazeFlame24 said:

I would except first dev blog next week. I hope it will be something that players really want, not another soviet light tank, which nobody will play.

yeah or how about anything that isn't a tank.

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Just now, BlazeFlame24 said:

I would except first dev blog next week. I hope it will be something that players really want, not another soviet light tank, which nobody will play.

Update is rumored go be on the 20th of march so I doubt we'll have 5 weeks worth of devblogs 

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5 minutes ago, Zuguguzungguzeng said:

Update is rumored go be on the 20th of march so I doubt we'll have 5 weeks worth of devblogs 

Not sure if this means anything but the bundle if true say release date March 9th so maybe dev blogs are much sooner.


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18 minutes ago, Shad0wChaser said:

Am I the only one hoping for interwar/pre-WW2 content this update? lol

I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not looking forward to it. We've gone well beyond that stuff, outside of some missing large-production vehicles, I couldn't care less that we'll get another Bf 109 variant or Pz III. 

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