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Why Catalina now a requirement?

  • Technical Moderator

Why is Catalina (10.15.7) now a requirement?


Short answer: Video drivers.

Catalina has updated drivers from nVidia that are Cat only, not in earlier versions of MacOS.

Same could be with AMD, the latest drivers only in Cat, as neither company produces separate driver installations for Macintosh (at least avoids driver meltdowns one can have on PC).


These drivers are needed for new Dagor 6 engine to work


Cat was released on June 3, 2019, and runs on hardware made in late 2012.

Some of the oldest low end Macs have GPU that is incapable of supporting the game, anything newer should work fine.


Obsolesces of computers is inevitable.  

Games must continue to update to be competitive.  

Evolve or fade.


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1 hour ago, Pony51 said:

Catalina has updated drivers from nVidia that are Cat only, not in earlier versions of MacOS.

The article you link to does not say that. It says that 10.15 is now supported. Did you mean to link to some other article?

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  • Technical Moderator
On 13/11/2020 at 13:05, RealMajorHavok said:

The article you link to does not say that. It says that 10.15 is now supported. Did you mean to link to some other article?

You are right, incorrect.

Not find a clear discussion of the video drivers in Cat.  


Bottom line, for the game to work, there is something in Cat is that is critical.  

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