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War thunder crashing seconds after the game is launched

The title is pretty self explanatory, after installing the update "New Power" and clicking the "play" button, the game launches and quits seconds after it is launched. Do anyone know why is this happening? Thanks a lot. 



  • I used OpenGL before this update, but the game still launches ok with Metal before the update
  • I use a 2015 model Mac Book Air
  • Here is the current information on my computer



Edit: This pops up once the game disappears, together with the "war thunder quit unexpectedly" message 


Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 10.31.10 PM.png

Edited by tiger7742
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I had the exact same problem a week ago after the last minor update, and still have it now. I had switched to using the metal renderer from openGL for some time. When the last minor patch dropped my game would launch and stay open for only a few seconds before crashing. After switching back to the openGL render setting, the game worked again just fine. It seems now with the new power update that the openGL render setting is gone, and only metal remains. I have just updated to New Power and my game currently will only launch for a few seconds before crashing. I am using a 2015 Mac Book Air on osx version 10.13.3. 

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 12.53.02 PM.png



EDIT: After updating to OS version 10.15, my game now works fine!

Edited by thecraftydude

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The same problem here. Game crashes after login. On two pc's.

Error 8111000A: Freeze Detected.

Please, update your video drivers by following this article.


I am aware of having an rather outdated computer, but until the New Power update all worked fine for me. 

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to give everyone a update, and hopefully this can help anyone in the future that encounters the same problem. 


It turned out that the only thing that is required for me to fix this problem will be to update your OS (for Mac Computers), once updated, it would be fixed and war thunder will work properly again.


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same issue here for days- tried all (complete wipe out and reinstalled, cache empty etc.) - seconds after I launch a "search battle" game quits with NO crash report. In one "very lucky" situation was in a match and the game suited me three times in it...


and yes - the game run fine for me before that newest patch...

Is it just me who has the feeling that we are on ourselves after EVERY patch with such issues??

Not to mention the un-mirrored decals...


medal medal medal medal medal medal

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xD  Who doesn't like un-mirrored decals, right? (Sarcasm Intended)


Jokes aside though, I am not sure why is this happening, I haven't experienced this. But one crazy guess is that you either have too much applications running or your computer storage is really low, which is why the computer may have to force quit the biggest applications running. If it is so try to clear out more space for your computer just to make sure it doesn't over stress. Hope this helps.


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