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graphical bug

Post it in "Bug Reports" forum with proper requirements before post.

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  • Technical Moderator
41 minutes ago, AirBagguet2@psn said:

EDIT: its the afterburner on my su7b that causes the bug is there a way to fix this?

Its bug

Please post here, WITH YOUR COMPUTER INFO and CLOG file.


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Wait, so we're being told "go follow these unnecessary steps" to file a bug report, when MULTIPLE PEOPLE are reporting EXACTLY THE SAME ISSUE on EXACTLY THE SAME PLATFORM.


It seems a given that if multiple people are paying you and are reporting the same damned issue, maybe the company itself should spend a few minutes and look into the issue instead of demanding MORE time from _paying customers_.

No wonder so many people told me to not bother trying with these forums.

EDIT: To explain why I'm rightfully frustrated here? The linked thread is closed for replies, so I can't DO then unnecessary things I was asked to do.

Edited by tsalaroth
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