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Game consistently crashes


I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I have been having, for the past two weeks, an issue with war thunder war almost every match the game crashes to the steam launcher. I have tried uninstalling it, doing a clean boot, switching the launcher to METAL, and putting my settings down to "low". Nothing has seemed to work. My device is a MacBook Pro 2018 model. I will send a screenshot of my specs. Please reach out to me as soon as you can. Another thing to note, I have the Big Sur update and while some my conclude its because of that, the reason I updated to the Big Sur is because I was having this problem well before installing said update. Also I am getting very strange graphics bugs where objects such as smoke are endless.



Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 4.18.20 PM.png

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Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 4.22.00 PM.png

Edited by rmarshall43823
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6 hours ago, rmarshall43823 said:


I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I have been having, for the past two weeks, an issue with war thunder war almost every match the game crashes to the steam launcher. I have tried uninstalling it, doing a clean boot, switching the launcher to METAL, and putting my settings down to "low". Nothing has seemed to work. My device is a MacBook Pro 2018 model. I will send a screenshot of my specs. Please reach out to me as soon as you can. Another thing to note, I have the Big Sur update and while some my conclude its because of that, the reason I updated to the Big Sur is because I was having this problem well before installing said update. 



Edit out your SN and everything below that.

Edited by coopermj1988
medal medal

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I've been having my own weird graphics issues showing up, on the few occasions I've gotten into a match without crashes.  Running Big Sur, graphics ran fine on high until recently.

Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 01.49.48.jpg


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