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Shots don't hit target

Tried shooting in Ground Assault battle. seems some of the AI shots are not hitting aswell. Closer inspection seems that the gun jitter on mouse click as if gun recoil event is mapped Before the shot is registered. Completely miss shots.

Edited by K3LL0G

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Same here. I just wasted all my APFSDS rounds (28) on a flank in Mozdok to get 2 kills (AB) while I obviously got many perfect side shots into many enemy tanks. I have this issue since the latest patch - 14.12.2020 ( As far as I noticed APFSDS and APDS are affected. APCBC-HE, HEAT and HESH work fine for me.


Hope this gets fixed soon.

Edited by baltsen
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Aaaaa, I'm having the same thing, I even thought someone had nerfed the guns aim or something.

On the most extreme case, I fired at a FlakRakthing from less then 100m in the rear - aimed with plenty of time right on the middle the rear doors - and the shot didn't disappeared/didn't computed or something... Then I went to see the server replay to try to figure what the heck went on, and on the server replay the aim of the shot went TOTALLY off from where I aimed and hitted a building nearby.


On shots where you got a really tiny window of aim, like hull-down tanks, nearly 100% shots didn't hitting anything.
Also, I've noticed on the server replays that the gun aim of my tank were vibrating/oscillating A LOT, really uncommon.

Edited by BroccoliHotSauce
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39 minutes ago, BroccoliHotSauce said:

Also, I've noticed on the server replays that the gun aim of my tank were vibrating/oscillating A LOT, really uncommon.


I even had the vibration in game sometimes for a few days now, but it didn't affected aiming until today.


Did anyone also noticed that this issue only occures with sabot rounds? I did a test match now with my T-34 1942 and also used HESH/HEAT with the STB-1 and Chally 2 and all these rounds worked fine though. Than again APFSDS in the Chally 2 and APDS in the STB and nothing (OK to be precise: they worked on rare occasions^^)...:dntknw:

Edited by baltsen
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I have an issue using my Comet 1 and my British planes, my shells won't travel farther than 800m and when using rockets in mixed battles they explode at 400m, it's like they hit a wall and explode in mid-air. my tank rounds go 800m and explode in to the dirt even though I am aiming at 1100m. Could you guys look into this cause I may not be the only one with this issue.


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