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Ground Attack Battles Broken ... WAY too short


Recently Gaijin made two moves that broke the majority of arcade air battles: First, they decided that destruction of soft ground targets should contribute to ticket loss (Recall that the team who loses all their tickets first wins the game). Fair enough. But second, they increased the amount of tickets each target was worth. The result is that games now end before they really have a chance to begin. It's so bad that some players were reporting suffering from crew lock at the end of battles for which they had finished the game. 


The result is a mess, especially in a season in which we're about to have two simultaneous events—BattlePass and WINTER event. It's become nearly impossible to kill 12 players (Hero of the Sky) or 18+ ground targets (Thunderer) in a game that ends in less than five minutes. 


It's an easy fix—make individual ground targets worth fewer ticket points. It was a good idea to create an incentive to destroy ALL ground targets, but as often happens, you created a new, worse problem by fixing the first one. Fix yer game, Gaijin, please!

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I agree with this. While I haven't been struggling to get high kill games I have noticed that at lower tiers this problem becomes near unbearable. I would say to only make hard targets contribute to ticket bleed, because in my opinion fighters have better things to do than strafing soft targets. That's just my opinion however.

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Right now we simply got way to few GTs and way to low tickets for both sides.

At last when you think about a game with 32 players and 5 spawns each player.


Even before the change we got only 2something hard GTs for each player to kill to end the match.

And this wasn't happening because not all fighters got bombs, not everyone used the bombs and (to an astonishing big degree) because players were to stupid to place bombs right. Not to talk about rockets...


When I see a I-185 killing 2 tanks with its 100kg bombs and a Wyvern dropping its 3x 500kg with no effect...

Would say that needs some serious hard work too...


And well, not forget players ignoring the AI-IL2/10, that will eat through the GTs in no time too. While I saw some games where none of them ever was able to start an attack (at last the red ones).


But in our CAS/Frontline Support games the "we hold the high air and somehow the others win for us" tactic was't valid for quite some time now...

If you want to go that way, you have to kill everything spawning in with bombs and rockets. And not just something coming up for you.

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I disagree with your reasons and believe the game is shorter do to the addition of AI planes.


Maybe it is all three. 


I can not tell you how many games I lost due to AI killing ground and nobody on the team killing AI planes.


AND, this was before the Power Update. So.. maybe the two reasons you listed added to that affect and made games much shorter.


They now kill ground tickets and reduce the game time.

2nd, they compete against players who are attacking ground units.


There are some maps I can not obtain Thunderer due to change in AI attacking ground units.

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On 14/12/2020 at 15:52, FrizFreleng said:

The result is a mess, especially in a season in which we're about to have two simultaneous events—BattlePass and WINTER event. It's become nearly impossible to kill 12 players (Hero of the Sky) or 18+ ground targets (Thunderer) in a game that ends in less than five minutes. 

Hmmmm, I wonder if that is a coincidence or just an accident...I also have noticed that the ability to get the Survivor Award has been seriously nerfed by changing the requirements just before these 2 events started...Wonder how many other "coincidences" have occurred under the radar and off the change log...Hmmm


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Yesterday I won "Terror of the Sky" ... with three wins. And they've effectively taken Front Lines out of the rotation, so it's just one annoyingly short Ground Attack game over and over again. No strategy, no tactics, just lots of US and German spam diving into a furball for a few minutes before the game ends. 


If it was by design I'd be more inclined to shrug and just stop playing AB Air entirely, but I think it's an unintended consequence from adding more ground targets and having the destruction of hard and soft alike contribute to ticket bleed. I'm pretty sure they just got lazy and copy-pasted the value of soft targets from the previous value of hard targets, not realizing it would break the game mode. That's what's so frustrating about this. I really doubt anyone at Gaijin is actually playing arcade games, so it's a matter of enough people complaining in order to bring the problem to their attention. Sadly, having played the game for 5.5 years, a fix could take years. 


Or it might be intentional. Either way arcade games will be virtually unplayable for a long time to come. At the very least they will need to change the Gold awards (Thunderer, Hero, Survivor, etc.) as those have become unachievable with current game times. 

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1 hour ago, FrizFreleng said:

Yesterday I won "Terror of the Sky" ... with three wins. And they've effectively taken Front Lines out of the rotation, so it's just one annoyingly short Ground Attack game over and over again. No strategy, no tactics, just lots of US and German spam diving into a furball for a few minutes before the game ends. 


If it was by design I'd be more inclined to shrug and just stop playing AB Air entirely, but I think it's an unintended consequence from adding more ground targets and having the destruction of hard and soft alike contribute to ticket bleed. I'm pretty sure they just got lazy and copy-pasted the value of soft targets from the previous value of hard targets, not realizing it would break the game mode. That's what's so frustrating about this. I really doubt anyone at Gaijin is actually playing arcade games, so it's a matter of enough people complaining in order to bring the problem to their attention. Sadly, having played the game for 5.5 years, a fix could take years. 


Or it might be intentional. Either way arcade games will be virtually unplayable for a long time to come. At the very least they will need to change the Gold awards (Thunderer, Hero, Survivor, etc.) as those have become unachievable with current game times. 

Just wasted 17:17 of my life...This is ridiculous, far more bombs dropped, far more GT's killed and we still lost somehow...Regarding the Gold Awards, gaijin changed the requirements for those prior to coming out with these events...Survivor has always been minimum of 7 kills with no planes lost and having more kills than anyone else who also lost no planes on either side...Now it is 5 kills with no losses but have more kills than anyone on either team regardless of whether they lost 0 planes or 10 planes...I've had multiple Survivor awards lost because after killing 8, 9, 10+ planes with no losses I find that some scrub got one more kill than me while losing 6 or 7 planes...gaijin is always looking out for us said no one ever...What a joke this match was...

shot 2020.12.27 12.09.41.jpg

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Yes , The ground strike maps have a different ( less ) layout of ground ( and naval ) targets.  


I have found it slightly more difficult to get ground tagers 


Front Line is unaffected though...

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Ground Strikes are more or less fine if we take into the account ground units number, fact that all units types, even light ones, counts towards victory points, and they no longer magically disappear but needs to be destroyed by these IL-2 bots. This way fighters without bombs finally can have some influence on match outcome by destroying ILs and light units, meanwhile teams/squads heavily oriented towards ground pounding have even stronger impact than before - and it's fine, that how it should be. Overall I find the change as more positive than negative.

The reason why these matches are too short is because air kills also bleed points; if they wouldn't Ground Strikes would last significantly longer.

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On 14/12/2020 at 22:31, VT_88 said:




I disagree with your reasons and believe the game is shorter do to the addition of AI planes.


Maybe it is all three. 


I can not tell you how many games I lost due to AI killing ground and nobody on the team killing AI planes.


AND, this was before the Power Update. So.. maybe the two reasons you listed added to that affect and made games much shorter.


They now kill ground tickets and reduce the game time.

2nd, they compete against players who are attacking ground units.


There are some maps I can not obtain Thunderer due to change in AI attacking ground units.

I agree with this. So much so that I changed any strategy I was using to defending my teams bases (I choose left or right based on where the other teams initial bombers go) and I then switch to defending against AI bombers, which seem to be everywhere on our side of the map. I find that the games last longer (perception) and my team appears to be winning more often and the only thing that suffers are my stats, which I don't care about. I'm a FTP player, so stats are meaningless to me. I play for fun, which to me is air-to-air, but the ground maps force me to play defensively if I want the battle to last beyond 5 mins. My only issue are the damn server freezes. I think I have the old freeze (where your video freezes in place and it eventually kicks you out and causes you to log back in) solved with my graphics changes BUT this new thing where the screen just goes black and it kicks you out to the hangar and freezes your respawn, has to be server related or some kind of bug. I'm not sure which one I hate more...

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Bever get one of the both bugs you are talking about....



following stuff does cost tickets:
light ground units

hard ground units



afaik those cost tickets too:
AI-IL2 (loosing them)

players dying or respawning after death


Afaik the number tickets that can be lost by loosing all light and hard groundunits ishigher, then the total amount of tickets a team got.

Bases add even more tickets you can loose and a lost base will reduce the groundunits you can loose before you run out of tickets (well, nothing new here)

But now the IL2 bots and suicidal players add to the ticket bleed too...


Player death costing tickets is not that new though, because we got that in AirDom for a long time now.

People didn't cared back then and threw away their last plane too, people don't care now and headon everything.



Because of the many new targets we would need a rise of the total tickets the team gets at the start...

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Wow thought I was the only one who was complaining about this, the game is almost unplayable.I have cut way back it is not much fun. Just played a game under 4 minutes. Will be looking for another game to play.

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On 29/12/2020 at 11:02, RoadToRuin said:

I agree with this. So much so that I changed any strategy I was using to defending my teams bases (I choose left or right based on where the other teams initial bombers go) and I then switch to defending against AI bombers, which seem to be everywhere on our side of the map. I find that the games last longer (perception) and my team appears to be winning more often and the only thing that suffers are my stats, which I don't care about. I'm a FTP player, so stats are meaningless to me. I play for fun, which to me is air-to-air, but the ground maps force me to play defensively if I want the battle to last beyond 5 mins. My only issue are the damn server freezes. I think I have the old freeze (where your video freezes in place and it eventually kicks you out and causes you to log back in) solved with my graphics changes BUT this new thing where the screen just goes black and it kicks you out to the hangar and freezes your respawn, has to be server related or some kind of bug. I'm not sure which one I hate more...

It appears that Gaijin has addressed the server freeze issue I'm having on 30Dec with an update. I have the Intel HD520 graphics card and play in the full screen mode, so I'm glad they recognized the issue and hope they have fixed it.

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A few things off the top of my head.

1) Eliminate Ai planes destroying any ground units ever. Players should have to do it.

2) New point place holder: Make AAA, artillery, armored cars, machine guns worth 20 points each. light tanks/pills 25-50. Medium, heavy tanks, and pillboxes 100points 

3) More total points per team. Air kills count now. Adjust for this effecting tickets. Account for at least 15-20(place holder) air kills being needed or combo with base points.

4) Its arcade add a vehicle counter back in the game! How many light units, tanks, pills, bases have been killed / how many remain, and Air kills per team , Ai planes if they count


Number 1 should be obvious but if ai planes aren't destroying ground units games likely wont end as fast.

Number 2 Making sure easily killed units count less than units that require heavier ordinance could help games last depending on how they currently add them up and how players react to seeing the tickets drop quickly to light units.  It would of course give players more credit for harder to kill units and in some cases promote or allow for more types of aircraft being used.

Number 3 With air kills/deaths counting for and against teams more points should be given to each team at the start. If the game can simply end by all ground units being destroyed that doesn't take into account the points now being eliminated by air kills/deaths thus the games ends sooner.

Number 4 This just seems basic to an arcade scenario. Show what you started with and where you are in a unit count. For me personally I often prefer to slow games down where tactically feasible. Having a precise accounting of the objective would allow me to do this easier. As well as helping newer players have some idea of what the heck is going on.



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