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Friendly Safe


A recent update meant that planes could not accidentally (or on purpose) shoot down a friendly. In fact will go further to state that anyone trying to shoot down a friendly will be automatically suspended or banned. However,  what is happening now is that a friendly can cut in between a friendly shooting at a hostile with impunity knowing they won't get damaged. This is happening with increased frequency, whereas before if a friendly cut in they ran the risk of either getting damaged or even suffering a friendly kill. Surely you could revert back to how it was or add an addition algorithm that can spot this happening and allow them to get damaged.

Gaijin Entertainment please consider this. Would love to hear other views.


_Catweazle_63 (Posted )

thread moved to AB Air since the OP is an AB player and as such can be assumed his situation deals with that game mode
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8 hours ago, VehicleOfAngels said:

A recent update meant that planes could not accidentally (or on purpose) shoot down a friendly. In fact will go further to state that anyone trying to shoot down a friendly will be automatically suspended or banned. However,  what is happening now is that a friendly can cut in between a friendly shooting at a hostile with impunity knowing they won't get damaged. This is happening with increased frequency, whereas before if a friendly cut in they ran the risk of either getting damaged or even suffering a friendly kill. Surely you could revert back to how it was or add an addition algorithm that can spot this happening and allow them to get damaged.

Gaijin Entertainment please consider this. Would love to hear other views.


Consider your aim environment,... 


As players we're the ones holding triggers,... 


Gaijin should not interfere more into this matter. 

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Removing the option for friendly fire is obviously a mistake as you point out.


3 hours ago, Thorien_Kell said:

What? Friendly fire was removed ...from where, Air RB? Could you be more accurate?


It's in AB. The moment they do this to RB is the day I quit. Removing friendly fire just destroys sensible gameplay.

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51 minutes ago, _Reddot said:

It's in AB. The moment they do this to RB is the day I quit. Removing friendly fire just destroys sensible gameplay.

Err...are you aware a lot of players would NOT stop firing even if a friendly was in the line of fire. Contrary to popular opinion...in most cases the LAST PLANE on the scene (arriving from behind or side) would usually hit the FRIENDLY that was already there chasing the BANDIT. Very common when attacking bombers/attackers as the initial attacker would slow down due to manoeuvring or aiming.


I AM NOT saying friendly fire should be removed (i wasnt even aware ut had been), and it wasn't so frequent to be a game breaker...BUT i am not so sure what is worse. Being able to shoot THROUGH friendlies...or being brought DOWN by friendlies.

(Honest to god i was once brought down by a friendly AT SPAWN who claimed he was "testing the guns")


Of course...SENSIBLE GAMEPLAY would be the best solution...BUT that requires SENSIBLE PLAYERS...


For instance, in Tanks friendly fire would be a disgrace...almost every game i see players bumping into friendlies and firing at them...it would be a mess if they could kill each other...

Edited by GhostSoph@psn

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1 minute ago, GhostSoph@psn said:

Err...are you aware a lot of players would NOT stop firing even if a friendly was in the line of fire. Contrary to popular opinion...in most cases the LAST PLANE on the scene (arriving from behind or side) would usually hit the FRIENDLY that was already there chasing the BANDIT. Very common when attacking bombers/attackers as the initial attacker would slow down due to manoeuvring or aiming.


No the vast majority doesnt do that. But the moment you remove friendly fire EVERYONE will

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Just now, _Reddot said:


No the vast majority doesnt do that. But the moment you remove friendly fire EVERYONE will

True...i did stop firing if someone else was in the line...probably wont if there is no penalty...after all...some of my shots might get trough...


I guess we can try it in AB for a while...probably change was due to complaints...

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I'm OK with this, arcade is arcade, there is no problem in making it less realistic if it would be more fair and if you will remove some problems and ability of some guys to be an a-holes.
Besides, I don't play arcade (any more) so ...

And don't worry, they will never introduce this to RB, it would be crazy. 


19 hours ago, VehicleOfAngels said:

please consider this. Would love to hear other views.

If you are truly bothered with this, come with us to RB. There, game is so realistic that sometimes your teammates will shoot you down while you take off of the runway : )

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When it was announced that friendly fire was removed from AB years back I was initially against it on principle. And I was totally and utterly wrong.


No friendly fire removes so much of the frustration from playing (if you're a half-decent person that is, not so much if you're a raging d-bag) and has greatly improved gameplay.


No friendly fire is the single greatest improvement to Air AB in the three years I've played, and by a wide margin too. Any issues and frustrations it may cause is a drop in the ocean compared to the problems it has solved.

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Yea, but in Air RB where the average player gets maybe 1 or just under 1 kill/battle that can take anywhere from 7-8 to 25 minutes, having your kill stolen because the P47 behind you can just open fire on your target without repercussions of you being in front of him will be very bad for gameplay. Current system in RB is that the game will just kick your **** out the match if you start TK twice, and often team mates will just kill someone who TK right off the bat as well. In general you see intentional TK maybe once every 20 battles, it's not a big issue in RB.

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1 hour ago, _Reddot said:

Yea, but in Air RB where the average player gets maybe 1 or just under 1 kill/battle that can take anywhere from 7-8 to 25 minutes, having your kill stolen because the P47 behind you can just open fire on your target without repercussions of you being in front of him will be very bad for gameplay. Current system in RB is that the game will just kick your **** out the match if you start TK twice, and often team mates will just kill someone who TK right off the bat as well. In general you see intentional TK maybe once every 20 battles, it's not a big issue in RB.


I only play AB. Friendly fire in RB is for others to decide. But in AB reintroducing friendly fire would be a catastrophic decision.

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1 hour ago, krise_madsen said:

When it was announced that friendly fire was removed from AB years back I was initially against it on principle. And I was totally and utterly wrong.


No friendly fire removes so much of the frustration from playing (if you're a half-decent person that is, not so much if you're a raging d-bag) and has greatly improved gameplay.


No friendly fire is the single greatest improvement to Air AB in the three years I've played, and by a wide margin too. Any issues and frustrations it may cause is a drop in the ocean compared to the problems it has solved.

I 100% agree. There used to be people that tried to get others banned via tk attempts. The more times they failed, the more times the target had to tk them. Removing TK'ing solved the single biggest problem with hackusators.

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Friendly fire takes away some realism but is necessary with some of the immaturity of AB players.


When it come to "cutting in front," well it happens, I don't care about "stealing kills" either from me or by me as it's all fair in war and who is most gonzo on the stick.  


Before they took out friendly fire it was a regular feature of someone shooting me down for "stealing" their kill, ironically they were often nowhere near the enemy or couldn't aim and were reloading over and over, but the bad guy had his name on the plane.


It's also been a regular feature of spawning and guys behind me taking pot shots or just letting loose--annoying but harmless, however one guy zoomed over me and landed SPLAT on top of me.  After several messages wanting to know just what the Royal Bleep was his problem, he finally replied, "I don't care, lemme alone!"  So I told him I'd tell his mother. 


Now when it comes to me accidentally shooting someone down, yeah, I didn't want to do that and tried to avoid it, but it's also good not having someone deciding to shoot me down as revenge for a stray shot zapping his radiator and eventually downing his plane.  And one time I never saw a notice about a friendly fire but the guy was after me anyways.


So for arcade, were you reload by magic and can pull 16G's in a prop, taking it out has been an improvement.

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