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Stages of a pilot


Slight snark, slightly serious:


Rank Amateur:  Just trying to keep the plane in the air and getting confused which button makes the plane go up or down and wait, people are shooting at me.....


Got the basics:  Can usually down a plane a match, but always runs straight to the furball.


Know-it all: Has figured out ammo belts and basic combat, can shoot down a lot of planes. Offers advice and expert criticism when no one asked for it.


Finding your limits:  works on advanced maneuvers, combat flaps, strategy in attacking, but also realizes one wrong move can make him everyone's chew toy in a field of pit bulls.


Just shut up kid: Flies a few well practiced planes, knows when to fight and run, annoyed with chatter, wishes those bombers would get off his lawn.


Elder Mind Zen:  Plays game like Chess, choosing and selecting targets, finding best angle, knows a plane's weaknesses and strengths, feels an enemy out....still gets zapped sometimes by a kid in an He-100.


Winged Master:  Has all the planes, gets "Terror of the Sky" every other game, can choose to toss planes into a shooting match or do an entire match on one plane.  Never talks, concentration only broken when the wife yells at him to take out the trash.

Edited by Kosher_Locust
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