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Realistic flight model for arcade battles


Is there a chance that the arcade battles would get a realistic flight model? It is extremely difficult for new players to hit an airplane in the AB, as they are too maneuverable and too fast. However, if a new player tries the RB, he also cannot hit. This is because the planes in the RB are slower and the knowledge of aiming from the AB is therefore completely useless to you.

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In the past wie got a flight model leaned slightly more to RB.

Then we got a boost of all control surfaces and lift.


I would argue that slightly slower gameplay worked better. It was still far away from RB.

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On 06/02/2021 at 22:35, gozer said:

less maneuverable targets when combined with target leading indicator & (almost) unlimited ammo wouldn't be a good idea

I don't think so. In AB, the planes spin in an infinite circle, while in RB, the enemy gets in front of the sight and is after it.

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I think a little more realistic would help; AB has an awful lot of people who when pursued you can tell are jerking the stick all over the place, which in real life would either lose lift and have the plane drop out of the air or splatter the pilot all over the cabin from G-forces.  While arcade is meant to be the easier, fun, and a low bar to entry it would be nice to draw a lead angle on a bad guy and he has to fly his way free and not spaz out of his predicament or get stuck in endless 109F looping contests.

Edited by Kosher_Locust
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16 hours ago, Kosher_Locust said:

I think a little more realistic would help; AB has an awful lot of people who when pursued you can tell are jerking the stick all over the place, which in real life would either lose lift and have the plane drop out of the air or splatter the pilot all over the cabin from G-forces.  While arcade is meant to be the easier, fun, and a low bar to entry it would be nice to draw a lead angle on a bad guy and he has to fly his way free and not spaz out of his predicament or get stuck in endless 109F looping contests.

It won't do anything to change the fact that 90% of aircraft guns in this game are pretty much wet noodle dispensers. If anything more realistic flight models are gonna make getting guns on target harder and ultimately make getting kills even more difficult for the average player. 

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8 hours ago, ____Lexing____ said:

It won't do anything to change the fact that 90% of aircraft guns in this game are pretty much wet noodle dispensers. If anything more realistic flight models are gonna make getting guns on target harder and ultimately make getting kills even more difficult for the average player. 

 Practice makes perfect.

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56 minutes ago, Kosher_Locust said:

 Practice makes perfect.

You won't entice people to practice if getting kills is the hardest in the supposedly easiest game mode

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