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Where is the Chinese T-62 Premium?


So hello, i was just looking at the Chinese tech tree and noticed that the Captured T-62 was removed? I don't remember it being limited time or some special premium. I googled what happened to it and got nothing.

I have been a bit out of the loop on premium news so please, tell me.


Edited by NauravaPeruna

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This particular Gaijin store pack was removed from store so its no longer available for purchase and unless you had it purchased before it wont show in the vehicle tree till it's again added back to the store.  

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52 minutes ago, NauravaPeruna said:

So hello, i was just looking at the Chinese tech tree and noticed that the Captured T-62 was removed? I don't remember it being limited time or some special premium. I googled what happened to it and got nothing.

I have been a bit out of the loop on premium news so please, tell me.



It was discontinued after one of the clearance sales last year. 

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Is it actually worth gettin? last time I played the T-62 I got rofle stomped into oblivion. Poor gun handling, crap survivability, no armor, and long reload.

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  • 11 months later...
On 13/02/2021 at 14:32, LahvanCz said:

Anything Soviet/Chinese between 7,7-8,3 included is only good for masochists. Poor gun handling, long reloads, minimal survivability.

Hm? I have been enjoying my T-54, T-10A, Type 59, Type 69, ZBD-86, WZ 305 etc. etc.


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