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PGZ04A Discussion and feedback thread

Since there really wasn't a suitable discussion thread of the new top Chinese SPAA I thought it would be a good idea to start one. Here we can list our current experiences with the machine in game, provide feedback on its performance as it currently stands, and help the devs in finding material on its equipped weapon systems to further its development in game.

I've gone about this process with the Type 93 before, since this is one of the 3 available IR missile SPAA in game, it's obviously going to have its bugs and issues for a while as they continue to gather information on it. Hopefully in starting this thread, we can get some useful information on the missile that it uses in game (HN-6) and what its capabilities are in real life so we can try to get it properly represented in game.

My first impressions on the vehicle aren't very good in my honest opinion, the missile seems to run off of fairly old code (seems to stem from old Type 91 missile code, at least some of the parameters match.) The missile seems to do very good against helicopters, but again, the same as the Type 93 it fails to be able to reliably eliminate jets effectively. I've heard from a few people that the missile IRL could pull a maximum of 18Gs, but I do not have a reliable source on that, so any information that can be provided in this thread is greatly appreciated.

Current missile statistics in game as of 12/6/2021 version 10G maximum as far as I can tell from the missile file.

shot 2021.06.12 17.27.21.png

Edited by RussianRainbowTV
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Why is the PGZ04A 10.0 BR?


Trash missiles, the same guns are at 4.3, the engine is terrible, all belts are filled with tracers and can only be used with ZTZ99...


This doesn't make any sense at all.... It should be 9.3/9.0 at max in my opinion, having 4 mediocre missiles doesn't make it 10.0 BR worthy. (Type 93 should be lowered as well)

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Just unlocked the AP belts, first major bug I've seen on the vehicle so far. Loading AP belts removes the missiles, and you cannot reload them on a cap circle.

shot 2021.06.12 18.05.19.png

shot 2021.06.12 18.05.34.png


Edit: Loading AP belts at all removes the missiles, no matter where they're loaded it seems, this only affects the vehicle in live matches though. The missiles remain on the vehicle in the offline test drives.

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  • Technical Moderator
5 hours ago, RussianRainbowTV said:

I've heard from a few people that the missile IRL could pull a maximum of 18Gs, but I do not have a reliable source on that, so any information that can be provided in this thread is greatly appreciated.

brochure of the FN-6, an export version of the HN-6


image.thumb.png.9a1a8ae4ff5f8332868a25e7 image.thumb.png.f88441ffc0e7d70679f2ccbb


Overload 18G

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From the Operation Manual of FN-6 Ground-to-air Missile Weapon system


1. General description
FN-6 is a single-man-portable, shoulder-fired ground- to- air missile weapon system (This manual only concerns combat equipment). Under the visual condition, by head-on and tail-chase attack (mainly head-on), the combat equipment can intercept the fighter, fighter-bomber, strike aircraft and armed helicopter whose speed is no more than 300m/s, maneuver overload is no more than 6 and the flight height is no more than 4000m. The combat equipment can also cooperate with other air defense equipment to protect the marching troops and important places.
Featured by easy-operation (with manual and automatic launching), flexible-launching (launched in standing or kneeling posture, refer to Fig.1-1 and Fig.1-2) and “fire-and-forget” ability, FN-6 missile can be launched not only from trench, wide-land, wetland and roof of buildings, but also from ships and the armed vehicles driving in the flat road (the speed is no more than 20km/h).


image.thumb.png.598f813de1e74913249dcd95 image.thumb.png.2757146400c21aa7fd033aa7


1.1 System composition
FN-6 weapon system consists of combat equipment, testing cabin and training equipment. Combat equipment consists of HNT-6 missile-in-tube (MIT), ND-6 ground power/gas supply device (GPGSD),
SK-6 launching mechanism (LM) and MG-6 optical aiming device (OAD) (Fig.1-3). The optical aiming device or mechanical aiming device can be selected according to practical combat condition.
“Operation and maintenance manual of HNT-6 missile-in-tube” see the Appendix 1.
“Operation and maintenance manual of ND-6 ground power/gas supply device” see the Appendix 2.
“Operation and maintenance manual of SK-6 launching mechanism” see the Appendix 3.
“Operation and maintenance manual of MG-6 optical aiming device” see the Appendix 4.
Missile-in-tube, the basic part of weapon system, is composed of missile and launching tube, etc. (see Fig.1-4) The missile is composed of guidance section, fuse/warhead section, and motor section.



Fig.1-4 Missile-in-tube


The guidance section consists of IR seeker and control section, see Fig.1-5. The section fulfils all functions of missile guidance system. IR seeker collects target’s IR radiating energy and measures moving features of target to form a command signal. The control section circuit converts the command signal to a control signal to form an actuator (control surface)-deflecting signal to control the direction change of control surface, and control the missile to fly towards the target by guidance law.



Fig.1-5 Guidance section


Fuse/warhead section (see Fig.1-6) consists of fuse and warhead. The main function of fuse is to send an igniting signal to ignite warhead at the moment when the missile hits a target directly. The target is killed, blasted and ignited by fragment from warhead explosion, overpressure of explosion shock wave and high-temperature metal burning material.



Fig.1-6 Fuse/warhead section


Motor consists of launching motor, delay igniter and chief motor, see Fig.1-7. The chief motor is a dual-thrust, single combustion chamber solid rocket motor. Its basic operating process is as follows: first launch missile from the launching tube by launching motor, so that the missile obtains required speed and spinning rate to leave the tube. The delay igniter ensures ignition of chief motor beyond a safe distance for protection of the shooter. The missile is speeded to a predetermined cruise speed by the first-stage thrust of chief motor, then the flight speed of the missile is slowly increased by the second-stage thrust until the operation of chief motor is terminated.



Fig.1-7 Motor


The launching mechanism is composed of structural components and electronic circuitry. It serves the function of supplying power for onboard equipment, running and rotating gyro, unlocking, signal analysis and implementation of launching procedure during launching preparation and launching process. The missile will be launched by the operation of shooter. Fig.1-8 is the launching mechanism.



Fig.1-8 Launching mechanism


Ground power/gas supply device will provide ±20V,+5V power for the onboard equipment, and the high-pressure pure argon which can cool the indium antimonide detector quickly. It is expendable. Fig.1-9 is the Ground power/gas supply device.



Fig.1-9 Ground power/gas supply device


Installed on the launching tube, the optical aiming device will enlarge the distance of surveillance, track, and aiming to improve the operation ability of combat equipment. Fig.1-10 is the optical aiming device.



Fig.1-10 Optical aiming device


The container provides a good environment for storage and transportation of the combat equipment in order to guarantee its performance and life. There are 5 kinds of containers: No.1 for two missiles-in-tube and four ground power/gas supply devices; No.2 for one launching mechanism with jacket and one protective eyeglasses; No.5 for one optical aiming device; No.6 for spare parts and tools of missile-in-tube; and No.7 for spare parts of launching mechanism.

The general picture of basic combat equipment of FN-6 ground-to-air missile weapon system refers to Fig.1-11.



Fig.1-11 Combat equipment of FN-6 missile weapon system
1.Ground power/gas supply device; 2. Launching mechanism; 3. Optical aiming device 4. Missile-in-tube.


1.2 Combat airspace
The combat airspace of FN-6 missile combat equipment is:
Max. interception altitude: 4000m
Min. interception altitude: 15m
Max. slant range: 5500m
Min. slant range: 800m (head-on attack), 500m (tail-chase attack)
Max. short-cut course: 2800m
In appendix, the diagram of theoretical combat zone (launching zone, killing zone) is provided when the combat equipment intercepts the high and low speed targets.


2. Combat procedures
The combat procedures include preparation procedure before combat, launching procedure and missile flight.


2.1 Preparation procedure before combat

The preparation procedure before combat is composed of the procedure converting from package status to marching status, and the procedure converting from the marching status to combat status.


2.1.1 Converting from package status to marching status The procedure of converting form package status to marching status is as follows:
a. Remove the lead seal, open the No.1 container.
b. Rotate the document box cover on container, take out the packing list and related paper, check if the document is complete, then make sure if the products inside are complete as per packing list.
c. Take out one missile-in-tube and one ground power/gas supply device, mount the latter on the former, and carry the missile-in-tube on left shoulder by right-declined with the head downwards.
d. Remove the lead seal, open the No.2 container, take out one launching mechanism with jacket and one protective eyeglass. Take out one ground power/gas supply device from No.1 container and place it into the jacket and carry them on the right shoulder by left-declined.
e. Take out the optical aiming device and sheath from No.5 container, then put the optical aiming device into the jacket and carry it on the left shoulder by right-declined.


1) The above procedure is for the case of using optional optical aiming device.
2) Procedure “e” can be omitted in the case of no optional optical aiming device.

3) In marching status: The shooter carries the jacket containing launching mechanism, protective eyeglasses and back-up ground power/gas supply device on right shoulder by left-declined, and carries the missile-in-tube (connected with the ground power/gas supply device) on left shoulder by right-declined, with the head of missile-in-tube downwards, refer to Fig.2-1.



Fig.2-1 Marching status


2.1.2 Converting from marching status to combat status
The procedure converting from marching status to combat status is as follows:
a. The shooter kneels down by one leg or squats and moves the missile-in-tube with ground power/gas supply device to the front of chest.
b. Take out the launching mechanism from jacket and connect it with the missile-in-tube.
c. Remove the fore and aft covers.

d. Take out the optical aiming device from its jacket, and connect it with launching tube. Open the fore cover of optical aiming device, and determine if the eye lens filter is needed according to background.
e. Carry the weapon on shoulder.
f. Aim at the targets through optical aiming device.



1) The above procedure is for the case of using optional optical aiming device.
2) Procedure “d” can be omitted when the optical aiming device is not adapted, and procedure “f” shall be altered to: Raise the fore and aft aiming device and leading indicating pin on the launching tube, and aim at targets through mechanical aiming device.


2.2 Launching procedure

The launching procedure is divided into manual launching and auto launching procedure.

2.2.1 Manual launching procedure
a. Aim at the target through mechanical or optical aiming device (note: keep away from sunlight during aiming).
b. Once the target is found, turn the impact trigger of ground power/gas supply device according to the direction of arrow to activate the device.
c. The stable light signal will be showed in the optical aiming device after the seeker captures the target, and the stable light and sound signal will appear on the launching tube.
d. Press the launching trigger to the first position when the target enters the launching zone, then the seeker will be unlocked from electric-locking status and track the target stably.

e. According to the type, speed, altitude, right/left course, short-cut course and slant range of the target, set corresponding elevation/azimuth leading.
f. Press the launching trigger to the second position, and the missile is launched.
g. After launching, the shooter can shift to shield place. In the case of multi-batch enemy aircrafts, the shooter should prepare for the next launching.


2.2.2 Automatic launching procedure

a. Same as the item “a” in clause 2.2.1.
b. Same as the item “b” in clause 2.2.1.
c. Same as the item “c” in clause 2.2.1.
d. When the target enters the launching zone, just press the trigger to
the second position.
e. If the seeker captures the target stably, it will be unlocked automatically. Set the elevation/azimuth leading within one second.

If the angular velocity  image.thumb.png.646265234d9f79c02eff9b69  , the missile will be launched automatically.



2.2.3 Leading
In order to decrease the initial deviation of trajectory effectively and shorten the correcting time, the leading is required to be set during launching. The hit probability will be improved (especially for the near zone) if the leading is suitable. Set of leading
The set of leading is relative to the flight characteristics (velocity, course, altitude) of targets and the shooting mode (head-on attack/tail-chase), etc.

Choose the leading according to the requirements in tab.1 during launching. In the table, the “target-entering angle” is the acute angle between target flight direction and line of sight during launching, refer to the Fig.2-2.



Fig.2-2 The schematic diagram of target entering angle Methods of setting leading
a. Add the leading by means of mechanical aiming device and indicating pin


See the Fig.2-3, “A ” is the convex point of indicating pin, and “B” is the end of pin. The distance between “O” and “A” indicates the elevation leading of 20º; the distance between “O” and “C” indicates the azimuth leading of 10º. “D”, “E” and “F” are the middle points of “BC”, “CD” and “BD” respectively, and indicate the elevation leading of 5º, 10º and 15º respectively. “G” is the middle point of “OC” and indicates the azimuth leading of 5º.  Based on the symmetry theory, “H” indicates the azimuth leading of 5º, and “I” indicates the azimuth leading of 10º.

The example of setting leading is as follows:


When attacking a high-speed target in head-on mode from right course, the initial aiming center is the mechanical aiming device center “O”. Before launching, the azimuth and elevation leading are both required adding by 10 (in Fig.2-3, the “D” is the leading point), so the shooter aims at the target through “D” point.



Fig. 2-3 The leading diagram of mechanical aiming device and indicating pin


b. Adding the leading by graduation board of optical aiming device

The angle scale of elevation and azimuth is indicated in the graduation board of optical aiming device. Fig.2-4 indicates the graduation of leading in the board. Each grid of the board indicates 5, and there are 4 grids in azimuth and 3 in elevation, so elevation leading can be added up to 15º, and the azimuth leading can be added by +-10º.


For example, if attacking the high-speed target entering from left course in head-on mode, the cross center with circle is the initial aiming center. The 10ºelevation leading and 5ºazimuth leading are needed(in Fig.2-4, “A” is the point of leading). The shooter aims the target through “A” point (refer to Fig.2-4).



Fig.2-4 Adding leading via graduation board of optical aiming device Notes of adding leading
a. Aim the target through leading point directly after adding the elevation /azimuth leading simultaneously.
b. The shooter should track the target stably by leading point before the missile leaves tube.


2.3 Missile flight

The missile-borne battery is activated after the launching mechanism delivers the launching command. The ground power transfers to the missile-borne power 0.6s later. The fuse is power on. The missile-borne gas vessel is opened 0.15s later. The missile-block pin drops out 0.15s later. The launching motor ignites, and the missile begins moving forward. Meanwhile, the missile spins in the tube under the action of lateral inclined component of the motor thrust.

When the motor thrust overload is more than or equal to 35 and lasts more than 45ms, a reference signal of the fuse clock is generated. The time circuit of the fuse begins to count time.

The missile moves in the tube for about 0.05~0.085s. The initial velocity is about 30m/s and the spinning rate is about 20r/s while leaving.


The snap-on tail fin sleeves on the missile when the missile lifts off. The missile flies a safety distance for more than 8m by means of inertia before the first stage of the chief motor operates.
The fuse releases the first stage safety when the chief motor operates. And it releases the second stage safety when the missile flies for about 1.6s, and 0.03s later the initiation circuit charges. The detonator and booster are aligned. The fuse is ready. When the missile encounters the target, the fuse detonates the warhead. If the missile misses the target, the fuse detonates the warhead for missile self-destruct when the missile flies for about 16s.


The missile guidance and control function are implemented by the guidance system. The four-element detector of the seeker receives the infrared signal of the target and forms an output signal, whose amplitude is direct proportional to the angular velocity of line-of-sight, and whose phase is consistent with the target azimuth. This signal is delivered to the autopilot to control the deflection of control surface and form control force. The missile flies to the target by proportional guidance law.
While attacking the high speed target, a forward offset signal Uqy is applied in the guidance loop before the missile hits the target to make the hit point move forward to the critical part of the target..


The operation procedure of the combat equipment, refer to the Fig.2-5: Launching preparation and procedure of combat equipment.


Fig.2-5 Launching preparation and procedure of combat equipment


3. Safety operation rule


3.1 General requirement

a. The combat equipment should be kept well, ready for combat at any moment.
b. The operation of the combat equipment should follow this rule strictly.
c. Only specially trained and qualified personnel is allowed to operate the combat equipment.
d. Drop out or collision is forbidden.


3.2 Warning

a. Forbid to take out the missile from tube.
b. Forbid to aim the missile-in-tube without the front cover at the sun .
c. Forbid to turn the impact trigger of ground power/gas supply device when not launching the missile.
d. Forbid to jump off vehicle or high position while carrying combat equipment.
e. Forbid to lay the unpackaged combat equipment directly on the floor of the vehicle carriage during moving.


3.3 Safety notes during launching the missile

a. To avoid the missile falling down to the earth, the elevation angle of launching should not be less than15º; to avoid the plume of motor endangering the shooter, the elevation angle of launching should not be more than 60º when launching in standing posture ,and not more than 40º when launching in kneeling posture.
b. Requirement of launching site. Any person, ammunition or inflammable is forbidden to be close to the shooter in 10m if there is blindage. Any person, ammunition or inflammable is forbidden to be in the 90 fan section of 18m diameter behind the shooter if there is gravel in the launching site. There should not be high constructions (wall, blindage wall or claybank) within 0.5m behind the back end of launching tube.
c. Forbid to remove the launching mechanism when operating the missile-in-tube.
d. Forbid to down-decline the head of launching tube before the missile leaves the tube when the trigger of launching mechanism is pressed to the second position.
e. Forbid to press the trigger of launching mechanism to the second position in following situations:
· The included angle between line of sight to the target and sun is 15º.
· The stable continuous light and sound signal for target acquisition is not generated when manual launching.
· Any of flight parameters of target (velocity, altitude, short-cut course, etc.) exceeds the permitted range.
f. Forbid to launch the missile when the aft cover is not removed.


Appendix Launching zone and killing zone


Theoretical launching zone (solid line) and killing zone (dotted line) against the low-speed target



Theoretical launching zone (solid line) and killing zone (dotted line) against high-speed targets


Edited by _David_Bowie_
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@Optical_Ilyushin Hey do you know of anyone that would be willing to look into this thread and monitor it like the Type 93? If we can get this thing fixed ASAP it would be nice. I hate trying to post detailed bug reports, it's a lot easier to display in a thread as such with input from multiple people.

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The frontal aspect lock is roughly 3km.. this thing is hot garbage and we finally found a vehicle worse than the Type 93.. I would have preferred an actual Missile SAM


Personally I would do away with the guns, it might just be from playing the Type 93 since forever ago but I rarely use them unless its to take out a cannon barrel to avoid death.


The missiles follow some really weird pathing which like you say is either old Type 93 code or something else.


The lock on range is abysmal, and I don't see a situation in which the missiles are useful in their current state.


The 18G proposed is a good solution, and if the manual says so then it should be considered a valid source.


Overall it is a letdown on what we expected for a Chinese SAM, and spending another year to get this working isn't a great prospect but with how the Type 93 has been improved slowly I hope that this vehicle will be able to use the lessons learned.


Should've just gone the extra mile and given us this



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10 minutes ago, Wiggles289 said:

The frontal aspect lock is roughly 3km.. this thing is hot garbage and we finally found a vehicle worse than the Type 93.. I would have preferred an actual Missile SAM


Personally I would do away with the guns, it might just be from playing the Type 93 since forever ago but I rarely use them unless its to take out a cannon barrel to avoid death.


The missiles follow some really weird pathing which like you say is either old Type 93 code or something else.


The lock on range is abysmal, and I don't see a situation in which the missiles are useful in their current state.


The 18G proposed is a good solution, and if the manual says so then it should be considered a valid source.


Overall it is a letdown on what we expected for a Chinese SAM, and spending another year to get this working isn't a great prospect but with how the Type 93 has been improved slowly I hope that this vehicle will be able to use the lessons learned.

I've had the missiles randomly decide to front aspect lock targets well above the stated 4.5km max, sometimes up to 6.6km depending on the size of the target (was able to lock a Pe-8 right when he spawned in) and I think it's able to lock afterburning jets up to around 5.2km or maybe more. It could be dependent on weather or something, but I have absolutely no idea.

Also I'm 99% sure that this missile is old Type 91 code, so many of the lines match up to the code from April of this year, FinsAOA that was recently changed from 0.04 to 0.1 on the 93 is still 0.04 on the HN-6, and it also doesn't have the reqAccelMax line to limit its G maximum to 10 (This can pretty much be proven considering it still has the april fools lock keybind still available to it.) Sadly though, its maximum speed is only 600m/s, so it's definitely only meant for close quarters engagements against air, which it fails to do against jets.

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On 12/06/2021 at 21:42, _David_Bowie_ said:

From the Operation Manual of FN-6 Ground-to-air Missile Weapon system


1. General description
FN-6 is a single-man-portable, shoulder-fired ground- to- air missile weapon system (This manual only concerns combat equipment). Under the visual condition, by head-on and tail-chase attack (mainly head-on), the combat equipment can intercept the fighter, fighter-bomber, strike aircraft and armed helicopter whose speed is no more than 300m/s, maneuver overload is no more than 6 and the flight height is no more than 4000m. The combat equipment can also cooperate with other air defense equipment to protect the marching troops and important places.
Featured by easy-operation (with manual and automatic launching), flexible-launching (launched in standing or kneeling posture, refer to Fig.1-1 and Fig.1-2) and “fire-and-forget” ability, FN-6 missile can be launched not only from trench, wide-land, wetland and roof of buildings, but also from ships and the armed vehicles driving in the flat road (the speed is no more than 20km/h).


image.thumb.png.598f813de1e74913249dcd95 image.thumb.png.2757146400c21aa7fd033aa7


1.1 System composition
FN-6 weapon system consists of combat equipment, testing cabin and training equipment. Combat equipment consists of HNT-6 missile-in-tube (MIT), ND-6 ground power/gas supply device (GPGSD),
SK-6 launching mechanism (LM) and MG-6 optical aiming device (OAD) (Fig.1-3). The optical aiming device or mechanical aiming device can be selected according to practical combat condition.
“Operation and maintenance manual of HNT-6 missile-in-tube” see the Appendix 1.
“Operation and maintenance manual of ND-6 ground power/gas supply device” see the Appendix 2.
“Operation and maintenance manual of SK-6 launching mechanism” see the Appendix 3.
“Operation and maintenance manual of MG-6 optical aiming device” see the Appendix 4.
Missile-in-tube, the basic part of weapon system, is composed of missile and launching tube, etc. (see Fig.1-4) The missile is composed of guidance section, fuse/warhead section, and motor section.



Fig.1-4 Missile-in-tube


The guidance section consists of IR seeker and control section, see Fig.1-5. The section fulfils all functions of missile guidance system. IR seeker collects target’s IR radiating energy and measures moving features of target to form a command signal. The control section circuit converts the command signal to a control signal to form an actuator (control surface)-deflecting signal to control the direction change of control surface, and control the missile to fly towards the target by guidance law.



Fig.1-5 Guidance section


Fuse/warhead section (see Fig.1-6) consists of fuse and warhead. The main function of fuse is to send an igniting signal to ignite warhead at the moment when the missile hits a target directly. The target is killed, blasted and ignited by fragment from warhead explosion, overpressure of explosion shock wave and high-temperature metal burning material.



Fig.1-6 Fuse/warhead section


Motor consists of launching motor, delay igniter and chief motor, see Fig.1-7. The chief motor is a dual-thrust, single combustion chamber solid rocket motor. Its basic operating process is as follows: first launch missile from the launching tube by launching motor, so that the missile obtains required speed and spinning rate to leave the tube. The delay igniter ensures ignition of chief motor beyond a safe distance for protection of the shooter. The missile is speeded to a predetermined cruise speed by the first-stage thrust of chief motor, then the flight speed of the missile is slowly increased by the second-stage thrust until the operation of chief motor is terminated.



Fig.1-7 Motor


The launching mechanism is composed of structural components and electronic circuitry. It serves the function of supplying power for onboard equipment, running and rotating gyro, unlocking, signal analysis and implementation of launching procedure during launching preparation and launching process. The missile will be launched by the operation of shooter. Fig.1-8 is the launching mechanism.



Fig.1-8 Launching mechanism


Ground power/gas supply device will provide ±20V,+5V power for the onboard equipment, and the high-pressure pure argon which can cool the indium antimonide detector quickly. It is expendable. Fig.1-9 is the Ground power/gas supply device.



Fig.1-9 Ground power/gas supply device


Installed on the launching tube, the optical aiming device will enlarge the distance of surveillance, track, and aiming to improve the operation ability of combat equipment. Fig.1-10 is the optical aiming device.



Fig.1-10 Optical aiming device


The container provides a good environment for storage and transportation of the combat equipment in order to guarantee its performance and life. There are 5 kinds of containers: No.1 for two missiles-in-tube and four ground power/gas supply devices; No.2 for one launching mechanism with jacket and one protective eyeglasses; No.5 for one optical aiming device; No.6 for spare parts and tools of missile-in-tube; and No.7 for spare parts of launching mechanism.

The general picture of basic combat equipment of FN-6 ground-to-air missile weapon system refers to Fig.1-11.



Fig.1-11 Combat equipment of FN-6 missile weapon system
1.Ground power/gas supply device; 2. Launching mechanism; 3. Optical aiming device 4. Missile-in-tube.


1.2 Combat airspace
The combat airspace of FN-6 missile combat equipment is:
Max. interception altitude: 4000m
Min. interception altitude: 15m
Max. slant range: 5500m
Min. slant range: 800m (head-on attack), 500m (tail-chase attack)
Max. short-cut course: 2800m
In appendix, the diagram of theoretical combat zone (launching zone, killing zone) is provided when the combat equipment intercepts the high and low speed targets.


2. Combat procedures
The combat procedures include preparation procedure before combat, launching procedure and missile flight.


2.1 Preparation procedure before combat

The preparation procedure before combat is composed of the procedure converting from package status to marching status, and the procedure converting from the marching status to combat status.


2.1.1 Converting from package status to marching status The procedure of converting form package status to marching status is as follows:
a. Remove the lead seal, open the No.1 container.
b. Rotate the document box cover on container, take out the packing list and related paper, check if the document is complete, then make sure if the products inside are complete as per packing list.
c. Take out one missile-in-tube and one ground power/gas supply device, mount the latter on the former, and carry the missile-in-tube on left shoulder by right-declined with the head downwards.
d. Remove the lead seal, open the No.2 container, take out one launching mechanism with jacket and one protective eyeglass. Take out one ground power/gas supply device from No.1 container and place it into the jacket and carry them on the right shoulder by left-declined.
e. Take out the optical aiming device and sheath from No.5 container, then put the optical aiming device into the jacket and carry it on the left shoulder by right-declined.


1) The above procedure is for the case of using optional optical aiming device.
2) Procedure “e” can be omitted in the case of no optional optical aiming device.

3) In marching status: The shooter carries the jacket containing launching mechanism, protective eyeglasses and back-up ground power/gas supply device on right shoulder by left-declined, and carries the missile-in-tube (connected with the ground power/gas supply device) on left shoulder by right-declined, with the head of missile-in-tube downwards, refer to Fig.2-1.



Fig.2-1 Marching status


2.1.2 Converting from marching status to combat status
The procedure converting from marching status to combat status is as follows:
a. The shooter kneels down by one leg or squats and moves the missile-in-tube with ground power/gas supply device to the front of chest.
b. Take out the launching mechanism from jacket and connect it with the missile-in-tube.
c. Remove the fore and aft covers.

d. Take out the optical aiming device from its jacket, and connect it with launching tube. Open the fore cover of optical aiming device, and determine if the eye lens filter is needed according to background.
e. Carry the weapon on shoulder.
f. Aim at the targets through optical aiming device.



1) The above procedure is for the case of using optional optical aiming device.
2) Procedure “d” can be omitted when the optical aiming device is not adapted, and procedure “f” shall be altered to: Raise the fore and aft aiming device and leading indicating pin on the launching tube, and aim at targets through mechanical aiming device.


2.2 Launching procedure

The launching procedure is divided into manual launching and auto launching procedure.

2.2.1 Manual launching procedure
a. Aim at the target through mechanical or optical aiming device (note: keep away from sunlight during aiming).
b. Once the target is found, turn the impact trigger of ground power/gas supply device according to the direction of arrow to activate the device.
c. The stable light signal will be showed in the optical aiming device after the seeker captures the target, and the stable light and sound signal will appear on the launching tube.
d. Press the launching trigger to the first position when the target enters the launching zone, then the seeker will be unlocked from electric-locking status and track the target stably.

e. According to the type, speed, altitude, right/left course, short-cut course and slant range of the target, set corresponding elevation/azimuth leading.
f. Press the launching trigger to the second position, and the missile is launched.
g. After launching, the shooter can shift to shield place. In the case of multi-batch enemy aircrafts, the shooter should prepare for the next launching.


2.2.2 Automatic launching procedure

a. Same as the item “a” in clause 2.2.1.
b. Same as the item “b” in clause 2.2.1.
c. Same as the item “c” in clause 2.2.1.
d. When the target enters the launching zone, just press the trigger to
the second position.
e. If the seeker captures the target stably, it will be unlocked automatically. Set the elevation/azimuth leading within one second.

If the angular velocity  image.thumb.png.646265234d9f79c02eff9b69  , the missile will be launched automatically.



2.2.3 Leading
In order to decrease the initial deviation of trajectory effectively and shorten the correcting time, the leading is required to be set during launching. The hit probability will be improved (especially for the near zone) if the leading is suitable. Set of leading
The set of leading is relative to the flight characteristics (velocity, course, altitude) of targets and the shooting mode (head-on attack/tail-chase), etc.

Choose the leading according to the requirements in tab.1 during launching. In the table, the “target-entering angle” is the acute angle between target flight direction and line of sight during launching, refer to the Fig.2-2.



Fig.2-2 The schematic diagram of target entering angle Methods of setting leading
a. Add the leading by means of mechanical aiming device and indicating pin


See the Fig.2-3, “A ” is the convex point of indicating pin, and “B” is the end of pin. The distance between “O” and “A” indicates the elevation leading of 20º; the distance between “O” and “C” indicates the azimuth leading of 10º. “D”, “E” and “F” are the middle points of “BC”, “CD” and “BD” respectively, and indicate the elevation leading of 5º, 10º and 15º respectively. “G” is the middle point of “OC” and indicates the azimuth leading of 5º.  Based on the symmetry theory, “H” indicates the azimuth leading of 5º, and “I” indicates the azimuth leading of 10º.

The example of setting leading is as follows:


When attacking a high-speed target in head-on mode from right course, the initial aiming center is the mechanical aiming device center “O”. Before launching, the azimuth and elevation leading are both required adding by 10 (in Fig.2-3, the “D” is the leading point), so the shooter aims at the target through “D” point.



Fig. 2-3 The leading diagram of mechanical aiming device and indicating pin


b. Adding the leading by graduation board of optical aiming device

The angle scale of elevation and azimuth is indicated in the graduation board of optical aiming device. Fig.2-4 indicates the graduation of leading in the board. Each grid of the board indicates 5, and there are 4 grids in azimuth and 3 in elevation, so elevation leading can be added up to 15º, and the azimuth leading can be added by +-10º.


For example, if attacking the high-speed target entering from left course in head-on mode, the cross center with circle is the initial aiming center. The 10ºelevation leading and 5ºazimuth leading are needed(in Fig.2-4, “A” is the point of leading). The shooter aims the target through “A” point (refer to Fig.2-4).



Fig.2-4 Adding leading via graduation board of optical aiming device Notes of adding leading
a. Aim the target through leading point directly after adding the elevation /azimuth leading simultaneously.
b. The shooter should track the target stably by leading point before the missile leaves tube.


2.3 Missile flight

The missile-borne battery is activated after the launching mechanism delivers the launching command. The ground power transfers to the missile-borne power 0.6s later. The fuse is power on. The missile-borne gas vessel is opened 0.15s later. The missile-block pin drops out 0.15s later. The launching motor ignites, and the missile begins moving forward. Meanwhile, the missile spins in the tube under the action of lateral inclined component of the motor thrust.

When the motor thrust overload is more than or equal to 35 and lasts more than 45ms, a reference signal of the fuse clock is generated. The time circuit of the fuse begins to count time.

The missile moves in the tube for about 0.05~0.085s. The initial velocity is about 30m/s and the spinning rate is about 20r/s while leaving.


The snap-on tail fin sleeves on the missile when the missile lifts off. The missile flies a safety distance for more than 8m by means of inertia before the first stage of the chief motor operates.
The fuse releases the first stage safety when the chief motor operates. And it releases the second stage safety when the missile flies for about 1.6s, and 0.03s later the initiation circuit charges. The detonator and booster are aligned. The fuse is ready. When the missile encounters the target, the fuse detonates the warhead. If the missile misses the target, the fuse detonates the warhead for missile self-destruct when the missile flies for about 16s.


The missile guidance and control function are implemented by the guidance system. The four-element detector of the seeker receives the infrared signal of the target and forms an output signal, whose amplitude is direct proportional to the angular velocity of line-of-sight, and whose phase is consistent with the target azimuth. This signal is delivered to the autopilot to control the deflection of control surface and form control force. The missile flies to the target by proportional guidance law.
While attacking the high speed target, a forward offset signal Uqy is applied in the guidance loop before the missile hits the target to make the hit point move forward to the critical part of the target..


The operation procedure of the combat equipment, refer to the Fig.2-5: Launching preparation and procedure of combat equipment.


Fig.2-5 Launching preparation and procedure of combat equipment


3. Safety operation rule


3.1 General requirement

a. The combat equipment should be kept well, ready for combat at any moment.
b. The operation of the combat equipment should follow this rule strictly.
c. Only specially trained and qualified personnel is allowed to operate the combat equipment.
d. Drop out or collision is forbidden.


3.2 Warning

a. Forbid to take out the missile from tube.
b. Forbid to aim the missile-in-tube without the front cover at the sun .
c. Forbid to turn the impact trigger of ground power/gas supply device when not launching the missile.
d. Forbid to jump off vehicle or high position while carrying combat equipment.
e. Forbid to lay the unpackaged combat equipment directly on the floor of the vehicle carriage during moving.


3.3 Safety notes during launching the missile

a. To avoid the missile falling down to the earth, the elevation angle of launching should not be less than15º; to avoid the plume of motor endangering the shooter, the elevation angle of launching should not be more than 60º when launching in standing posture ,and not more than 40º when launching in kneeling posture.
b. Requirement of launching site. Any person, ammunition or inflammable is forbidden to be close to the shooter in 10m if there is blindage. Any person, ammunition or inflammable is forbidden to be in the 90 fan section of 18m diameter behind the shooter if there is gravel in the launching site. There should not be high constructions (wall, blindage wall or claybank) within 0.5m behind the back end of launching tube.
c. Forbid to remove the launching mechanism when operating the missile-in-tube.
d. Forbid to down-decline the head of launching tube before the missile leaves the tube when the trigger of launching mechanism is pressed to the second position.
e. Forbid to press the trigger of launching mechanism to the second position in following situations:
· The included angle between line of sight to the target and sun is 15º.
· The stable continuous light and sound signal for target acquisition is not generated when manual launching.
· Any of flight parameters of target (velocity, altitude, short-cut course, etc.) exceeds the permitted range.
f. Forbid to launch the missile when the aft cover is not removed.


Appendix Launching zone and killing zone


Theoretical launching zone (solid line) and killing zone (dotted line) against the low-speed target



Theoretical launching zone (solid line) and killing zone (dotted line) against high-speed targets


You should do a bug report on the missiles if you have the time. It would be very helpful. I already submitted one but it's pending approval.

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54 minutes ago, Merzhi said:

You should do a bug report on the missiles if you have the time. It would be very helpful. I already submitted one but it's pending approval.

Already reported, I'm also waiting approval

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from the test drive, this vehicle's radar is not able to lock, follow and show a lead for the targeted aircraft (unlike the PGZ-09). Is this intentional or a bug?


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On 18/06/2021 at 22:27, tiger7742 said:

from the test drive, this vehicle's radar is not able to lock, follow and show a lead for the targeted aircraft (unlike the PGZ-09). Is this intentional or a bug?

The radar target tracking is working fine for me. Might want to check your binds.

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On 19/06/2021 at 15:27, tiger7742 said:

from the test drive, this vehicle's radar is not able to lock, follow and show a lead for the targeted aircraft (unlike the PGZ-09). Is this intentional or a bug?

I can lock onto aircraft using gunsight view only but not 3rd person view. Dont have sidam25 but i guess the 04a works the same as that? so an optronic tracker rather than a firecontrol radar like the pgz09


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This won't have anything to do with pgz04 (in a way), Germany got a new vehicle which is the gepard 1a2 which basically a gepard with missiles so I was also thinking why not add the same with pgz09 since it had missiles and doesn't make sense pgz04 is above it... However I can't find any actual hard evidence suggesting this that gaijin wouldnt write off as not reliable so wondering if you could help? It's been a year since thread so I doubt id get a response


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