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Fwd 2021-06-24 [] Smoke and exhaust randomly disappearing with NVIDIA driver 471.11




Smoke from tank wrecks, guns firing, and exhaust randomly disappear -- but only with the latest NVIDIA driver 471.11. Driver version 466.77 seems unaffected. Happens across all tanks, and maps.


Step to reproduce

Install NVIDIA driver version 471.11. Go into any match, or even the training map (videos below). Fire / destroy a tank. Exhaust, tank gun smoke, and especially tank wreck smoke will randomly flicker and cut in and out.

Issue appears to happen especially while turning the tank for some reason, but not only during that time.



Graphics driver version 466.77 (Video)

Graphics driver version 471.11 (Video)





2021_06_23_22_45_20__5264.clog DxDiag.txt

Edited by Eudiphon

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  • Eudiphon changed the title to [] Smoke and exhaust randomly disappearing with NVIDIA driver 471.11

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  • Templar_ changed the title to Fwd 2021-06-24 [] Smoke and exhaust randomly disappearing with NVIDIA driver 471.11
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