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How are BR's Calculated?


I don;t have specifics but game impact , score , popularity all factor in .  You concerned about any particular plane(s) for any particular reason ( ease of spawncamping )?

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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Not only game play statistics, but Gun size makes a big impact on BR ratings.


It gets worse with Jets as the use gun caliber when they should use speed.


Speed should be a big factor in determining Jets BR.

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To some degree, if the gun gets to big, the plane will downtired until it is BR 1.0...

Ki-109 and P-108A are already on BR 1.3. The Ki-45 tei already made it there.


Because people are to stupid to aim and hit.


And all other big guns without smaller gun support are intended to go down too.

Let it be Hs129B3 or Ju87G.

The tankbusters are send to BRs where they won't see any tanks anymore.

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On 11/08/2021 at 16:17, PARAMI said:

Does anyone know which metrics Gaijin uses to determine whether a plane should move up or down in BR? 

I dont "know"...but from some time in forum and observation of changes, it is strongly affected by player performance...vehicles with more success (more kills, less deaths) will eventually rise in BR until said success diminishes...


SOME vehicles even SEE-SAW...climb to one BR, fail at it and are moved down...there they become MUCH better and are raised again later...


The system kind of works if you consider the ENTIRE player base, as all statistical tools often do. It will fail for certain more specific vehicles (that require some specific skill to use effectively) or when other "external" factors are not factored in, like uptier probability at each BR (some 0.3 differences make a tank face very different enemies), emotional attachment to certain vehicles (everyone loves Tigers), misplaced tactical opinions on some vehicles (and they think Tigers are unstoppable), etc...

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12 hours ago, GhostSoph@psn said:

I dont "know"...but from some time in forum and observation of changes, it is strongly affected by player performance...vehicles with more success (more kills, less deaths) will eventually rise in BR until said success diminishes...


SOME vehicles even SEE-SAW...climb to one BR, fail at it and are moved down...there they become MUCH better and are raised again later...


The system kind of works if you consider the ENTIRE player base, as all statistical tools often do. It will fail for certain more specific vehicles (that require some specific skill to use effectively) or when other "external" factors are not factored in, like uptier probability at each BR (some 0.3 differences make a tank face very different enemies), emotional attachment to certain vehicles (everyone loves Tigers), misplaced tactical opinions on some vehicles (and they think Tigers are unstoppable), etc...

We've gone from sealclubbers not being touched for years to monthly BR changes ....


I wonder if there is some balance 

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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