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Stream Sniping through Twitch, where do I report this behaviour so Gaijin can actually do something about this?


As the title says, I witnessed a friend who was streaming some air arcade games on Twitch yesterday and was duely stream sniped from members of certain hated squadrons also known for spawn camping, they basically targeted my friend by constantly shooting him down whenever he spawned and ramming him when they ended up on the same team, I won't say names as I know it's against the rules.

I've reported the culprits through Twitch, they've been doing it numerous times to other streamers in the past and yet they still get away with this unacceptable behaviour, so who at Gaijin do I report this to?

Stream Sniping is classed as a form of cheating so surely this should result in some kind of permament ban from both Twitch and War Thunder.

I know that the certain members of these squadons will no doubt reply to this thread with pathetic sarcastic remarks and try and defend themselves so I'm asking a moderator to reply and point me in the right direction, I didn't know where else to post or report this.

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This is one of the things I don't understand about "streaming"


Isn't the whole point of "streaming" community engagement? 

If I'm not wrong.... wouldn't "stream sniping" be a good thing???


If I am wrong.. Than what is the point of live streaming rather than uploading prerecorded game play?


My suggestion is maybe look for a way to incorporate "stream sniping" into the content of the channel. 

Make it work for you rather than fight it.  As far as reporting... PM and ask a Community Helper Link to staff directory

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Thanks, I've PM'd a community helper to see if they can help with this.

These guys certainly are not doing it to be a part of community engagement, they are usually trying to ruin the whole experience for both the streamer and the viewers who want to watch the broadcast, they are also usually abusing and harrassing the broadcaster and they're viewers through chat trying to gain attention for their big ego's, and like I said in the original post it's the members of those hated spawn camping squadrons who are doing this.

I don't think Gaijin would want people to stop streaming and watching War Thunder content because of this, but then again Gaijin haven't cared much about it previously so I'm not holding out much hope, I can only try.


Thanks, I've PM'd a community helper to see if they can help with this.

These guys certainly are not doing it to be a part of community engagement, they are usually trying to ruin the whole experience for both the streamer and the viewers who want to watch the broadcast, they are also usually abusing and harrassing the broadcaster and they're viewers through chat trying to gain attention for their big ego's, and like I said in the original post it's the members of those hated spawn camping squadrons who are doing this.

I don't think Gaijin would want people to stop streaming and watching War Thunder content because of this, but then again Gaijin haven't cared much about it previously so I'm not holding out much hope, I can only try.

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It's not hard to put a delay of x minutes on a stream...

But streamers have this raging 'live boner' that means it's fake if it's not live (there still is a delay lol). 


Problem solved unless you are a dirty camper, at that point you deserve whatever you have coming. 

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15 hours ago, GregKjr said:

This is one of the things I don't understand about "streaming"


Isn't the whole point of "streaming" community engagement? 

If I'm not wrong.... wouldn't "stream sniping" be a good thing???


If I am wrong.. Than what is the point of live streaming rather than uploading prerecorded game play?


My suggestion is maybe look for a way to incorporate "stream sniping" into the content of the channel. 

Make it work for you rather than fight it.  As far as reporting... PM and ask a Community Helper Link to staff directory


no . people who stream snipe aren't members of any community. worth being a part of 

Edited by FailBoatCaptain
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10 hours ago, Andypuk1980 said:

Thanks, I've PM'd a community helper to see if they can help with this.

These guys certainly are not doing it to be a part of community engagement, they are usually trying to ruin the whole experience for both the streamer and the viewers who want to watch the broadcast, they are also usually abusing and harrassing the broadcaster and they're viewers through chat trying to gain attention for their big ego's, and like I said in the original post it's the members of those hated spawn camping squadrons who are doing this.

I don't think Gaijin would want people to stop streaming and watching War Thunder content because of this, but then again Gaijin haven't cared much about it previously so I'm not holding out much hope, I can only try.


Thanks, I've PM'd a community helper to see if they can help with this.

These guys certainly are not doing it to be a part of community engagement, they are usually trying to ruin the whole experience for both the streamer and the viewers who want to watch the broadcast, they are also usually abusing and harrassing the broadcaster and they're viewers through chat trying to gain attention for their big ego's, and like I said in the original post it's the members of those hated spawn camping squadrons who are doing this.

I don't think Gaijin would want people to stop streaming and watching War Thunder content because of this, but then again Gaijin haven't cared much about it previously so I'm not holding out much hope, I can only try.

If they are stupid enough to openly show, that they are doing streamsniping, you could use that for reporting them as cheaters.

Because that is what they do at that moment. They use an external source to see information that are not available to them in game to get an advantage over another player.


I think I heard about games who handle it like this, but I can't recall a name. I just can remember somewhere a guy was banned for stream sniping.

If they used the ingame chat to openly say it and the game is still on the servers - well...

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Hopefully it’s no one in our squadron PRO100. It is vehemently against the squadron rules and leadership will punish them swiftly once evidence is provided. Do you have evidence to back up your accusations? 

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It's really not that big of an issue. Gaijin will do nothing about it because it's only violating Twitch's terms of service, not Gaijin's AFAIK.

That being said, lmao making a post to complain about streamsnipers basically makes your friend a bigger target. You did nothing to help him.

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3 hours ago, RauTheCow said:

Hopefully it’s no one in our squadron PRO100. It is vehemently against the squadron rules and leadership will punish them swiftly once evidence is provided. Do you have evidence to back up your accusations? 

Don't worry evidence has been sent to Twitch and the culprits have been reported to Twitch as well so hopefully they will get what they deserve.

I think this thread can be closed now, as I suspected the usual suspects have turned up to deny it's a problem, says everything really.

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6 hours ago, Slipknot_212 said:

I mean we are not that bad of people, just don't complain and we won't kill you, simple math, e mano e mano, I mean if you want to report me cause I stream snipe go ahead man, I think its funny you even care lol.


I think it's even funnier that you make your first post on this forum after over 9800 battles, specifically looking for the player complaining about the awful experience he had with you, to mock him for caring too much.



With warm regards


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  • 2 months later...

lol ha I didn't realise you could report the squad. that happened to me in the beginning of streaming War Thunder on Twitch but have had no issues since last year so I'm guessing they fixed that. I just brushed it off as I suck at the game since just starting off in it, lol.

although do have to admit it is frustrating but more so the ramming/crashing into you to get the kill (points), think Gaijin should just not reward both parties in the event, it would be a huge game changer.

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  • 1 month later...
On 17/08/2021 at 02:05, bruh__moment said:


I think it's even funnier that you make your first post on this forum after over 9800 battles, specifically looking for the player complaining about the awful experience he had with you, to mock him for caring too much.



With warm regards


"With warm regards

-bruh__moment"   https://bigmouthpizza.com/employment sign up lil brah

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really see how one would proceed for stream sniping in air AB, maps are rather small, you know where people will spawn and mostly where they will probably go, and you  can see quite a long distance.


It would be different for ground RB or sim, but air AB? Seriously?

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