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(14-09-2021) Game is not computing your kills (again)


Game version

I have:





I noticed that when a teammate had hit an enemy aircraft previously, but I shot this said aircraft down, I would get an assist, so I thought there was a problem with the assist mechanic, but that wasn't the case.
Not long ago, the game was having problems computing an air kill, and I think it's having that again.

On the replay I attached, you can see clearly me shooting an S-24B rocket into an B-57 bomber, I made a hit, got a critical hit, the wing was visibly broken in half, among other components of the aircraft, yet when he died, I didn't get the kill and the game counted as if he had crashed his aircraft. ONLY in the replays, apparently it shows a white text crediting the kill, but on the killfeed and on the match result screen it doesn't show nowhere that I got a kill, neither do I get Research Points or Silver Lions for it, or points for that matter.


Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Play Air Realistic

  2. ?????????

  3. I'm not really sure, it seems to happen randomly and I cant tell wether that will happen or not, so I guess just:

  4. Play the game and get a kill.

Additional Information

Since it's a problem with the game computing the kills, it's not a problem with my machine so it isn't related in the DxDiag report, as not only me that is having that issue. I got a wireless and bluetooth driver to update, as well as a graphics driver update, nothing that interferes in the game computing kills. It works fine in Ground Realistic battles as well.

Also shoutout to the guys sitting at the start of the runway doing nothing.


Affected vehicles

Any aircraft with any weaponry in Air Realistic Battles (as far as I'm aware of)



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  • Senior Technical Moderator

The report has been submitted.

For any questions feel free to PM me or any other technical moderator.

Thanks for your time and effort

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