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(04-10-2021) Buccaneer S.1 Bomb-Payload (RP-3 x8, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4 and RR x72, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4) is completely bound on Bomb-Bay

# Game version

# I have:

# Platform


# Description

Buccaneer S.1 Bomb-Payload (RP-3 x8, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4 and RR x72, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4) is completely bound on Bomb-Bay.

Meaning, you have to open the Bomb-Bay to drop Pylon-Bombs.

Furthermore, you can drop the Pylon-Bombs independent from each other.

# Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. launch testflight in vehicle Buccaneer S.1 in gamemode Realistic with one of the named Secondary Weapons

  2. try to drop bombs

# Additional Information


# Affected vehicles

  • Buccaneer S.1

shot 2021.09.06 18.45.03.jpg

shot 2021.09.06 18.44.55.jpg

shot 2021.09.06 18.44.57.jpg

shot 2021.09.06 18.44.59.jpg

shot 2021.09.06 18.45.00.jpg

shot 2021.09.06 18.45.01.jpg

2021_09_06_18_39_12__3340.clog DxDiag.txt

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  • Senior Technical Moderator

The report has been submitted.

For any questions feel free to PM me or any other technical moderator.

Thanks for your time and effort

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  • LordMustang changed the title to (04-10-2021) Buccaneer S.1 Bomb-Payload (RP-3 x8, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4 and RR x72, 1000lbl x2, 1000lbl x4) is completely bound on Bomb-Bay
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